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Shandong Single Enrollment Comprehensive Enrollment Method in 2023

Source: College Admission Network Time: 2023-02-06 10:35:16

At present, many examinees and parents do not know much about the problem of single enrollment and comprehensive enrollment. I summarized some content and shared it with you.

 Shandong Single Enrollment Comprehensive Enrollment Method in 2023

According to the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Education and the Department of Education of Shandong Province, the system of "the school is responsible for, and the provincial enrollment department supervises" is implemented, and the principle of fairness, impartiality and openness is followed to select the best candidates for admission.

   Higher vocational (junior college) separate enrollment: According to the corresponding specialty category of the enrollment specialty, the minimum admission qualification line shall be determined according to the proportion that the comprehensive score does not exceed 1:1.1 of the enrollment plan. Candidates below the qualification line shall not be admitted;

   Comprehensive evaluation enrollment: The minimum admission qualification line shall be determined according to the proportion that the comprehensive score does not exceed 1:1.1 of the enrollment plan, and candidates below the qualification line shall not be admitted;

All candidates who only take one course of cultural quality test and professional skill test in separate enrollment will not be admitted, and those who do not take part in quality test or interview will not be admitted.

For example, if 60 people are enrolled in the electromechanical category, the school will rank all candidates in the electromechanical category from the highest to the lowest. For 60 plans, the minimum admission qualification line is 66, and 67 candidates will not be able to enter the admission qualification line. Those candidates who have entered the qualification line will be admitted one by one according to their first and second wishes and whether they obey the adjustment.

Online candidates for independent enrollment and comprehensive evaluation enrollment qualification of higher vocational colleges (junior colleges) are ranked according to their comprehensive scores by category and specialty, and the list of candidates for admission of each specialty is determined from high score to low score. If the first professional volunteer fails to enroll the full number of majors, the second professional volunteer candidates will be enrolled. If the professional volunteer fails to enroll the full number of candidates, the second professional volunteer candidates will be recruited according to their comprehensive scores from the high score to the low score. If the candidate does not obey the adjustment when filling in the application, and the major of the application does not meet the admission conditions of the major, the application will not be accepted. When the total scores are the same, the individual candidates will be selected according to their cultural quality scores. When their cultural quality scores are the same, they will be selected according to Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages; The candidates shall be selected according to the comprehensive evaluation based on the quality test or interview results. If the quality test or interview results are the same, the candidates shall be selected according to the comprehensive quality evaluation results of the high school stage. Candidates who do not participate in the quality test or interview will not be admitted.

Retired soldier candidates shall be selected according to the relevant policies of Shandong Provincial Department of Education and the quality test or interview results.

Sports specialty examinees shall draw a line separately according to the relevant policies of Shandong Provincial Department of Education. According to the quality test or interview results, they shall be admitted according to the candidates' application, from high score to low score.

According to the regulations of the Provincial Department of Education, the unfinished professional plans due to lack of students will be used when they are transferred to the unified entrance examination for general colleges and universities (including the spring and summer college entrance examinations).

The above is Shandong's single enrollment and comprehensive enrollment method in 2023. If you do not meet the requirements and are not admitted, you can choose to apply to an unscheduled enrollment school. You can click>> Shandong colleges and universities

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   What is the difference between comprehensive evaluation and single admission in Shandong higher vocational education?

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