Notice on the Selection of Excellent Cases for the Establishment of "Quality Campus" in Yueqing Primary and Secondary Schools (Kindergartens) in 2024
Time: 2024- 03- twenty-six Information source: Student Affairs Section Font:[ large in Small ]

All school districts, primary and secondary schools (kindergartens):

In order to further implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, promote the upgrading of campus culture construction, tap excellent cases and typical experience of schools, and build a "quality campus" window school, after research, it is decided to carry out the 2024 evaluation activity of creating excellent cases of quality schools in Yueqing primary and secondary schools (kindergartens). Relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1、 Theme

Quality campus, each beautiful.

2、 Active Object

All primary and secondary schools (including kindergartens) in the city.

3、 Work requirements

The activity collects case works of new forms of quality campus construction. The case should take the campus culture as the entry point, focus on the theme of "quality campus, beauty and its beauty", reflect the unique experience and phased achievements of the school in the process of cultural construction of spirit, material, behavior, and system, and refer to the document "Three year Action Plan for Improving the Culture of" Quality Campus "in Yueqing Primary and Secondary Schools (Kindergartens)" (website: ); It is required to have school cultural attributes and regional characteristics, healthy theme, novel content, seeing the big from the small, and realistic; The works must be original.

Case writing should be standardized. The content should include the theme, background, process, effect, highlights, reflection and other parts, with pictures and text, and the number of words should be 1500-3000;

The case is in Word format. The title is in bold with three numbers, and the body is in Song typeface with four smaller numbers: 1.25 times the line spacing. The file name is in the form of "school+case title".

4、 Submission method

The case is reported by the school, and each school is limited to one article, which shall be submitted directly through the following network link before May 13. Contact person: Teacher Shi, contact information: 61526715.

Submission network link:

5、 Other instructions

1. All schools should actively prepare and establish teams to write cases based on the school. The Municipal Education Bureau will produce several first prize, second prize and third prize winners through expert evaluation and recommend them to Wenzhou to participate in the evaluation.

2. The event adheres to the principle of fairness and justice, and any concealment, plagiarism and other acts that impair the fairness of the event are strictly prohibited. Once found, the school will be disqualified.

3. The copyright of the work belongs to the author, who has the right of authorship. Once a work is submitted, it means that the author agrees with the sponsor to edit his work before it is published online, and agrees and authorizes the sponsor to use his work for other activities or purposes, such as broadcasting, publishing, exhibition, etc. on the Internet, cable TV, mobile terminals, etc.

Yueqing Education Bureau

March 22, 2024
