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 Independent college enrollment in Shanxi
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Shanxi College Independent Enrollment School

1 Shanxi Provincial Finance and Taxation College, 2 Changzhi Vocational and Technical College, 3 Shanxi Art Vocational College, 4 Jincheng Vocational and Technical College, 5 Shanxi Pharmaceutical Vocational College, 6 Datong Coal Vocational and Technical College, 7 Shanxi Electromechanical Vocational and Technical College, 8 Shanxi Finance and Trade Vocational and Technical College, 9 Shanxi Forestry Vocational and Technical College, 10 Shanxi Water Conservancy Vocational and Technical College, 11 Yangquan Vocational and Technical College 12 Linfen Vocational and Technical College, 13 Shanxi Vocational and Technical College, 14 Shanxi Finance Vocational College, 15 Taiyuan City Vocational and Technical College, 16 Shanxi Information Vocational and Technical College, 17 Shanxi Sports Vocational College, 18 Shanxi Police Vocational College, 19 Shanxi International Business Vocational College, 20 Lu'an Vocational and Technical College, 21 Taiyuan Tourism Vocational College, 22 Shanxi Tourism Vocational College 23 Shanxi Management Vocational College, 24 Shanxi Electric Power Vocational and Technical College. 25 Xinzhou Vocational and Technical College, 26 Shanxi Tongwen Vocational and Technical College, 27 Shanxi Hua'ao Business Vocational College, 28 Shanxi Yuncheng Agricultural Vocational and Technical College, 29 Yuncheng Preschool Teachers College, 30 Shanxi Old Area Vocational and Technical College, 31 Shanxi Economic and Trade Vocational College, 32 Shuozhou Vocational and Technical College, 33 Yuncheng Vocational and Technical University, 34 Shanxi Railway Vocational and Technical College 35 Jinzhong Teachers College, 36 Yangquan Teachers College, 37 Shanxi Youth Vocational College, 38 Yuncheng Teachers College, 39 Shuozhou Teachers College, 40 Luliang Vocational and Technical College, 41 Taiyuan Preschool Teachers College, 42 Shanxi Engineering Vocational College, 43 Changzhi Preschool Teachers College, 44 Shanxi General Aviation Vocational and Technical College 45 Shuozhou Ceramic Vocational and Technical College, 46 Shanxi Health Vocational College, 47 Changsha Civil Affairs Vocational and Technical College

Shanxi College Independent Enrollment Materials

1. Registration form. After online registration, the system will generate an application form, which will be printed out and signed by the examinee, reviewed and sealed by the school.

2. Materials provided by secondary schools Academic level examination results, social welfare activities, transcripts and other materials reflecting the development of students' comprehensive quality. These materials need to be stamped with the official seal of the student's school.

3. Self recommendation letter. Most schools require students to write a self recommendation letter. The content of the letter generally needs to describe their own learning and life experience, reasons for applying to the school, their hobbies, understanding of the selected major and future university planning. More than half of the schools are required to write 1000 words or so by hand. Of course, the specific requirements of different schools are different, which depends on the specific enrollment brochures. The self recommendation letter shall also be reviewed by the school and stamped with the official seal of the school.

4. Copies of various award certificates. Copies of contests, contests and awards of various activities participated in in high school must be reviewed by the school and stamped with the official seal of the school.

5. Copy of ID card and student card. The student's ID card and a copy of the student's ID card may be stamped with the official seal of the school.

6. Original published articles and publications. If you have published articles or works, you need to provide the original of the publication and affix the official seal of your high school.

7. Copy of patent certificate Candidates must be the first licensor of the patent, and the copies need to be reviewed by the school and stamped with the official seal.

8. Letter of recommendation. If a middle school (unit), social organization or expert recommends candidates to an independent enrollment university in their real names, they must be responsible for the authenticity of the recommended materials, which must be specific and detailed, and must be uploaded separately according to the requirements of the registration system. The experts must attach their introduction and contact information to the recommendation letter, and the units or groups must affix their official seals and contact information to the recommendation materials for our school's verification. The recommendation letter should be downloaded from the enrollment website. If it needs to be mailed, it should be mailed by the recommender alone, not together with the candidate materials.


If your college entrance examination score is below 300, you can consider participating in college independent enrollment, choose a good school and major to study, and create opportunities for future employment. You can click>> Shanxi colleges and universities

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