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The big data of Shandong college entrance examination enrollment is coming!

Source: College Admission Network Time: 2024-05-13 10:43:34

The annual college entrance examination, a double first-class university, has always been the goal of many candidates, Shandong University Enrollment How many points do middle and high school students need to get on the 985 and 211 double top? How about the enrollment data of 985 and 211 double first-class universities in Shandong Province in 23 years? What are the implications for the 24th college entrance examination students?

 The big data of Shandong college entrance examination enrollment is coming!

In 2023, 980000 people will register for the college entrance examination in Shandong, of which 720000 will register for the summer college entrance examination, and 670000 will eventually take the unified summer examination. The first line (undergraduate qualification line) has 443 points, 308701 people are online, the undergraduate online rate is about 46%, the special type enrollment control line has 520 points, 125938 people are online, the online rate is about 18.8%, and 236954 candidates were put forward for the first time in the general category regular batch, with a planned completion rate of 99.99%.

Analysis of 985 colleges and universities' 2023 Shandong college entrance examination enrollment data

In 2023, 39 985 colleges and universities will be undergraduate in Shandong 10394 students enrolled in regular batch plan The number of people on special online recruitment accounts for about 8.3%, that of undergraduate online recruitment accounts for about 3.37%, and that of provincial summer unified recruitment accounts for about 1.55%.

An Analysis of the Filing Situation of 9 985 Colleges and Universities

01 On the whole

① In 2023, there will be The minimum score of 35 985 colleges and universities will increase from 3 to 27 points in 2022 , of which the biggest increase is Zhejiang University School of Medicine, up 27 points 2023 The corresponding position of the lowest score of 39 985 colleges and universities dropped significantly The biggest reduction is Dalian University of Technology, down 48602 places;

② Chongqing University, Hunan University, Dalian University of Technology, Northeastern University, etc The lowest score of four colleges and universities has declined from 4 to 43 points in 2022 The biggest drop in scores is Dalian University of Technology, down 43 points The corresponding ranking also rose by 6575 compared with last year.

Colleges with less than 02600 points

2023 There are six with a minimum score of 600 , respectively: China Agricultural University, Chongqing University, Hunan University, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Jilin University, Dalian University of Technology, Northeastern University Students in the lower grades who want stability can give priority to these 6 colleges.

03 The popularity of applying for the normal school entrance examination has not decreased

The lowest score and the lowest score of the two normal colleges have little change, showing a steady upward trend The lowest score of Beijing Normal University is 635 points, up only 11 points compared with last year, and the lowest score of East China Normal University is 627 points, up only 3 points compared with last year. This is far more than the lowest score of 614 points of Shandong University, indicating that Shandong examinees and parents still love normal universities, The popularity of normal school entrance examination has not decreased

Data analysis of 211 colleges and universities in 2023 Shandong college entrance examination

01 Lowest score for pitching The score gap between 211 colleges and universities in the province is small.

The lowest major in the pitch line is Russian of China University of Petroleum (East China) , the corresponding score is 590, and the corresponding position is 30860; 24 points lower than Shandong University and 23 points lower than Shandong University (Weihai).

Shandong University This year, the lowest position is 16249, and the corresponding score is 614. The major is foreign language and literature, It is the highest scoring college among 211 colleges in the province;

Ocean University of China Except for Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools, the minimum score of filing is 600, corresponding to Korean language major, 24134 places.

Harbin University of Technology (Weihai) Except for the major of Sino foreign cooperation in running schools, the minimum score of filing is 613, corresponding to professional English, 16634.

Among 211 colleges and universities in the province, the majors with the lowest career line are all foreign language majors, especially small language majors. In fact, this is a good opportunity for students with low scores. Because language majors are relatively easy to teach, you can take another major after entering the university.

02 The total number of filing plans of two universities in Shandong in 2023 is more than 1000+.

In 2023, Shandong University and China University of Petroleum (East China) will be among the top in terms of the total number of plans to invest in Shandong in 1994 and 1025 respectively;

Harbin Institute of Technology (Weihai) has the least total number of filing plans. In 2023, the total number of filing plans in Shandong will be 533, only 26.7% of the total number of filing plans in Shandong University.


Overall situation of 211 files outside the province

From the table above, we can see that:

Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc Compared with popular cities, the score is relatively high, basically 625+ Xinjiang, Tibet, Guizhou, Qinghai, Hainan and other relatively remote areas will have lower scores Shandong examinees who attach importance to the nature of institutions can focus on it.

02 File application of various types of colleges and universities in 2023

Some 211 colleges and universities with bright professional colors, such as Beijing University of Technology, Beijing Normal University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, have consistently high scores.

In 211 universities of science and engineering:

In East China University of Science and Technology, the lowest score for pitching in 2023 is 601 points, 13 points lower than Shandong University, and 11 points higher than China University of Petroleum (East China).

In 211 colleges and universities of finance and economics:

Southwest University of Finance and Economics has a minimum score of 607 points in 2023, 7 points lower than Shandong University and 17 points higher than China University of Petroleum (East China).

In 211 normal universities:

Central China Normal University has a minimum score of 595 points in 2023, 19 points lower than Shandong University and 5 points higher than China University of Petroleum (East China).

In 211 medical colleges and universities:

The minimum score of China Pharmaceutical University in 2023 is 590, 24 points lower than Shandong University, and the same as that of China University of Petroleum (East China).

03 Shandong examinees with a score of 580-600

Shandong examinees with a score of 580-600, if you choose 211 colleges and universities in the province , there are few colleges and universities that can apply for the exam, There are only 2 211 colleges and universities with scores below 600 that can apply for the examination.

If you select Outside Shandong Province According to the above table, we can see that, There are 49 211 colleges and universities with a minimum score of more than 600 There are 42 211 colleges and universities with the lowest score of 580-600 , including science and engineering, finance and economics, politics and law, teacher training, medicine and other types.

For example, the above 211 universities outside the province: 14 universities, including Central South University, Central University for Nationalities, Northwest University of Technology, Communication University of China, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing Jiaotong University, Donghua University, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai University, Sichuan University, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Lanzhou University, East China University of Technology, North China Electric Power University (Beijing), In 2023, the minimum score of pitching is close to that of Shandong University, even lower than that of Shanda University. Students will have more choice and can choose their favorite majors.

The change of threshold scores of colleges and universities and majors is a common phenomenon in each year's application, and the threshold scores of most colleges and majors do not change much. Therefore, the examinees and their parents should be calm, as long as they carefully study according to the admission policy and the guidance for filling in the application form, comprehensively analyze and judge their own interests, strengths and previous years' admission, master the methods, and reasonably select the volunteers.

Annual online enrollment

This website covers all provinces and cities of the country's colleges and universities and colleges that enroll students outside the plan. It summarizes the enrollment requirements and professional information of each school. If you have not been admitted by any school this year, please voluntarily fill in the following table. We will screen universities suitable for your study nationwide and arrange school teachers to communicate with you. Sign up now and realize your college dream!

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