People's Education: Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province: Ten Years of "Love Reading" Action, Promoting National Reading with Campus Reading | Cover Theme
Time: 2024- 05- 09 Information source: Information Center Font:[ large in Small ]

Min Xiaobian said

In 2013, the "Love Reading" campaign for primary and secondary schools was launched in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. For more than a decade, the "Love Reading" campaign has focused on primary and secondary schools, insisted on research and opening up, advocated expanding from single subject reading to various subject areas, promoted the formation of a good atmosphere for teachers and students to read together, students to read together, parents and children to read together, while taking reading as a carrier to drive rural school education and common prosperity, and campus reading to drive national reading. Let's see their practice——

In order to improve the construction level of "scholarly campus" and develop a good habit of lifelong reading for young people, Wenzhou Education Bureau of Zhejiang Province launched the "love reading" action in primary and secondary schools in 2013. For more than a decade, the connotation and extension of "love of reading" has been enriched from point to area, from cities to villages, through joint reading between teachers and students, students and children, and has become an effective carrier for the education system to implement universal reading and a universal reading symbol with Wenzhou characteristics.

1、 The top design injects action into "love reading"

The "Love Reading" action focuses on strengthening top-level design, adhering to the overall promotion of work, taking primary and secondary schools as the main body, and achieving the goal of "small hands pulling big hands" to promote campus reading to drive the whole people to read. First, multi department collaboration. In April 2013, Wenzhou Municipal Education Bureau, together with Wenzhou Municipal Culture Bureau, Wenzhou Daily and cultural institutions, implemented the "Love Reading" action. Through the working mechanism of multi department and cross department cooperation, each department gave full play to its own advantages and quickly improved the communication and influence of the "Love Reading" action. The second is to implement the three round action plan. Aiming at the periodic problems of regional reading, the city has developed and implemented the three-year plan of three rounds of "love reading" action, constantly solving the problems of reading team building, reading activity projects, reading research priorities, reading security, etc., and promoting the continuous and effective implementation of "love reading" action. Third, city county school linkage. In order to promote the normalization of the "love reading" action, we have organized cities, counties and schools to jointly implement more than 1000 reading projects. We have constantly integrated the "love reading" action projects into the work of all sectors of society, promoted them to families, communities, enterprises, institutions and villages, and promoted all sectors of society to join the ranks of reading. Fourth, integration in various aspects. The "Love Reading" action adheres to the combination of reading and school culture construction, school daily education, classroom teaching reform, teaching and research activities, the combination of phased projects and long-term goals, and the combination of extensive launching and typical guidance. Through the integration of various aspects, all of us create a scholarly campus and promote the connotation of school running. Fifth, it is a multi-dimensional guarantee. Set up city and county "love reading" teaching and research staff and vice principals in charge of the "love reading" action, commend and reward the advanced individuals and schools emerging from the "love reading" action, include teachers' reading activities in teachers' continuing education plans, and establish an OTO (online and offline) reading ecology supported by both paper books and electronic resources.

2、 Scientific research injects expertise into "love reading"

The "love reading" action insists on research and opening up, and escorts the reading action with professional strength. First, create a reading space. Primary and secondary schools consciously take creating a strong reading atmosphere as the basis and key content of the construction of campus cultural environment, strive to build each classroom into a reading space, build each office into a reading place, and upgrade the library and reading room into a learning center. The second is to build a "love reading" course. From 2014 to 2016, the city organized professional forces to develop a recommended list of "Love Reading" holiday reading books in Wenzhou, covering pre-school, primary school, junior high school and senior high school stages, including students, teachers, principals and parents, and becoming a reading map for teachers, students and parents. The third is to cultivate the "love reading" project. Projects such as "1+X" joint reading, theme reading, in-depth reading, picture book reading, whole book reading, mass reading, campus drama and so on have sprung up in the city, driving in and out of class reading, broadening students' reading horizons and enriching reading forms. Fourth, implement reading assignments. Under the background of "double reduction", we issued a guide for the management of homework in primary and secondary schools and requirements for the design and implementation of homework in various disciplines, encouraged primary schools to set up no written homework days on Wednesday and no written homework on the weekend of each month, increased the homework design for students' social practice, reading, sports, aesthetic education, and labor education, and made reading the most important and long-term work for students, It is recommended to read for 30 minutes every night. According to the characteristics of the year, various "love reading" activities are carried out to expand students' reading and cultivate students' habit of independent reading.

