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 Tianjin Junior College Score
brief introduction Introduction

Tianjin college entrance examination candidates must be very concerned about Tianjin junior college score. Let's take 2020-2021, the two-year junior college score as an example to show you. And introduce a powerful college for you to choose from. I hope it will be helpful for you!

Tianjin Junior College Score

Candidate category batch two thousand and twenty two thousand and twenty-one
comprehensive Special batch
one hundred and twenty one hundred and twenty

Recommended by Tianjin College

Tianjin Vocational University

The college is a national demonstration modern apprenticeship pilot college, and a high-level school construction unit (Grade A) vocational college.

At present, the school has a school running pattern of "one school and two districts", which is divided into main campus and Haiheyuan campus, with 10 colleges and 3 teaching departments.

Adhere to the characteristics of teaching, deepening the integration of industry and education, "four haves" teaching team, serving the national strategy and so on, build the "Xiong'an New Area Training Base of Tianjin Vocational University" and "Xiongxian Training Center", and formulate a five-year high-quality development plan for vocational education in Xiong'an New Area. The system aided the construction of Hetian Vocational and Technical College, and prepared the construction plan of vocational education park for Hetian area.

What should I do if I haven't passed the Tianjin Junior College fractional line?

You can go to a technical school to learn technology or get a job directly. However, after all, I am too young to learn college knowledge systematically.


If you are not enrolled in Tianjin Junior College, you can also go to an unscheduled college with low scores. Click View>> Tianjin Tianshi University College of Continuing Education

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