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Special introduction of broadcasting and hosting

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It's the right time to be professional in broadcasting and hosting

In recent years, the number of art examinees has been increasing, while the examination and approval of relevant colleges and universities has become more and more difficult. "There are more monks than porridge," which has led to the increasing difficulty of the examination. Among many majors, the major of broadcasting and hosting can be said to stand out and become a gold major, not only because the traditional radio and television host is the ideal career that many students aspire to, Moreover, the rise of new media live broadcast on the Internet has made Internet celebrity anchors a hot new profession, and the high standard of their own language expression has become more urgent. It is a great opportunity to choose art broadcasting and hosting majors for further study.

What is the major of broadcasting and hosting

Cultural courses require low scores and can also go to famous schools

Broadcasting and hosting specialty It is also known as the art of broadcasting and hosting. As its name implies, it needs to learn about broadcasting and hosting. The major of Broadcasting and Hosting is one of the arts examination majors. Its goal is to train advanced professionals in applied linguistics who have the ability to broadcast television news, language and literature, and can serve as radio and television broadcasting and program hosting. The major is mainly aimed at broadcasting, film and television industry, television stations and other institutions, and needs to have the basic theoretical knowledge of broadcasting, At the same time, the height and appearance should also meet certain requirements. Now more and more colleges and universities in China have set up the major of broadcasting and hosting. If you choose the major of broadcasting and hosting for art examination, you can also enter famous universities with low scores.

 Broadcasting and hosting score

Advantages of choosing the major of broadcasting and hosting

 Advantages of broadcasting and hosting
Cultural courses predominate

The major of broadcasting and hosting belongs to the category of art enrollment, so the score line of college entrance examination is based on the score line of art in each province. The score of general art is only half of that of general undergraduate. For many students who are lively, straightforward, with distinctive personality and less than ideal achievements, the major of broadcasting and hosting can be said to be a good choice.

 Admission of broadcasting host
Low risk, high admission rate

The major of broadcasting and hosting integrates the characteristics of literature, journalism, art, film and television and other disciplines, while at the same time, it has no special requirements on the artistic expertise of students. Most students can easily pass professional examinations. Compared with other popular arts majors, broadcasting and hosting majors can be said to have low competitive pressure and relatively high enrollment rate.

 Prospects of Broadcasting and Hosting
Good employment prospects

The employment prospect of broadcasting and hosting major is very bright. Graduates can be engaged in broadcasting, hosting, editing, program production and other work in television stations, or they can be employed in. At the same time, in the era of mobile Internet, you can also engage in new careers such as We Media or network anchor on platforms such as Tiaoyin, Fasthand, Himalaya, etc., and the income is very considerable.

 Broadcasting and hosting tuition
Low capital investment

The examination for the major of broadcasting and hosting does not need to purchase expensive professional equipment like the instrumental music examinees, nor does it need to purchase painting brushes, painting paper and other consumables like the art examinees. Generally speaking, the cost investment is very small. For poor students who are interested in art industry, broadcasting and hosting major is a very good choice.

Prospects of Broadcasting and Hosting

 Broadcasting and hosting post

The employment status of undergraduate and junior college majors announced by the Ministry of Education shows that the number of graduates of broadcasting and hosting arts majors in ordinary colleges and universities nationwide is 12000-18000. At present, the talent gap is at least 300000. With the development of the media industry and the emergence of new jobs, this gap will continue to expand. It can be seen that the number of graduates in this major is far from meeting the market demand for broadcasting and hosting graduates. For the evaluation of the whole profession, the employment rate cannot be considered alone. In terms of the industry, the national radio and television media have developed rapidly in recent years. There are more than 40 provincial or municipal radio stations in China, and each provincial radio station is divided into several or even more than a dozen series stations, including information, literature and art, entertainment, tourism, transportation, economy, and cities, which provide a wide range of employment opportunities for graduates majoring in broadcasting and hosting.

Moreover, in recent years, major online video websites have launched their own programs, reflecting the rapid development of digital television. The choice of diversified TV media will certainly provide more extensive development space for more outstanding talents who are interested in the media industry. At present, major video websites, such as Sohu, Tencent, Youku, iQiyi, Bilibili and other platforms, have invested heavily in self-made film and television works and variety programs, which require the participation of a large number of broadcasters. Short video or audio sharing platforms (dithering, fast hand, Himalayan and WeChat small videos, etc.) have also created a large number of jobs for broadcasting graduates through a large number of video and audio content.

