Chen Xiangdong, Chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, went to the Municipal Education Bureau to investigate the work
Time: 2024- 04- 02 Information source: Information Center Font:[ large in Small ]

In the afternoon of March 26, Chen Xiangdong, Chairman of the CPPCC Yueqing Municipal Committee, led a team to the municipal education bureau to investigate and work. Lin Yuehe, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, and Wu Dianwang, Secretary General, participated in the survey.

Chen Xiangdong listened to the work ideas of the Municipal Education Bureau in 2024, the handling of the CPPCC proposals and the work of the CPPCC municipal education sector. At the symposium, some CPPCC members from the education sector made speeches around the construction of Yueqing Campus of Wenzhou Institute of Technology, the revitalization of idle school property, after-school trusteeship and other topics.

Chen Xiangdong fully affirmed the work achievements of the Municipal Education Bureau in the previous stage, and spoke highly of the progress made by the Municipal Education Bureau in systematically promoting the city's education. As for the next step, Chen Xiangdong stressed that education is a cause of laying a foundation and benefiting the long-term. It is a great mission and responsibility to do a good job in education. We should clearly see the shortcomings in our current work, adhere to the problem orientation, strive to narrow the gap between regions, urban and rural areas, and schools, and promote more balanced educational resources. According to the changes in population structure, we should make a good overall plan for the connection of school sections, the needs of the masses and the actual geographical situation, adjust measures to local conditions, implement policies based on schools, and optimize the allocation of educational resources. We should continue to expand the coverage of high-quality educational resources to better meet the people's expectations of "learning well". We should guide all sectors of the society to pay attention to and support the development of education, pool the strong joint efforts of the whole society to attach importance to, care for and support education, and strive to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Yueqing education.
