Yueqing CPPCC carried out special children care and democratic supervision activities
Time: 2024- 04- fifteen Information source: Information Center Font:[ large in Small ]

On April 11, Lin Yuehe, vice chairman of Yueqing CPPCC, led 14 CPPCC members to carry out a democratic supervision activity of caring for special children in the city's special education school. Relevant leaders from the Municipal Education Bureau, the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation, the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Health Bureau, the Municipal Women's Federation and the Municipal Youth League Committee accompanied and reported.

Lin Yuehe and his party visited the campus, focusing on the pre-school rehabilitation center, Dendrobium Garden, Yuanyiyuan and other vocational training bases, and listened to the school's proposal on building an integrated school running model of "pre-school rehabilitation training - cultural knowledge acquisition of liberal education - vocational skills training in high school - post vocational high school employment incubation", as well as providing "full career services and all-round care" for special children Specific conditions and practices.

Then a symposium was held. Wang Xiaoqiang, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau, reported on the basic situation of special education in our city and the construction of the special education model with the regional characteristics of "1+X+Y+N" Yueqing, and pointed out that the current working atmosphere of regular class learning in the city is not strong enough, some special children have prominent family difficulties, and people with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities and autism are difficult to find employment. Qiu Yongqin, member of the Party Leadership Group and vice chairman of the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation, reported that since the "14th Five Year Plan", the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation has carried out rescue rehabilitation for disabled children through measures such as increasing rehabilitation subsidies for disabled children and standardizing the construction of rehabilitation institutions for disabled children. So far, more than 1800 disabled children (times) have received rehabilitation services, and parents' satisfaction has gradually increased, It has laid the foundation for disabled children to better integrate into society.

The relevant heads of the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Health Bureau, the Municipal Women's Federation, the Youth League and the Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League and other departments made a detailed report on the current care for special children and the next work plan from their respective functions. After the report, the committee members held a heated discussion around the theme, and everyone spoke freely and made suggestions.

Lin Yuehe pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the education and guidance of special children, and build a platform for disabled children to show their abilities and expertise in combination with their physical and mental characteristics; We should further promote the inclusive sharing of public education resources and the balance of quality, help special children better integrate into schools and society, and create a good environment for them to receive high-quality education with "love" and "no hindrance"; All departments should strengthen the linkage to care for special children; We should fully mobilize all sectors to pay attention to special children, constantly increase the care for special children, integrate the protection of the rights of special children into all aspects of child friendly city construction, so that every child living in Yueqing can fully enjoy the care and assistance from the whole society, and grow up healthily. (Correspondent: Wang Xiaoqiu)
