Notice of Yueqing Municipal Education Bureau on Carrying out Supervision and Inspection on Standardizing School Running Behavior in the Second Semester of 2023 Academic Year
Time: 2024- 03- 01 Information source: General Education Font:[ large in Small ]

All school districts and relevant schools:

In order to further standardize the school running behavior and solidly promote the high-quality and balanced development of Yueqing education, after research, it is decided to carry out supervision and inspection activities on regulating the school running behavior of primary and secondary schools throughout the city. The specific requirements are hereby notified as follows:

1、 Supervision object

Primary and secondary schools in the city.

2、 Supervision content

1. Strictly implement the spirit of relevant enrollment documents. Whether the school has strictly implemented the relevant regulations in terms of enrollment transfer, student status management and class arrangement management; Whether the regulations such as balanced shift division and "consistent membership" have been implemented, and whether there are large shifts.

2. Implementation of "double reduction". Whether the school's "one school, one policy" after-school service implementation plan is optimized; Whether the management of late self repair is in place; Whether the total amount of students' school activities and work and rest time are reasonable; Whether the management of students' physical health is implemented, and whether the total amount of written and extracurricular homework in school is effectively controlled; Whether the assignment and correction feedback system is sound, and whether the list management of campus activities is strictly implemented.

3. Routine management of education and teaching. Whether the school has fully opened the required courses such as labor education, morality and rule of law, and mental health education as required; Whether there is any phenomenon of randomly increasing or decreasing courses and class hours; Strictly standardize the use of teaching materials; Standardize the management of extra-curricular reading materials into the campus to prevent problematic reading materials from entering the campus; Actively promote the effective and scientific connection between young and primary schools.

4. Construction of teachers' morality and style. Whether the school violates the teacher's ethics; Whether to attach importance to integrated education of regular students; Whether there are activities such as organizing students to make up lessons collectively; Whether there are paid tutoring, hitchhiking fees and other behaviors.

3、 Supervision time

Complete the supervision before the end of May.

4、 Supervision mode

The General Education Department, the Personnel Department, the Student Department, the Finance and Accounting Department, the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the school districts have selected personnel to form a special class, which combines centralized supervision and random inspection, and adopts the methods of open and secret inspection, such as listening to reports, checking data, forum visits, parent investigations, and on-site inspections.

5、 Supervision requirements

The supervised schools need to prepare the "double reduction" files, student status platform data, the list of transfer students this semester, after-school services, teaching routines, the school's general curriculum, teacher ethics construction and other relevant key materials in advance. The supervision team will record the schools with problems, issue rectification opinions and urge the rectification. If the circumstances are serious, the relevant personnel and the school will be investigated for responsibility and be seriously dealt with according to relevant regulations.

Yueqing Education Bureau

February 26, 2024

Checklist for Standardized School Running Behavior of Yueqing Primary and Secondary Schools

Members of the school inspection team



Supervision content

Supervision results

Existing problems

Rectification measures

Excellent, qualified, unqualified

Standardize school running behavior

1. Strictly implement the curriculum plan: ① fully open all kinds of courses, especially strictly implement the class hour regulations of science, art, technology, comprehensive practical activity courses, school courses, etc Exercise for at least one hour every day.

2. Strictly control the amount of extra-curricular homework: no homework is left for the first and second grades of primary school, the written homework for other grades is controlled within 1 hour, the junior high school is controlled within 1.5 hours, and the senior high school is controlled within 3 hours.

3. Strict work and rest time: ① The sleep time of primary school, junior high school and senior high school shall not be less than 10, 9 and 8 hours respectively. ② The school arrival time of the compulsory section shall not be earlier than 8:00. ③ The end of evening self-study: in principle, it shall not be later than 20:30 in junior high school and 21:50 in senior high school.

4. It is strictly prohibited to make up lessons in violation of regulations: ① It is strictly prohibited for junior high schools and primary schools to occupy weekends and holidays in any name. ② It is prohibited for primary and secondary schools to provide places for various remedial classes and training classes in society.

Standardize class running behavior

5. Standardize the behavior of class arrangement: ① implement balanced class division in the beginning grade. ② No large shift. ③ Whether to set up various forms of experimental classes, key classes, fast and slow classes, etc.

6. Strict management of student status: ① Strictly implement the regulations of "consistent student status". ② Establish various management systems such as transfer and suspension, and improve the student status files.

Standardize after-school service behavior

7. The "one school, one policy" plan for optimizing after-school services of the school: ① The school provides delayed trusteeship services for students with special needs. ② The school has a wide range of educational activities, including lunch break and evening self-study (junior high school) management programs. ③ Establish after-school service quality evaluation mechanism.

Standardize the use of teaching materials

8. It is strictly prohibited to subscribe and use teaching aids in violation of regulations: ① Whether the teaching aids are over subscribed; ② Whether the supplementary teaching materials are compulsorily collected. ③ Whether there is a situation of "one subject with more teaching aids" in the selection of teaching aids, whether there are teaching aids outside the recommended directory in schools or teachers, whether students are forced to purchase them in disguised form or through the family committee, and whether schools or teachers make profits by purchasing teaching aids on behalf of others.

Standardize teachers' behavior

9. It is strictly prohibited for teachers to make up for lessons with compensation: ① whether there is paid tutoring, paid make-up lessons, and car fares. ② Whether to participate in various trainings, remedial classes and part-time courses.

Standardize charging behavior

10. Strictly implement the charging policy: ① Whether the charging items are publicized; ② Whether formal bills are issued for charges. ③ Whether there are illegal charges.

Standardize exam evaluation behavior

11. Strictly control the number of examinations: ① schools and teachers shall not organize or require students to participate in subject examinations organized by non superior education administrative departments or teaching and research departments. ② It is strictly prohibited to release the enrollment index.

For the above problems, the school must complete the rectification within two weeks and feed back the rectification results to the inspection team.             

Signature of school principal