3、 General subject reading injects vitality into "love reading"

Primary and middle school students have a wide range of interests, which is the age when they are curious and curious. Wenzhou vigorously promotes all subject reading, advocates expanding from single subject reading to all subject areas, implements the "reading+" content upgrading plan in combination with the basic education curriculum reform, combines reading with art, science, life, film and television, travel, writing, etc., and forms a school's distinctive all subject reading curriculum system to meet students' reading needs. Taking science reading as an example, Wenzhou has worked hard to solve the three problems of "what to read", "how to read" and "how to read", so as to inject vitality into "love reading".

The first is to solve "what to read". First of all, take textbooks as the starting point, and select appropriate books to carry out scientific reading according to the content of textbooks in various disciplines. For example, in the first volume of the third year of science, Zhu Kezhen, a man who seeks truth and truth, and lives a successful life, it is difficult for students to understand Zhu Kezhen's dedication to science from short words, nor can they really understand what the meaning of "scientists do this" is. The school can recommend students to read "Writing Diaries for Nature", so that students can learn more about the stories behind scientists; You can also recommend appropriate documentaries, science and education programs, etc. in winter and summer vacation, so that students can have a variety of reading resources that can help them think deeply. Secondly, scientific reading should be carried out based on students' interest needs. Students of different ages have different interests and needs in science, so we should recommend books according to students' cognitive characteristics and needs. For example, in the Power of Reading - Wenzhou Primary and Secondary School "Love Reading" Basic Bibliography Recommendation Manual, the recommended reading bibliographies for primary and secondary school students are more interesting, such as Uncle Doudou's Magnet Game and Little Newton's Science Museum; The recommended reading bibliography for junior high school students involves more problems and knowledge that broaden their horizons, such as Seeking the Hierarchical World, Those Strange and Worrisome Questions, etc; The recommended reading list for senior high school students includes more complex and complete story plots and issues that need in-depth thinking, such as "Three Body" and "A Brief History of Time". Thirdly, science reading should be carried out with the help of science hotspots. In December 2023, relevant departments invited Tang Limei, the first female scientist of the Jiaolong submersible, to participate in the exhibition of the 10th anniversary of the "Love to Read" campaign in Wenzhou's primary and secondary schools. Tang Limei's description of the Jiaolong submersible's first dive into the sea and the display of real ocean pictures at various stages of the dive deeply attracted the audience, and popularized various physical, biological and geographical knowledge of Antarctica for the audience, The science popularization of ocean reading has been started. Finally, we should carry out scientific reading with scientific topics as an extension. For example, Wenzhou Second Foreign Language School takes reading the book "Moving Moments in the History of Science" as a starting point, and carries out extracurricular scientific reading for students simultaneously with the science curriculum teaching implemented by the school. By guiding students to read the true scientific development process in the book, it deeply reveals the nature of science and stimulates students' interest in exploring and understanding science.

The second is to solve "how to read". Wenzhou encourages teachers to attract students' attention and reading interest in science books by asking questions, guide students to practice, conduct scientific demonstration experiments on the ideas in books, and then trigger students to think about how to better read a science book. In addition, Wenzhou advocates integrated class hour teaching. Teachers effectively integrate science reading and science teaching. For example, in the lesson "In the Starry Sky", many students are interested in folk astrology. Some students think they can see their own constellations on their birthday. Teachers can guide students to read Why Do You See Your Constellation Appear in the Opposite Season of Birthday on Earth? In order to correct students' misunderstanding of constellation and cultivate their critical thinking; For another example, teachers can choose the same book in combination with the curriculum materials for students in different sections to read together, junior high school students and primary school students can read Insects together, and junior high school science teachers and primary school science teachers can also talk about popular science reading together. The students and teachers of each learning period can read their own personality characteristics by using different strategies and methods of reading the same book and reading different books.

The third is to solve the problem of "how to read". The evaluation and guarantee of the effect of scientific reading is the prerequisite for the sustainable and effective development of scientific reading. Wenzhou Mochi Primary School takes the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age and Golden Age as the grading system of scientific reading based on the degree of difficulty of popular science books, and carries out level by level reading based on students' cognitive level and attention. Through summary display, achievement show, science festival competition, science three-minute speech, interesting science talk show and other activities, Let students read closely with scientific production, and develop their practical ability. In addition, teachers often hold "popular science book recommendation meetings" based on classes or grades and schools to recommend a popular science book they like, or integrate it into project-based learning tasks, so as to promote the deepening of science reading education. At the same time, Wenzhou has persisted in carrying out the selection of small scientists for 20 years to attract and encourage primary and middle school students in the city to be close to scientific reading and scientific experiments.

