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List of Rankings of the Latest Guangdong College Entrance Examination University Entrance Score in 2024

Source: College Admission Network Time: 2024-06-11 11:23:12

In 2024, the admission score and ranking of Guangdong University Entrance Examination have not been announced yet, Guangdong University Enrollment We have sorted out the ranking table of Guangdong college entrance examination university admission score in 2023 for Guangdong examinees to refer to.

 List of Rankings of the Latest Guangdong College Entrance Examination University Entrance Score in 2024 - Secondary School Entrance Examination Assistant Website

University name University classification Enrollment Province Enrollment year Candidate category Batch name Lowest score Lowest order
Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate six hundred and fifty-nine two thousand three hundred and twenty-six
Southern Medical University medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate six hundred and fifty-three three thousand two hundred and fifty-eight
Sun Yat-sen University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate six hundred and forty-nine four thousand one hundred and fifty-two
Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai Campus) normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate six hundred and thirty ten thousand one hundred and twenty-five
Jinan University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate six hundred and twenty-nine ten thousand eight hundred and sixty-two
Sun Yat-sen University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate six hundred and twenty-seven nine hundred and sixty-eight
South China University of Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate six hundred and twenty-six twelve thousand two hundred and thirteen
Shenzhen University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate six hundred and twenty-three thirteen thousand three hundred and thirty
Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai Campus) normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate six hundred and twenty-one one thousand three hundred and nine
Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate six hundred and seventeen one thousand six hundred and three
South China Normal University normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate six hundred and fourteen seventeen thousand six hundred and ninety-six
Jinan University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate six hundred and thirteen one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two
Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate six hundred and eleven nineteen thousand eight hundred and forty-five
Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate six hundred and nine two thousand three hundred and two
Shantou University School of Medicine medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate six hundred and six twenty-two thousand seven hundred and eighty-three
Shenzhen University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate six hundred and four two thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight
South China University of Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate six hundred and three two thousand nine hundred and seventy-one
South China Agricultural University farming and forestry Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and ninety-eight twenty-eight thousand three hundred and fourteen
Guangdong University of Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and ninety-seven twenty-nine thousand two hundred and thirty-one
South China Normal University normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and ninety-seven three thousand seven hundred and thirty-five
Guangzhou University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and eighty-four thirty-nine thousand six hundred and sixty-five
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies language Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and eighty-two forty-one thousand two hundred and ninety-seven
Beijing Normal University Hong Kong Baptist University Joint International College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and eighty-one forty-two thousand five hundred and ninety-one
Guangzhou Medical University medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and seventy-seven forty-five thousand seven hundred and seventy-two
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies language Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and seventy-seven seven thousand four hundred and seventy-one
Shenzhen University of Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and seventy-five forty-seven thousand four hundred and ninety-six
Shenzhen Polytechnic University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and seventy fifty-three thousand one hundred and fifty-five
Foshan University of Science and Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and sixty-nine fifty-three thousand and nine hundred
South China Agricultural University farming and forestry Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and sixty-nine nine thousand three hundred and ninety-one
Guangzhou Medical University medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and sixty-nine nine thousand four hundred and thirty-one
Shenzhen Beili Moscow University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and sixty-eight fifty-four thousand six hundred and sixty-seven
Guangdong Pharmaceutical University medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and sixty-seven fifty-six thousand three hundred and forty-four
Guangdong Medical University medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and sixty-four fifty-eight thousand six hundred and forty-six
Beijing Normal University Hong Kong Baptist University Joint International College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and sixty-four ten thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight
Dongguan Institute of Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and sixty-three sixty thousand two hundred and seventy
Guangzhou University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and sixty-one eleven thousand five hundred and four
Shantou University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and fifty-eight sixty-five thousand two hundred and ninety-six
Guangdong Normal University of Technology normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and fifty-six sixty-seven thousand four hundred and eighty-nine
Southern Medical University medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and fifty-five thirteen thousand four hundred and ten
Guangdong University of Finance and Economics Finance Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and fifty-four sixty-nine thousand five hundred and sixty
