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Precautions for College Entrance Examination Candidates in Guangdong Province in 2022

Source: Guangdong Provincial Education Examination Institute Time: 2022-05-31 11:52:50

There is still one week left for the 2022 college entrance examination in Guangdong Province. Recently, the relevant departments released the precautions for the 2022 college entrance examination candidates. Let's have a look!

 Precautions for College Entrance Examination Candidates in Guangdong Province in 2022

1. Check whether the examination room is correct before admission. Generally, the test room on June 9 is different from that on June 7-8, and the test room in the morning of June 9 is different from that in the afternoon. Candidates should be familiar with the test site in advance according to the test site arrangement. Before entering the examination room, check whether the examination room is consistent with the admission card. After entering the examination room, you must take your seat at the designated position. Failure to take the exam in the specified seat will be treated as a disciplinary violation.

2. Before entering the site, check whether you have any contraband. Before entering the exam, candidates should first check by themselves whether they carry devices with wireless communication functions (such as mobile phones, wireless headsets, smart watches, sports bracelets, etc.), electronic storage memory recording and playing devices, examination related materials (paper containing handwriting, previous exam materials, etc.), and check whether there are handwriting beyond the content of the exam permit. If any, they should be taken out before the test and stored as required. If found during the examination, it will be treated as cheating.

3. Candidates should purchase genuine 2B pencils through formal channels and fill in the information points on the answer card in a standardized way. Using a fake 2B pencil or not filling in information points according to the specifications may affect the scanning of the answer sheet.

4. After the end of the exam signal is sent, stop writing immediately, flip the answer card and test paper onto the desk, put down your hands, and continue to answer questions will be treated as a violation of the exam discipline.

five Only 30 minutes before the end of each examination in Chinese, Maths and Foreign Languages can you hand in your papers. Students in physics, history, chemistry, geography, ideology and politics, and biology are not allowed to hand in their papers in advance.

six If you have any questions during the examination, you should raise your hand and ask the invigilator for assistance. It is not allowed to talk with other candidates, transfer articles or exchange test papers and draft papers without authorization, otherwise it will be treated as a violation of discipline. When taking the exam, pay attention to the placement of the answer sheets and answer cards, so as to avoid being copied by other examinees, resulting in passive violations of the exam.

seven When handing in the test paper, the examinee can leave the examination room only after the invigilator counts the test paper and the answer card are correct. It is strictly prohibited to take the answer card, test paper, draft paper and other examination papers out of the examination room, or they will be treated as disciplinary violations.

eight Japanese, Russian, German, French and Spanish subjects must be tested for listening. Late candidates are not allowed to enter the examination room 15 minutes before the start of the examination.

The above is what Guangdong Province should pay attention to in the 2022 college entrance examination. I hope everyone can achieve satisfactory results. If you are worried about low scores, you can learn about some college admissions in advance. Click>> Guangdong colleges and universities

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