Recommended professional jobs for broadcasting and hosting

Monthly salary: 9000~50000 yuan
Employment direction:

This profession is audio-visual, which requires rich knowledge, rich experience and the ability to deal with the scene freely. The host income of provincial radio stations is above the middle level in the local area, but the income will vary due to different regions. In terms of employment, since the post is closely related to the major, more people will choose the industry of host after graduation from college.

Monthly salary: 8000~30000 yuan
Employment direction:

Dubbing is the process of adding sound to movies or multimedia. The demand for news dubbing, film dubbing, customer service dubbing, high-speed rail, train dubbing and other professional dubbing talents has increased, and dubbers are highly paid and widely employed. Dubbing has gradually developed into another major direction for graduates majoring in broadcasting and hosting.

Monthly salary: 7000~30000 yuan
Employment direction:

Journalists are complex talents integrating editing and interviewing. Interview, the way of collecting and collecting media information, usually through face-to-face communication between reporters and the object who has received information, generally requires a good image and strong oral expression ability. Therefore, the reporter industry is a high demand and high return job for the graduates of broadcasting and hosting.

Monthly salary: RMB 6000~20000
Employment direction:

Being a broadcasting teacher can teach students some basic knowledge, skills and skills of broadcasting and hosting. According to the survey, due to the increase in the number of students taking the art examination, some graduates of broadcasting and hosting have started their own art examination training institutions and Mandarin classes after graduation, so they can become training instructors and bosses. As a training instructor, it is another employment direction for graduates of broadcasting and hosting.

Bilingual broadcasting
Monthly salary: 9000~30000 yuan
Employment direction:

Bilingual broadcasting and hosting means that audio media such as radio and television stations use two standard audio languages in series through broadcasters and hosts alternately. At present, most of the graduates of undergraduate broadcasting and hosting are good at one-way Chinese (Mandarin) broadcasting, so the employment rate of bilingual broadcasting is high, the competitiveness is low, and students are easier to find jobs.


Broadcasting, hosting and learning approaches

 Broadcasting host institutions

Professional college study

  • Regular university study
  • Graduated from a major
  • Education available on Xuexin
  • Employment is guaranteed
 Broadcasting host organization

Training institution learning

  • Training institution learning
  • 45 day weak chicken
  • Education not available
  • Employment insecurity

Broadcasting and hosting professional recruitment colleges

 Enrolment Brochure of Capital Normal University Kede College in 2023
Enrolment Brochure of Capital Normal University Kede College in 2023

tuition: 26800 yuan /Year

Introduction: Kede College of Capital Normal University is an independent college approved by the Ministry of Education to implement certificate education. It now has many popular majors for college entrance examination and is recruiting students.
Enrollment plan: 800 students Admission brochure>
 College of Continuing Education of Henan Normal University Film and Television Arts Enrollment Brochure (Vocational Education Training Project 2023)
College of Continuing Education of Henan Normal University Film and Television Arts Enrollment Brochure (Vocational Education Training Project 2023)

tuition: 25800 yuan /Year

Introduction: Henan Normal University is located in Xinxiang City, a national civilized city and a national independent innovation demonstration zone of Zhengluoxin, with the towering Taihang River in the north and the surging Yellow River in the south. The College of Continuing Education now has a film and television art post
Enrollment plan: 80 persons Admission brochure>
 Xinghai Conservatory of Music Continuing Education College Film and Television Art Major Enrollment Brochure (school enterprise cooperation)
Xinghai Conservatory of Music Continuing Education College Film and Television Art Major Enrollment Brochure (school enterprise cooperation)

tuition: 29800 yuan /Year

Introduction: The School of Continuing Education of Xinghai Conservatory of Music, relying on its brand and resource advantages of "Xinghai", is fully responsible for adult education, self-taught examinations, post academic and pre professional training, and social music art
Enrollment plan: 100 students Admission brochure>
 Zhejiang Media College Huace Film Academy Film and Television and Aviation Service Major Enrollment Brochure
Zhejiang Media College Huace Film Academy Film and Television and Aviation Service Major Enrollment Brochure

tuition: 39800 yuan /Year

Introduction: Zhejiang Media College is a university jointly established by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television and the People's Government of Zhejiang Province. Huace Film College is located in Tongxiang Campus of Zhejiang Media College, and is a university jointly established by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of Zhejiang Province
Enrollment plan: 400 students Admission brochure>
 Enrollment Brochure of Sichuan University of Culture and Arts in 2024
Enrollment Brochure of Sichuan University of Culture and Arts in 2024

