Write and read a new chapter! Let's see the annual forum →
Time: 2024- 05- 06 Information source: Information Center Font:[ large in Small ]

On the morning of April 27, the 2024 "Love Reading" Annual Forum of Yueqing Primary and Secondary Schools and the awarding ceremony of Yueqing Poetry Education Experimental Base School were held in No. 1 Primary School of Hongqiao Town.

At the meeting, the school of Yueqing Poetry Education Experimental Base was awarded a plaque, the tutor group members of the poetry education base were awarded letters of appointment, and the award-winning teachers and students' representatives in the 2023 school year Yueqing "Love Reading" Winter Reading Activity, the top ten poets, nomination awards and excellent organizational units in the fourth Yueqing "Love Reading" poetry nursery rhyme creation evaluation activity were also awarded and commended.

Chen Yuguan, the chairman of the Municipal Writers Association, made a speech as the representative of the tutor. He encouraged everyone to deeply feel the unique charm of poetry in the vast world of reading by sharing the poems of poets, and draw the power of life growth from it.

Liu Enli, director of the Municipal Education Development Center, encourages teachers and students to deeply integrate reading into daily life as a duty and a spiritual pursuit in six sentences.

First, build each school into a "walking library". The school should practice "bookboy" autonomy, construct "calligraphy charm" curriculum, carry out "calligraphy taste" activities, implement "calligraphy delight" evaluation and other measures to let the most green Shaohua encounter the most wonderful vast ink fragrance.

The second is to build each classroom into a "comfortable reading room". The classroom should become the most important scene for reading salon, reading forum, reading appreciation, reading guidance, and students to perform, draw, tell, write, and watch books.

Third, let every headmaster be the "chief reading officer" of the campus. The principal should be committed to building the school's reading brand, leading and influencing all teachers and students to read in depth, so that reading can bring a warm, bright and rich inner spirit and action force.

Fourth, let every teacher be a "reading lamp lighter" for children. Teachers should let themselves have a peaceful attitude, elegant attitude, positive state, and read for competence; It is necessary to develop "reading+" courses, build a serialized reading resource database, and let children really enter the sea of books.

Fifth, let every parent become a "faithful companion" of children's reading. The most beautiful family scenery is the father who puts down the humanistic works of mobile phones and the mother who reads bedtime stories away from TV. Every family can smell the fragrance of books, hear the silence and see the calm.

Sixth, let every child exude "strong scholarly spirit". I hope every child can read nutritious, high-quality and valuable books, love reading, enjoy reading, and go on a wonderful journey.

At the meeting, Zhu Wei, an outstanding reading promoter from Guangdong Province, was also invited to bring a poetry creation class "A Song of If" to the students of Hongqiao One Small Moon Youth College of Literature. Through imagination and creativity, the students created a poem with imagination and personality with the theme of "if". In addition, cases of relevant excellent schools, individuals and classes were shared on the scene. Teachers and students of Hongqiao No. 1 Primary School also presented wonderful recitation programs.

Nearly 300 people participated in the activity, including Yu Dongsheng, President of the Municipal Poetry and Recitation Association, Chen Youzhong, a well-known writer, relevant principals of the Municipal Research and Training Institute, members of the "Yanhe" Youth Principal Reading Club, members of the Municipal "Love Reading" Teachers' Public Welfare Steering Group, and "Love Reading" principals of various schools.
