Yueqing City's Work Plan for Deepening the "Publicity and Education of Rule of Law" on Campus
Time: 2024- 05- eleven Information source: Student Affairs Section Font:[ large in Small ]

In order to conscientiously study and implement Xi Jinping's thoughts on the rule of law and the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the rule of law education, further strengthen the construction of the rule of law in the city's campuses, let students know the basic legal knowledge and bottom line of behavior, enhance students' awareness of learning the law, knowing the law, understanding the law, abiding by the law and using it, according to the spirit of the relevant documents of the superior, and in combination with the actual situation of our city, The "Six Ones" activity of "Rule of Law Publicity and Education" is hereby notified as follows:

1、 General idea

Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on education, carry out in-depth publicity and education on the rule of law on campus, and enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of law popularization, Continuously improve the consciousness and initiative of the majority of cadres, teachers and students to respect the law, abide by the law and use the law, and provide a strong legal guarantee for the construction of a high-quality education system and the cultivation of socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor.

2、 Activity content

(1) Carry out the activity of "popularizing the law and shining the eyes to escort youth" into the campus. In primary and secondary schools across the city, the public lecture of "Popularizing the law and escorting youth" was held on campus. The activity was based on cartoon stories such as Dahua Westward Journey, Joking About the Emergence of Bears, Smart Stone Monkeys, and focused on campus violence, cyber crime, drug crime, sexual assault crime, etc., and invited professional lawyers Vice principals of the rule of law and others went to the campus to carry out lectures on the rule of law education for young people, so as to make professional legal knowledge close to the daily study and life of young people, improve the legal awareness and legal thinking of young people, help young people have a pair of "eyes of law", and finally achieve the goal of preventing violations and crimes. All primary and secondary schools make online reservation one week in advance according to the information provided in the annex "Yueqing City's Campus Public Welfare Lecture Menu and Curriculum Schedule for" Popularizing the Law and Vigorously Escorting Youth "(the method of reservation will be announced later).

(2) Carry out "Little Judge" mock court experience activities. All primary and secondary schools actively create conditions for students to play the role of presiding judge, judge, clerk, prosecutor, defender, etc. through the form of mock court, and participate in the whole process of mock court trial, so that they can understand the layout of the court, court discipline and court trial procedures, and learn how to use legal knowledge to solve practical problems. At the same time, students can also learn about the harm of campus bullying, campus violence and other issues, and how to use legal weapons to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests by simulating the case in the trial.

(3) Carry out the "warning film" watching activity of rule of law education. All primary and secondary schools actively organize students to watch some warning films with educational significance, which cover campus violence, cyber crime, drug crime, sexual assault crime, etc. Through vivid pictures and touching stories, they convey safety knowledge and legal concept to students, so that students can deeply understand the hazards and consequences of safety accidents, Recognize the importance of complying with laws, regulations and ethics.

(4) Carry out a team meeting on the theme of rule of law education. All primary and secondary schools make full use of class meetings, team meetings and other time to organize students to carry out law knowledge competitions, law story sharing, "protect the young" and other theme activities, so that students can learn law knowledge in a relaxed and happy atmosphere and enhance their awareness of the rule of law. In addition, schools make full use of campus radio, bulletin boards and other channels to widely publicize knowledge of the rule of law and create a strong atmosphere of the rule of law.

(5) Carry out various legal works evaluation activities. Around the theme of publicity and education on the rule of law, primary and secondary schools organized students to carry out a series of competitions such as legal essay solicitation, legal blackboard newspaper, legal painting, legal micro video, etc., so that students can exert their imagination and creativity in the creation process, and make legal publicity and education more in-depth into children's hearts. At the same time, teachers of primary and secondary schools are encouraged to use the rule of law thinking in the education process, take specific cases as the carrier, integrate the rule of law education into daily teaching work, and select some representative cases of the rule of law through the way of "case interpretation", in combination with their own education and teaching practice, to help students, teachers and students All kinds of contradictions and disputes between teachers and parents are analyzed and explained in depth. By selecting excellent cases of rule of law education, setting an example, promoting good practices and experience,

(6) Carry out "Morning Reading of the Constitution" activity. December 4, 2024 is the 11th National Constitution Day. The Ministry of Education will set up a main venue in Beijing to organize and carry out the "Morning Reading of Constitution" activity for primary and secondary school students nationwide. All schools organize primary and middle school students to watch the live broadcast and participate in the activities through the law popularization website. See the requirements of the superior for the detailed process of the activities and the content of the morning reading of the Constitution.

3、 Job requirements

(1) Strengthen overall guidance. All schools should conscientiously improve their political standing, organize and carry out "publicity and education on the rule of law" and "Six Ones" activities as an important measure to prevent campus bullying, campus sexual assault, cyber crime, and drug crime, earnestly strengthen organizational leadership, carefully plan, improve the security mechanism, and conscientiously implement the Ministry.

(2) Innovate the way of activities. All schools should actively explore and scientifically design the content and form of legal education publicity, adhere to the daily reality, make full use of modern information technology, explore and carry out interactive and experiential constitutional education, and constantly enhance the pertinence and effectiveness. We should promote the combination of rule of law education with school education, teaching and daily management, and enhance the influence and appeal of rule of law education.

(3) Extensive publicity and reporting. All schools should show the highlights of activities and educational characteristics in a timely manner through various forms, vigorously promote the socialist spirit of the rule of law, make the use of respecting the law and abiding by the law become a common practice in the city's education system, and create a good atmosphere for constitutional learning, publicity and education.

(4) Other matters. After the activity, please carefully summarize the implementation of the "Rule of Law Publicity and Education" series activities and fill in the following network links( https://f.wps.cn/g/DpotA0S8/ )Report to the Municipal Education Bureau. The Municipal Education Bureau will push a series of reports on WeChat public accounts such as "Yueqing Education Release", register the activities of each school, and incorporate them into the assessment of school moral education.

Annex: Yueqing City "Popularizing the Law, Brightening the Youth" Campus Public Welfare Lecture Menu and Curriculum Annex Yueqing City "Popularizing the Law and Brightening the Youth" Campus Public Welfare Lecture Menu Timesheet.docx
