Notice on Applying for the Host of Yueqing Famous Teacher Studio in 2024
Time: 2024- 03- eighteen Information source: Political Work Section Font:[ large in Small ]

All school districts (units), primary and secondary schools and kindergartens:

In order to give full play to the exemplary role of famous teachers, integrate high-quality teachers, build a backbone team of teachers, and promote the scientific, harmonious, high-quality and balanced development of education in Yueqing, we hereby notify you of the following matters concerning the application for the 2024 studio host in Yueqing:

1、 Declaration conditions

The persons who apply for the establishment of the host of the famous teacher studio must be the first level backbone teachers in Wenzhou and Yueqing (provincial special grade teachers, senior teachers, senior middle school teachers enjoying professor level treatment, famous principals, teachers and class teachers in Wenzhou and Yueqing), except the host of the famous teacher studio in Yueqing in 2022 and 2023 (the existing Wenzhou studio can be re applied in Yueqing) , eligible objects can declare. Set up three levels of studios, namely, super (senior) teachers' studio, Yueqing (Wenzhou) teachers' studio and Yueqing teachers' studio, to form an effective training pattern. Famous teacher studios should be suitable and balanced in disciplines and learning stages. This year, 30 famous teacher studios can be set up.

2、 Organization

1. According to the requirements of the Work Management System of Famous Teachers' Studio in Yueqing City, activities such as leading students by famous teachers, subject research, class observation and grinding, forum lectures, reading activities, case analysis, proposition research, thematic discussion, etc. are carried out. The activities are not less than 8 times a year, and each time is not less than 1 day, with 48 credits for the whole year.

2. The training period of the famous teacher studio is two years, and the periodic evaluation is carried out once a year. The famous teacher studio whose effect is not obvious or which is not suitable to be held again for various reasons will be adjusted or will not be held again.

3、 Declaration procedure

(1) To apply for the establishment of a famous teacher studio, the host should fill in the Application Form for the Host of Yueqing Famous Teacher Studio (Annex 1), which will be reported to the Yueqing Famous Teacher Construction Office from March 28 to 29, 2024. The application form (sealed by the school and photographed in PDF format) and summary form (Annex 2 Excel electronic manuscript format) (one copy) will be packaged and named after the host of the famous teacher studio. Send the electronic draft to the email address of the famous teacher's construction office: Contact: Mr. Liu; Tel: 61520372.

(2) The Office of Famous Teachers of Yueqing City organized experts to review the studio scheme, and reported the qualified studios to the Municipal Education Bureau for approval, and issued a document to publish.

(3) The approved and announced studios of famous teachers recruit students, report to the famous teacher office of Yueqing for approval, and carry out activities.

enclosure: 1. Declaration Form for the Host of Yueqing Famous Teacher Studio in 2024

          2. Summary of the hosts of Yueqing Famous Teachers Studio

Yueqing Education Bureau

March 18, 2024