Guangdong Second Normal University normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and fifty-one seventy-three thousand six hundred and fifty-one
Xinghai Conservatory of Music Art Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and fifty seventy-five thousand one hundred and thirty
Shenzhen University of Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and forty-nine fifteen thousand four hundred and nine
Guangdong University of Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and forty-eight sixteen thousand and thirty-four
Guangdong Normal University of Technology normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and forty-five seventeen thousand and seventy-four
Guangdong Ocean University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and forty-four eighty-one thousand five hundred and sixty-five
shaoguan university comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and forty-four eighty-two thousand two hundred and twenty-nine
Huizhou University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and forty-four eighty-one thousand nine hundred and eighty-three
Jiaying University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and forty-three eighty-two thousand six hundred and seventy-eight
Guangdong Israel Institute of Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and forty-three eighty-two thousand five hundred and seventy-one
Shenzhen Beili Moscow University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and forty-two eighteen thousand and sixteen
Shantou University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and forty-one eighteen thousand four hundred and ninety-four
Guangdong Police College Political law Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and forty eighty-seven thousand four hundred and eleven
Shantou University School of Medicine medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and forty nineteen thousand one hundred and fifty-four
Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Art Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and thirty-nine eighty-eight thousand six hundred and four
Foshan University of Science and Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and thirty-nine nineteen thousand four hundred and eighty-four
Guangdong Second Normal University normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and thirty-nine nineteen thousand six hundred and four
Guangdong University of Finance and Economics Finance Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and thirty-five twenty-one thousand two hundred and ninety-five
Guangdong Institute of Finance Finance Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and thirty-three ninety-five thousand four hundred and twenty-one
Guangdong Police College Political law Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and thirty-three twenty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-five
Guangdong Medical University medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and thirty-three twenty-two thousand and eleven
Zhongkai College of Agricultural Engineering comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and thirty one hundred thousand and seventy-two
ZhaoQing University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and twenty-nine one hundred and one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one
Guangdong Pharmaceutical University medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and twenty-eight twenty-four thousand five hundred and fourteen
Wuyi University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and twenty-seven one hundred and three thousand two hundred and forty-one
Huizhou University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and twenty-seven twenty-four thousand eight hundred and ninety-six
Xinghai Conservatory of Music Art Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and twenty-seven twenty-four thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven
Guangdong Ocean University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and twenty-six twenty-five thousand four hundred and sixty-eight
hanshan normal university normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and twenty-two one hundred and ten thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Lingnan Normal University normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and twenty-two one hundred and ten thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight
Lingnan Normal University normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and eighteen twenty-eight thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven
Guangzhou Maritime College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and seventeen one hundred and seventeen thousand two hundred and eighty-nine
Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Art Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and fifteen thirty thousand seven hundred and forty-three
hanshan normal university normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and fourteen thirty-one thousand five hundred and twenty-five
ZhaoQing University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and thirteen thirty-two thousand one hundred and thirty-three
Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education Sports Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and twelve one hundred and twenty-four thousand two hundred and twenty
Wuyi University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and twelve thirty-two thousand six hundred and sixty
shaoguan university comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and twelve thirty-two thousand six hundred and fifty
Guangdong Institute of Petrochemical Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate five hundred and eleven one hundred and twenty-six thousand one hundred and sixty-seven
Zhongkai College of Agricultural Engineering comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and eleven thirty-three thousand and fifty-one
Dongguan Institute of Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and ten thirty-three thousand five hundred and twenty-six
Guangdong Institute of Finance Finance Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and ten thirty-three thousand nine hundred and nine
Jiaying University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and five thirty-six thousand four hundred and thirty-two
Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education Sports Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and four thirty-seven thousand three hundred and sixty-nine
Guangdong Institute of Petrochemical Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred and one thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight
Guangzhou Maritime College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate five hundred thirty-nine thousand eight hundred and sixty-two
Zhuhai College of Beijing University of Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and ninety-six one hundred and forty-eight thousand one hundred and eleven
Zhuhai College of Beijing University of Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and ninety-six forty-two thousand seven hundred and thirty-five
Guangdong Light Industry Vocational and Technical College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and ninety-three one hundred and fifty-two thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight
Shunde Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and ninety-two one hundred and fifty-three thousand three hundred and forty-three
Guangzhou Panyu Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and ninety-two one hundred and fifty-three thousand seven hundred and forty-seven
Shenzhen Polytechnic University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and ninety-two forty-five thousand four hundred and one
Shunde Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and ninety-one forty-five thousand six hundred and eighteen
Zhuhai University of Science and Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and ninety one hundred and fifty-seven thousand four hundred and ninety-two
Guangzhou City Institute of Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and ninety one hundred and fifty-six thousand three hundred and thirty-nine
Guangzhou Panyu Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and eighty-seven forty-eight thousand one hundred and eighty-five
Sun Yat sen University of Electronic Science and Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and eighty-five one hundred and sixty-four thousand nine hundred and thirty
Guangdong Vocational College of Foreign Languages and Arts Art Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and eighty-five one hundred and sixty-four thousand six hundred and twenty-two
Guangdong Polytechnic comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and eighty-five one hundred and sixty-three thousand four hundred and ninety-one
Zhuhai University of Science and Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and eighty-five forty-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-six
Nanguo Business School of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and eighty-three one hundred and sixty-seven thousand six hundred and sixty-three
Guangzhou City Institute of Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and eighty-three fifty-one thousand two hundred and forty-seven
Guangzhou Xinhua University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and eighty-two one hundred and sixty-eight thousand four hundred and ninety
Guangdong Neusoft University Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and eighty-two one hundred and sixty-eight thousand four hundred and ten
Guangzhou Nanfang University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and eighty-one one hundred and sixty-nine thousand six hundred and eighteen
Guangdong Vocational College of Science and Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and eighty-one one hundred and sixty-nine thousand seven hundred and sixty
Guangzhou Xinhua University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and eighty-one fifty-two thousand five hundred and thirty-five
Guangdong Light Industry Vocational and Technical College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and eighty-one fifty-three thousand and five
Zhongshan Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and eighty one hundred and seventy-two thousand and ninety-two
Yangjiang Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and seventy-nine one hundred and seventy-four thousand two hundred and thirty-five
Zhuhai City Polytechnic comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and seventy-eight one hundred and seventy-four thousand three hundred and eighty-four
Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and seventy-seven one hundred and seventy-six thousand three hundred and nine
Guangzhou Nanfang University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and seventy-seven fifty-five thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine
Guangdong Vocational College of Foreign Languages and Arts Art Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and seventy-seven fifty-five thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven
Foshan Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and seventy-seven fifty-five thousand five hundred and sixty-one
Guangdong Baiyun University Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and seventy-six one hundred and seventy-eight thousand and three hundred
Guangzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and seventy-six one hundred and seventy-eight thousand three hundred and sixty-four
Nanguo Business School of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and seventy-six fifty-seven thousand and seventy-seven
Guangdong Peizheng College Finance Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and seventy-five one hundred and seventy-nine thousand and seventy-six
Guangdong College of Industry and Commerce Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and seventy-five one hundred and seventy-nine thousand one hundred and fifty-three
Jieyang Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and seventy-five one hundred and seventy-eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-three
Guangzhou Software College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and seventy-four one hundred and eighty-one thousand one hundred and thirty-six
Zhongshan Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and seventy-four fifty-eight thousand and sixty
Guangdong Communications Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and seventy-three one hundred and eighty-two thousand and seventy-five
Sun Yat sen University of Electronic Science and Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and seventy-one sixty thousand six hundred and six
Guangdong Baiyun University Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and seventy-one sixty-one thousand and fifty-two
Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and seventy sixty-one thousand six hundred and twenty-seven
Dongguan City University Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and sixty-nine one hundred and eighty-nine thousand one hundred and fifty-two
Zhujiang College of South China Agricultural University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and sixty-nine one hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and sixty-four
