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What is secondary vocational school enrollment?

Secondary vocational school students are students who have read in secondary vocational schools. The so-called secondary vocational schools are often called technical secondary schools and technical schools. In such schools, enrollment targets are generally for junior high school graduates. After graduation, secondary vocational school students usually have high school degrees.

Suitable for people Low ranking junior high school, want to learn technology, go to college
Time of enrollment Autumn September
Learning time 3 years
Certificates obtained School diploma
Employment prospects Employment in technology application posts
Hot Recruitment Major of Secondary Vocational School
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How do junior high school graduates go to college?

Junior high school graduates can go to universities that recruit students independently. Students need to register first. Generally, schools will arrange enrollment twice a year, once in spring and once after the college entrance examination. You can choose any time period to enroll. Without the requirement of the high school entrance examination score line, you can come to the school to take an interview.

Suitable for people Former junior high school graduates and junior high school dropouts
Time of enrollment March in spring, August in autumn
Learning time Enrollment of preparatory classes, 3+1 years
Certificates obtained School graduation certificate, vocational skill certificate
Employment prospects Enrollment can sign employment agreement, and employment is guaranteed

Junior high school graduates Hot schools

senior high school student go to university

What is the single enrollment in higher vocational education?

"Higher vocational separate examination enrollment of ordinary colleges" is referred to as higher vocational single enrollment for short. This is an admission channel opened up by higher vocational colleges and junior colleges to select talents. It enables higher vocational colleges and junior colleges to lock some students in advance, and also allows some suitable candidates to find a good school in advance, so as to realize their college dreams through relatively simple entrance examinations.

Suitable for people College Entrance Examination Undergraduate is hopeless, looking for a good college
Time of enrollment Autumn September
Learning time 3 years
Certificates obtained School diploma
Employment prospects Employment in technology application posts
Failure in the college entrance examination leads to hot recruitment of majors
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How can students who fail in the college entrance examination go to college?

Students who fail the college entrance examination and want to continue to go to college can apply for vocational education enrollment colleges, key universities and popular majors for selection. Generally, schools will arrange enrollment twice a year, once in the spring and once after the college entrance examination. You can choose any time period to enroll. There is no requirement for the college entrance examination score line.

Suitable for people Past high school graduates and students who failed in the college entrance examination
Time of enrollment March in spring, August in autumn
Learning time 3-year/4-year system
Certificates obtained School graduation certificate, vocational skill certificate
Employment prospects Enrollment can sign employment agreement, and employment is guaranteed
Failure in the college entrance examination leads to hot recruitment of majors

Students who failed the college entrance examination Hot schools

College enrollment Popular majors

Introduction to Flight Attendance and Aviation

Flight attendants and aviation majors generally refer to junior flight attendants, and most of the enrollment colleges are vocational colleges, vocational and technical schools; Undergraduate aviation majors belong to the art category. Most of the enrollment schools are civil aviation colleges, normal universities and some private colleges. There are also some schools that recruit students independently outside the plan. There is no score requirement. If they pass the interview, they can apply for admission. The threshold is low, and they can obtain a self-taught degree after graduation.

length of schooling 4 years of junior high school preparatory course, 4 years of undergraduate course, 3 years of junior high vocational college
Jobs Flight attendant, ground service, security check, high-speed rail crew, etc
Employment salary Average monthly salary 5000-20000 element
Enrollment target It is recommended that the height of senior high school graduates at the beginning of the previous year should not be less than 160cm
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Introduction to Computer Specialty

Computer specialty is a wide caliber specialty that combines computer hardware and software, is system oriented and focuses on application. Through basic teaching and professional training, this major aims to cultivate senior talents with solid basic knowledge, wide knowledge range, strong engineering practice ability, pioneering and innovative consciousness, who are engaged in scientific research, education, development and application in the field of computer science and technology.

length of schooling 4 years of junior high school preparatory course, 4 years of undergraduate course, 3 years of junior high vocational college
Jobs Network engineer, software architect, software test engineer, etc
Employment salary Average monthly salary 6000-20000 element
Enrollment target Should be a junior high school graduate who is interested in computer programming and has no color blindness
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Introduction to Transportation

Transportation is a multi-disciplinary specialty with equal emphasis on system theory and practice; One of the specialty characteristics is the complexity of its system, which involves many cross disciplines; The second feature is that Chinese colleges and universities, due to their history and unique advantages in running schools, basically train transportation professionals according to a certain mode of transportation or professional direction in the process of cultivating talents in this specialty.

length of schooling 4 years of junior high school preparatory course, 4 years of undergraduate course, 3 years of junior high vocational college
Jobs Stewardess, stewardess, ground crew, etc
Employment salary Average monthly salary 6000-20000 element
Enrollment target At the beginning of the previous year, senior high school graduates should be healthy, with a height of no less than 160cm and a weight of no more than 75kg
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Introduction to Arts Examination

The unified exam is a unified art professional exam organized by each province or region. The art examinees in the province must take the exam. The exam is usually organized by the local education bureau from December to the Spring Festival of each year. The time, question type, and evaluation of the exam are different in different regions, The artistic scores of the unified examination are only applicable to professional colleges in the province where they are located and some professional colleges in other provinces that recognize the results of the unified examination.

length of schooling 4 years of junior high school preparatory course, 4 years of undergraduate course, 3 years of junior high vocational college
Jobs Actor, anchor, late director, host, etc
Employment salary Average monthly salary 5000-20000 element
Enrollment target It is recommended that the height of senior high school graduates at the beginning of the previous year should not be less than 160cm
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Introduction to Finance and Commerce

Finance and commerce majors refer to economic and economic management majors. Common majors include financial management, financial management, information statistics and analysis, international trade practice, industrial and commercial enterprise management, marketing, e-commerce, taxation, international finance, accounting, statistical accounting, international economy and trade, business management, etc, It is a popular major in the talent market in recent years.

length of schooling 4 years of junior high school preparatory course, 4 years of undergraduate course, 3 years of junior high vocational college
Jobs Accounting cashier, foreign trader, securities trader, etc
Employment salary Average monthly salary 5000-12000 element
Enrollment target Junior and senior high school students who should have graduated from previous years and are interested in accounting
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Introduction to Grammar

Grammar majors mainly include news editing, Chinese language and literature, journalism, news editing and production, Japanese, French, English, Korean, translation, legal counsel, professional lawyers, law majors, etc. Senior professionals who can engage in translation, research, teaching, management, legal consultant, business secretary, legal secretary, etc. after graduation.

length of schooling 4 years of junior high school preparatory course, 4 years of undergraduate course, 3 years of junior high vocational college
Jobs New media editor, new media operation, lawyer, etc
Employment salary Average monthly salary 5000-15000 element
Enrollment target Strong perception of new media, law-abiding, arts and science students meet the requirements
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Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

Cultivate professionals who master the basic theory and professional knowledge of mechanical design and manufacturing, production management, equipment maintenance, quality control, have strong professional practice and innovation ability, and can engage in product development and manufacturing, quality testing, equipment management and maintenance, operation management, technology promotion and marketing.

length of schooling 4 years of junior high school preparatory course, 4 years of undergraduate course, 3 years of junior high vocational college
Jobs CAD technician, mechanical designer, mechanical engineer, etc
Employment salary Average monthly salary 5000-10000 element
Enrollment target Should have graduated from senior high school at the beginning of the previous year, be healthy and have no red green color blindness
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