Notice of Yueqing Municipal Bureau of Education on Organizing the Activities of Mental Health Education Month in Primary and Secondary Schools in 2024
Time: 2024- 05- 07 Information source: Student Affairs Section Font:[ large in Small ]

All school districts, primary and secondary schools:

In order to implement the "Warm Heart Health" action in the city's primary and secondary schools with high quality, promote the continuous improvement of children's and adolescents' mental health work, further improve the students' mental health level, and create a sunny atmosphere on campus, it is decided to carry out the 2024 mental health education month activity in the city's primary and secondary schools after research. Relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1、 Activity time

May June

2、 Theme

Caring for life, sunshine empowering

3、 Participants

Teachers, students and parents of primary and secondary schools in the city

4、 Activity arrangement

(1) Deeply promote the "Six Ones" activity of campus mental health

Each school should carry out "Six Ones" activities for all teachers, students and parents, that is, carry out a campus mental health theme activity of "Caring for Life, Empowering Sunshine"; Push the 2024 Wenxinyouyue online public welfare course and the "Psychological Consultation Hotline for Primary and Middle School Students of Yueqing Education Bureau" (hotline: 61528890), and face-to-face psychological consultation for minors in Yueqing City (appointment hotline: 61618890) through the school public account; Invite psychological experts to hold a lecture on popular science of mental health for teachers, students and parents; Hold a symposium on the analysis, research and judgment of students' mental health; Carry out a psychological decompression training activity of "decompression, empowerment and advancement" for all teachers; Carry out a "20 minute campus/park" relaxation activity to guide teachers, students and parents into nature, and create a positive and sunny campus atmosphere through aesthetic immersion, immersion in reading, enjoying food, healthy sports and other activities.

(2) Carry out the mental health knowledge popularization activity of "I am a good mood person"

All schools should actively carry out mental health knowledge popularization activities, guide primary and secondary school students to strengthen their awareness of life, correctly understand the value and significance of life, master the basic knowledge of mental health, and carry out adaptive counseling and pre exam psychological counseling for key objects and groups through multiple channels and methods such as mental health courses, psychological lectures, and psychological fun games, Strengthen heart to heart talk and in-depth communication to ensure that each student has "a way to help themselves and a way to help". Instruct students to log in to the "Warm Heart Appointment" applet, click the "I'm in a good mood" section to participate in the mental health knowledge contest, and the top 50 students in the comprehensive ranking of the speed and accuracy of the answer will be awarded a prize of "Warm Heart", a cultural and creative product of the "Warm Heart Health" action.

(3) Carry out educational activities on the theme of "Caring for our bodies"

All schools should give full play to the role of "one school, one lecturer" in child safety self-care education. Each class should hold a class meeting on the theme of sexual assault prevention, watch the popular science video of "love our body" together, and enhance students' awareness of safety self-care.

(4) Carry out "Sunshine Youth Talk" short video evaluation activity

All schools should guide students to focus on their daily life, tell their growth feelings through short videos, publicize the methods of actively adjusting their mental state and popular science knowledge of mental health, highlight the attitude of cherishing life and loving life, and convey the spiritual outlook of sunshine teenagers in the new era. See Annex 1 for specific requirements.

(5) Carry out the psychological game evaluation activity of "small games with great wisdom"

Students in primary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools (including vocational high schools) are selected as teaching objects, and psychological games suitable for students in different years are designed to make students laugh and play in the game experience, so as to improve their positive psychological quality. See Annex 2 for specific requirements.

(6) Selection and promotion of typical experience of mental health education in primary and secondary schools

Each school should sort out the typical experience of the achievements in the promotion of mental health work, which can be summarized and refined from the promotion of regional mental health education work or the construction of school mental education system. The theme focuses on "grassroots closed-loop management", "tutorial group system", "medical school psychological assistance", "psychological crisis intervention", "home school coordinated education" and other aspects, Improve the scientificity, pertinence and effectiveness of school mental health education. See Annex 3 for specific requirements.

(7) Carry out video evaluation activities of school psychodrama performance in primary and secondary schools

Centering on the problems in students' daily life and combining with relevant psychological theories, artistic creation is carried out to form psychodrama. The content should take campus life as the theme, reflect the psychological problems of contemporary primary and secondary students as the theme, be close to reality, and highlight the distinctive sense of the times. See Annex 4 for specific requirements.

5、 Activity requirements

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership

All schools should fully understand the significance of carrying out the activity of mental health education month in primary and secondary schools, earnestly strengthen leadership, carefully design implementation plans suitable for their own schools, and give full play to the important role of mental health education in school education.

(2) Integrate activity carrier

Each school district should strengthen the guidance of the activity of mental health education month in primary and secondary schools, integrate the activity carrier, organically combine the unified organization of the education department with the independent activities of primary and secondary schools, guide schools to integrate mental health education into their daily education work, constantly enhance the attractiveness of school mental health education, and improve the effectiveness of work.

(3) Focus on publicity and guidance

All schools should use various media such as school WeChat public accounts to carry out publicity and guidance work, actively report the good experiences and good practices of the education month activities, and timely forward the activity reports to the WeChat group of primary and secondary school psychological teachers or the WeChat group of primary and secondary school moral education work.

Before June 24, each school will link the selected photos of the event (each picture is larger than 1M in size, try to be a perspective picture or middle view picture, not a jigsaw or composite picture) to the public account report through the Internet( )Submission. Contact: Teacher Shi, Tel: 61526715.

Annex: 1. Requirements for "Sunshine Youth Talk" Short Video Evaluation Activity

2. Requirements for "Small Games with Great Wisdom" Psychological Game Evaluation Activity

3. Requirements for collection and evaluation of typical experience of mental health education in primary and secondary schools

4. Requirements for video evaluation of campus psychodrama performance

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Yueqing Education Bureau

April 30, 2024
