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 Employment Direction of Internet Finance
brief introduction Introduction

Now in our life, more and more people use the Internet to make online payments, and many new businesses have also emerged, which has increased the demand for talents. Internet finance is a major specialized in training corresponding talents. At present, this major has a wide range of employment directions and is worth choosing!

Employment Direction of Internet Finance

1. Trust and investment companies, financial investment holding companies, investment consulting companies, large enterprise finance companies.

2. Government administrative agencies of national civil servants, such as finance, taxation, auditing, customs departments, etc.

3. Financial holding group, four asset management companies, financial leasing and guarantee companies.

4. Securities companies, including fund management companies; Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Futures Exchange.

5. Insurance companies, insurance brokers, such as China Life, Ping An, Pacific Insurance, etc.

6. The Central People's Bank of China, the Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and the Securities Regulatory Commission.

7. Social security fund industry.

8. Policy banks, such as China Development Bank, Agricultural Development Bank of China, etc.

9. Commercial banks, including four major banks such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Construction Bank and Agricultural Bank of China, and joint-stock commercial banks such as China Merchants, city commercial banks, and domestic branches of foreign banks.

10. Teachers of finance and finance in colleges and universities, researchers of research institutions, publishing and communication institutions, etc.

11. Securities Department and Finance Department of listed (or preparing for listing) joint-stock companies.

Employment prospects of Internet finance

In the past two years, Internet finance has become a prairie fire in China. Overtaking by Internet finance can solve the system and mechanism problems faced by China's financial industry. The talent cultivation of Internet finance has a certain professional foresight, which not only meets the future development needs of society, but also meets the development needs of current enterprises and conforms to the future development of the times.


Internet finance majors can be enrolled in junior colleges and universities, or they can study in in-service education schools. It is guaranteed that employment agreements can be signed in the future. Click View>> Internet Finance Enrollment College

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