guangdong aib polytechnic college comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and sixty-nine one hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and nineteen
Guangdong Maoming Preschool Teachers College normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and sixty-nine one hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and fifty-two
Guangzhou Huashang University Finance Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and sixty-eight one hundred and ninety thousand one hundred and seventy-six
Guangdong Engineering College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and sixty-seven one hundred and ninety-one thousand five hundred and ninety-seven
zhaoqing medical college medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and sixty-five one hundred and ninety-four thousand six hundred and ninety-two
Guangzhou Software College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and sixty-five sixty-five thousand eight hundred and twenty-six
Guangdong Vocational College of Science and Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and sixty-five sixty-six thousand and sixteen
zhaoqing medical college medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and sixty-four sixty-six thousand four hundred and two
Jiangmen Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and sixty-three one hundred and ninety-eight thousand four hundred and sixty-three
Zhuhai City Polytechnic comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and sixty-three sixty-seven thousand three hundred and twenty-five
Guangzhou Business School comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and sixty-two one hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and seventeen
Guangdong Vocational and Technical College of Posts and Telecommunications Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and sixty-two one hundred and ninety-nine thousand two hundred and forty-six
Guangzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and sixty seventy thousand five hundred and eighty-four
Guangdong Polytechnic Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and fifty-nine two hundred and four thousand eight hundred and eight
Guangzhou Business School comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and fifty-nine seventy thousand eight hundred and ninety-four
Guangdong Peizheng College Finance Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and fifty-nine seventy thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven
Guangzhou Huashang University Finance Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and fifty-nine seventy-one thousand and fourteen
Guangdong Polytechnic comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and fifty-seven seventy-two thousand four hundred and ninety-four
Guangzhou Institute of Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and fifty-six two hundred and nine thousand two hundred and eighty-nine
Guangdong Neusoft University Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and fifty-six seventy-three thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine
Guangzhou Institute of Applied Science and Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and fifty-five two hundred and eleven thousand four hundred and seventy
Dongguan City University Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and fifty-five seventy-four thousand nine hundred and seventy-five
guangdong aib polytechnic college comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and fifty-five seventy-four thousand five hundred and seventy-seven
Guangdong College of Industry and Commerce Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and fifty-four seventy-five thousand five hundred and eighty-nine
Guangdong Women's Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and fifty-four seventy-five thousand four hundred and eleven
Guangdong Songshan Polytechnic College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and fifty-three two hundred and fourteen thousand five hundred and fourteen
Guangzhou Vocational College of Engineering Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and fifty-three two hundred and fourteen thousand and seventy-six
Zhujiang College of South China Agricultural University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and fifty-three seventy-six thousand five hundred and five
Yangjiang Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and fifty-three seventy-six thousand two hundred and fifty-three
Guangzhou Huali University Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and fifty-one two hundred and sixteen thousand nine hundred and eighty-one
Guangdong Women's Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and fifty-one two hundred and seventeen thousand six hundred and fifty-six
Jieyang Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and fifty-one seventy-eight thousand five hundred and seventy-seven
Guangzhou University of Science and Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and forty-nine eighty thousand five hundred and fifty-two
Guangzhou Vocational College of Engineering Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and forty-nine eighty thousand one hundred and fifty-five
Guangzhou University of Science and Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and forty-eight two hundred and twenty-one thousand four hundred and fifty-four
Guangdong University of Science and Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and forty-eight two hundred and twenty-two thousand two hundred and eighteen
Guangzhou Institute of Applied Science and Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and forty-eight eighty thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine
Guangdong Construction Vocational and Technical College other Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and forty-eight eighty thousand eight hundred and twenty-one
Maoming Vocational and Technical College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and forty-seven two hundred and twenty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-one
Dongguan Polytechnic Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and forty-six eighty-three thousand one hundred and forty-eight
Guangzhou Industrial and Commercial University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and forty-five two hundred and twenty-five thousand nine hundred and forty-two
Guangzhou City Vocational College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and forty-five eighty-three thousand eight hundred and forty
Maoming Vocational and Technical College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and forty-five eighty-three thousand eight hundred and sixteen
Guangdong University of Technology and Industry comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and forty-four two hundred and twenty-seven thousand four hundred and fifteen