tuition: 15800 yuan /Year

Introduction: In combination with the direction of the national government hall and the development needs of the social preparation industry, the college has discussed with various adult power sources at home and abroad, entrusted professionals to assess the current and future social challenges
Enrollment plan: 500 students Admission brochure>
 College of Continuing Education, Communication University of China
College of Continuing Education, Communication University of China

tuition: 15000 yuan /Year

Introduction: The project relies on the school running characteristics of Nanguang College of Communication University of China in broadcasting and hosting, film and television and art majors, and combines the market demand to set up popular majors in broadcasting and hosting, film and television, and art.
Enrollment plan: 50 persons Admission brochure>
 Enrollment Manual of Hubei Institute of Technology Full time Self study Undergraduate Student Aid Class
Enrollment Manual of Hubei Institute of Technology Full time Self study Undergraduate Student Aid Class

tuition: 9800 yuan /Year

Introduction: Hubei Institute of Technology is a provincial ordinary college that focuses on engineering and cultivates application-oriented talents. Our school has opened a full-time undergraduate student aid class for self-taught examination, and has implemented the talent training mode of combining work with study
Enrollment plan: 130 persons Admission brochure>
 Recruiting Brochure of Film and Television Art Vocational Education Training of School of Continuing Education of Zhejiang Ocean University
Recruiting Brochure of Film and Television Art Vocational Education Training of School of Continuing Education of Zhejiang Ocean University

tuition: 14000 yuan /Year

Introduction: Zhejiang Ocean University is a teaching and research university with marine characteristics jointly built by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the People's Government of Zhejiang Province. The school was founded in 1958. Since half a century ago, the school has experienced
Enrollment plan: 100 students Admission brochure>
 Summary of Digital Media and Communication Project of Chongqing College, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2023
Summary of Digital Media and Communication Project of Chongqing College, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2023

tuition: 23800 yuan /Year

Introduction: In order to implement the national requirements of "vigorously developing vocational education and improving the quality of higher education" and actively respond to the Decision of the State Council on Vigorously Promoting the Reform and Development of Vocational Education
Enrollment plan: 100 students Admission brochure>
 Self taught Undergraduate Admission Brochure of Sichuan University of Culture and Arts
Self taught Undergraduate Admission Brochure of Sichuan University of Culture and Arts

tuition: 12800 yuan /Year

Introduction: In combination with the national policy direction and the development needs of the social reserve industry, the college has discussed with major human resources institutions at home and abroad, entrusted professionals to assess the current and future social shortage
Enrollment plan: 100 students Admission brochure>
 Enrollment Brochure of Broadcasting and Hosting Major of Kede College of Capital Normal University
Enrollment Brochure of Broadcasting and Hosting Major of Kede College of Capital Normal University

tuition: 32800 yuan /Year

Introduction: There are two major directions of broadcasting and hosting: ① variety show hosting direction ② news program hosting direction. The schooling system is 4 years, and the tuition is 32800 yuan/year
Enrollment plan: 50 persons Admission brochure>

Registration conditions for broadcasting and hosting majors

01 Enrollment target:

Nationwide, graduates from previous high schools, vocational schools, technical secondary schools and those with the same educational background should be selected.

02 Age:

Anyone aged 16-22 can apply

03 Physical condition requirements:

Due to the particularity of the broadcasting and hosting major, there are generally requirements for the physical conditions of the candidates. In particular, it is required that the vocal organs should be free from diseases, color blindness, night blindness, and correct facial features. At the same time, boys are required to be no less than 1.75 meters tall, and girls are required to be no less than 1.65 meters tall

04 Speech expression conditions:

It requires standard pronunciation, accurate pronunciation, rhyme and intonation, correct vocabulary and grammar, natural intonation, smooth expression, and certain expressiveness and appeal. The pronunciation position and method should be in place and correct, and the pronunciation should not be ambiguous, missing or eating. A mellow voice, including a pleasant tone, a certain brightness and voice elasticity, a more comfortable breath state, and a sound that is not dry, astringent, sandy, dumb, impetuous, and weak.

05 Internal quality conditions:

The ability of thinking, judgment, reflection, and camera expression should be strong to maintain the best state of natural relaxation and self-confidence.

06 Elegant image and generous temperament:

Everyone is required to have a good external image, well proportioned figure, dignified appearance and temperament, and the overall image should be decent and friendly.

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Online registration consultation for broadcasting and hosting majors

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