Notice on the Selection of Excellent Cases of Yueqing Primary and Secondary School (Kindergarten) Parents' Meeting in 2024
Time: 2024- 01- eighteen Information source: Student Affairs Section Font:[ large in Small ]

All school districts, primary and secondary schools (kindergartens):

In order to further implement the spirit of the Opinions of the Ministry of Education and Other Thirteen Departments on Improving the School Family Society Cooperative Education Mechanism, continue to promote home school cooperation, and tap the typical experience of the parents' meeting, it is decided to carry out the selection of outstanding cases of the parents' meeting of Yueqing primary and secondary schools (kindergartens) in 2024 in the city. The relevant matters are notified as follows:

1、 Guiding ideology

The parents' meeting is an important platform to promote full communication and exchange between schools and families and between parents. It can enable parents to understand the education, teaching, management and service status of the school, participate in and supervise the decision-making and implementation of the school, improve the transparency and credibility of school management, enable the school to better understand the expectations and needs of parents and students, and improve and optimize education services, Provide a good feedback mechanism for the school. At the same time, the parents' meeting can promote parents' participation in education, spread and promote excellent educational ideas and culture, strengthen family education, and promote students' development in many aspects.

2、 Activity time

January 15 to February 28, 2024

3、 Activity content

(1) Participants: in-service teachers of primary and secondary schools (including kindergartens) in the city.

(2) Project category: parent meeting at school level, grade level and class level.

(3) Text requirements: The case writing should be standardized, and the content should include the theme, background, process, innovation, effectiveness, reflection and other parts of the parent meeting. The specific requirements are as follows:

1. The theme is mainly based on the growth needs of students, focusing on core issues;

2. The background mainly explains the main reason and purpose of the parents' meeting, and can be asked later

Problem solving and reflection should echo to some extent;

3. The process mainly describes the core theme, pre conference preparation, activity arrangement and implementation;

4. Innovation is mainly reflected in content and form, such as role orientation innovation and model innovation

Feedback mechanism innovation, resource integration innovation, personalized innovation, etc;

5. The effect mainly describes what problems have been solved in this activity around relevant themes,

What consensus has been reached and what measures have been taken;

6. Reflection mainly analyzes the current meeting's

Whether the development has achieved the expected purpose, what experience or improvement and follow-up thinking;

7. The language shall be concise and clear, and the number of words shall be controlled within 3000.

(4) The source of the case should be true, reflecting the personal experience and thinking of the school and teachers in the educational practice, adhering to the principle of seeking truth from facts, and strictly prohibiting fabrication and plagiarism. Once the violators are found, they will be disqualified and criticized in a notice.

4、 Submission requirements

Please submit the paper draft of the case (with cover) (in triplicate) to Shi Wenyuan, Teacher of the Student Department of the Municipal Education Bureau (308 on the third floor of the back building) before February 28, 2024. Contact number: 61526715. At the same time, submit the relevant electronic draft through the following network links:  

Yueqing Education Bureau will organize selection and recommend the best to Wenzhou Education Bureau.

Attachment: Cover of works participating in parent's meeting case evaluation

Cover Download.doc

Yueqing Education Bureau

January 17, 2024