Zhanjiang University of Science and Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and forty-four two hundred and twenty-eight thousand three hundred and sixty-four
Zhongshan Torch Polytechnic Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and forty-four eighty-five thousand six hundred and ninety-one
Guangzhou Institute of Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and forty-two eighty-seven thousand and one hundred
Guangdong Vocational College of Science and Trade comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and forty-one two hundred and thirty-two thousand nine hundred and forty-eight
Foshan Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and forty-one two hundred and thirty-two thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven
Zhanjiang University of Science and Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and forty-one eighty-eight thousand and fifty-three
Dongguan Polytechnic Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and forty two hundred and thirty-three thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Guangdong Institute of Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics undergraduate four hundred and thirty-nine two hundred and thirty-six thousand and thirty-nine
Huizhou Health Vocational and Technical College medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and thirty-nine two hundred and thirty-five thousand one hundred and twenty-six
Guangdong University of Technology and Industry comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and thirty-eight ninety-one thousand and twenty-two
Guangzhou Huali University Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and thirty-eight ninety-one thousand three hundred and sixty-one
Jiangmen Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and thirty-eight ninety thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight
Guangdong Construction Vocational and Technical College other Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and thirty-seven two hundred and thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and ten
Guangzhou City Vocational College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and thirty-six two hundred and forty thousand one hundred and sixty-six
Qingyuan Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and thirty-six two hundred and forty thousand three hundred and sixty-four
Guangdong Nanhua Vocational College of Industry and Commerce comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and thirty-six two hundred and thirty-nine thousand nine hundred and sixty-three
Shanwei Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and thirty-six two hundred and thirty-nine thousand nine hundred and seven
Huizhou City Vocational College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and thirty-six two hundred and forty thousand four hundred and ninety-seven
Guangdong Administration Vocational College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and thirty-five two hundred and forty-one thousand six hundred and seventy-two
Guangdong Institute of Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and thirty-five ninety-four thousand and ninety-four
Guangdong Maoming Preschool Teachers College normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and thirty-five ninety-four thousand eight hundred and sixty-two
Guangdong Justice Police Vocational College Political law Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and thirty-four two hundred and forty-two thousand four hundred and seventy-one
Guangdong University of Science and Technology comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and thirty-four ninety-four thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
Guangzhou Civil Aviation College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and thirty-four ninety-five thousand nine hundred and twenty-two
Guangdong Vocational College of Environmental Protection Engineering farming and forestry Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and thirty-three two hundred and forty-five thousand and fifty
Guangzhou Civil Aviation College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and thirty-three two hundred and forty-four thousand nine hundred and forty-five
Guangzhou Health Vocational and Technical College medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and thirty-three two hundred and forty-four thousand nine hundred and forty-two
Guangzhou Industrial and Commercial University comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history undergraduate four hundred and thirty-three ninety-six thousand five hundred and sixty-five
Luoding Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and thirty-one two hundred and forty-seven thousand one hundred and seventy-one
Guangdong Ecological Engineering Vocational College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and thirty two hundred and forty-eight thousand four hundred and thirteen
Guangdong Maoming Health Vocational College medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and thirty two hundred and forty-nine thousand three hundred and eighty-six
Guangdong Polytechnic Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and thirty ninety-nine thousand two hundred and fifty
Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and twenty-nine two hundred and fifty thousand four hundred and seventy-eight
Qingyuan Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and twenty-nine one hundred and one thousand and forty-three
Guangdong Administration Vocational College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and twenty-nine one hundred thousand four hundred and forty-four
Huizhou Health Vocational and Technical College medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and twenty-nine one hundred thousand six hundred and ninety-two
Guangzhou Health Vocational and Technical College medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and twenty-nine one hundred and one thousand one hundred and sixty-four
Shantou Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and twenty-six two hundred and fifty-four thousand two hundred and eighty-five
Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and twenty-six one hundred and three thousand seven hundred and sixty-five
Guangdong Communications Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and twenty-six one hundred and three thousand seven hundred and eighty-four
Guangdong Ecological Engineering Vocational College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and twenty-six one hundred and three thousand three hundred and seventy-eight
Huizhou City Vocational College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and twenty-six one hundred and three thousand three hundred and thirty-one