4、 Brand activities inject innovation into "love reading"

The "Love Reading" campaign takes serializing, serializing and branding reading projects as the carrier, and has participated more than 400000 teachers and students in total. First, the "Love Reading" forum has been held for more than ten consecutive years. Famous writers, scholars, and reading promoters are invited to make keynote speeches. Through the integration of "offline+online", the reading concept is updated, the reading horizon is expanded, and a good atmosphere of love, good reading, and good reading is created. The second is to hold a series of "love reading" activities. For example, the "Love Reading · New Teenagers" composition contest combines reading with writing, advocating primary and secondary school students to read life, be able to think, be good at expression, and enjoy growth, becoming an important starting point for the city to promote reading, popularize literature, and cultivate campus literature lovers; Another example is the essay reading contest of "Love Reading, Poetry and Painting Journey", which enables teachers and students to get close to nature, feel the journey, describe scenic tourism, human geography, tell the reading stories in the journey, and elaborate on the thinking of ecological civilization in the way of "reading+travel+writing"; Another example is "love reading, read good books in summer", which guides primary and secondary school students to read more, read good books and be good at reading in summer. In 2021, we will carry out red book reading with the theme of "glory and dream" in combination with the centenary of the Communist Party of China. In 2022, we will select classic books around the theme of "common prosperity in my heart", and encourage primary and secondary school students and all citizens to feel the beauty of development in reading, Inspire a beautiful vision of common prosperity. Third, promote 100000 teachers' reading. Implement the "annual reading plan of 12 books for teachers", set up interdisciplinary, cross school and cross regional teacher reading clubs, held the exhibition activity of "Wenzhou City's 100 teacher bibliophiles", actively use the new media platform, with the help of principals' reading clubs, youth cadres' reading clubs and other carriers, organically combine reading activities with discipline research, continuing education, school-based teaching research, etc, Promote the growth of teachers.

5、 Special selection injects development power into "love reading"

The "Love Reading" action takes a series of evaluations as the carrier, drives the cultivation and growth of the reading team, effectively promotes the formation of a good atmosphere for teachers and students to read together, students to read together, parents and children to read together, and becomes a brand project of reading evaluation with Wenzhou characteristics. The first is to select a tree that "loves reading" to promote reading characters. So far, 30 municipal "Top Ten People in Promoting Reading" have been selected, and 29 nominations have been awarded, including both teaching and research staff, teachers and principals, as well as social figures, effectively expanding the "love reading" action team. Second, select "love reading" model schools. It has set up a number of "love reading" model schools that have radiation demonstration effect and are highly recognized by students and parents. At present, there are more than 90 model schools. Third, select "love reading" model societies. So far, 50 model societies have been selected, bringing together teachers, principals and parents who are enthusiastic about reading to jointly promote reading in schools and regions. Fourth, select the "love reading" model classroom. The purpose of this selection is to encourage more primary and secondary school classes to continue to innovate and promote the "love reading" activity, so that the classroom presents a variety of beauty of reading, and create a good environment for students to read. Fifth, select "reading loving" model families. It aims to promote family reading, parent-child reading and social reading, and promote the formation of a "small hand in large hand" reading atmosphere in Wenzhou.

6、 Rural Reading Injects Common Strength into "Love Reading"

The "love reading" action insists on attaching equal importance to both urban and rural areas, taking reading as a carrier to drive rural school education and common prosperity, and injecting more cultural factors into rural revitalization. First, the "Love Reading" Charity Steering Group was established. The "Love Reading" public welfare guidance group for Wenzhou primary and secondary schools was set up to carry out "Love Reading" activities in the island, mountain and rural schools, and bring reading guidance and books to teachers and students. Each activity aroused enthusiastic participation and response from teachers and students. The second is to cultivate "love reading" rural leading readers. Wenzhou "Love Reading" Rural Readers Seminar was held to help train more than 60 teachers to become the implementers and leaders of rural "love reading". The third is to build a "small and excellent" school in the "reading loving" countryside. The city takes the "love reading" action as the basic content of rural "small and excellent" school construction, builds Wenzhou Cloud Library, and lets books illuminate the growth path of rural children. For example, the third primary school in Shacheng, where more than 90% of children are new citizens, borrows 28.28 paper books and 89.92 e-books per capita; Another example is the "Love Reading" action of Zhiren Township Primary School in Yueqing City, which has changed the school greatly. More than 300 students have won awards in various reading competitions, and nearly 300 articles have been published in publications such as "Primary School Times". Reading makes a remote rural school glow with educational vitality again. (The author is the Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Wenzhou Education Bureau, Zhejiang Province)