Guangdong Jiangmen Vocational College of Traditional Chinese Medicine medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and twenty-five two hundred and fifty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty-two
Guangdong Justice Police Vocational College Political law Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and twenty-five one hundred and four thousand four hundred and fourteen
Guangzhou Vocational College of Technology and Trade comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and twenty-four two hundred and fifty-eight thousand two hundred and eighty-one
Guangdong Nanhua Vocational College of Industry and Commerce comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and twenty-four one hundred and six thousand one hundred and forty-two
Guangdong Vocational and Technical College of Posts and Telecommunications Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and twenty-four one hundred and six thousand four hundred and sixty-nine
Guangdong Jiangmen Vocational College of Traditional Chinese Medicine medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and twenty-one one hundred and nine thousand four hundred and fifty-seven
Guangdong Jiangmen Preschool Teachers College normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and twenty one hundred and ten thousand six hundred and ten
Guangdong Maoming Health Vocational College medicine Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and twenty one hundred and nine thousand nine hundred and twenty
Heyuan Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and nineteen two hundred and sixty-four thousand four hundred and forty-eight
Guangdong Jiangmen Preschool Teachers College normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and nineteen two hundred and sixty-five thousand two hundred and sixty-three
Guangdong Chaozhou Health Vocational College - Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and seventeen two hundred and sixty-seven thousand one hundred and eighty-six
Guangdong Vocational College of Science and Trade comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and seventeen one hundred and thirteen thousand three hundred and seventeen
Guangzhou Vocational College of Technology and Trade comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and seventeen one hundred and thirteen thousand four hundred and sixty-one
Zhongshan Torch Polytechnic Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and sixteen two hundred and sixty-nine thousand three hundred and ninety-two
Guangdong Water Conservancy and Electric Power Vocational Technical College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and fifteen two hundred and sixty-nine thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight
Guangdong Yunfu Vocational College of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and fourteen two hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and sixty-four
Guangdong Songshan Polytechnic College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and eleven one hundred and twenty thousand nine hundred and forty-four
Heyuan Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and eleven one hundred and twenty thousand six hundred and sixty-five
Guangdong Vocational and Technical College of Physical Education Sports Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and ten two hundred and seventy-seven thousand four hundred and forty-four
Luoding Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and ten one hundred and twenty-two thousand and three
Guangdong South Vocational College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and nine two hundred and seventy-eight thousand three hundred and sixty-five
Guangdong Water Conservancy and Electric Power Vocational Technical College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and nine one hundred and twenty-two thousand one hundred and seventy-four
Guangdong Vocational and Technical College of Physical Education Sports Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and eight one hundred and twenty-three thousand five hundred and seventy-one
Guangdong Vocational College of Literature and Art Art Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and eight one hundred and twenty-four thousand and eighty-eight
Guangdong Yunfu Vocational College of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and eight one hundred and twenty-four thousand and twelve
Guangdong Dance and Drama Vocational College Art Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and four two hundred and eighty-five thousand four hundred and eleven
Guangzhou Songtian Vocational College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and four two hundred and eighty-four thousand nine hundred and ten
Huizhou Engineering Vocational College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred and four one hundred and twenty-eight thousand and forty-six
Huizhou Engineering Vocational College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and three two hundred and eighty-six thousand seven hundred and twenty
Guangzhou City Construction College Science and engineering Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and three two hundred and eighty-six thousand three hundred and thirty-eight
Guangdong Maoming Vocational College of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology farming and forestry Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and two two hundred and eighty-seven thousand eight hundred and forty-seven
Guangdong Meizhou Vocational and Technical College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty four hundred and two two hundred and eighty-seven thousand three hundred and forty-four
Guangdong Chaozhou Health Vocational College - Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty four hundred one hundred and thirty-three thousand four hundred and eighty-one
Guangdong South Vocational College comprehensive Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty three hundred and ninety-nine one hundred and thirty-three thousand six hundred and twenty-seven
Guangzhou Preschool Teachers College - Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three history specialty three hundred and ninety-eight one hundred and thirty-four thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
Guangdong Shantou Preschool Teachers College normal school Guangdong two thousand and twenty-three Physics specialty three hundred and ninety-five two hundred and ninety-six thousand five hundred and thirty-seven
The above is the ranking list of Guangdong College Entrance Examination University admission score line. If your score is low, it is difficult to choose a school, and you are not sure what major you choose is suitable, you can fill in the form and leave the phone, keep the power on status, and wait for our recruitment teacher to contact you.

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