Is it a black technology or an IQ tax to wear a light sweating suit?

Edit: Monica
2023-02-22 originate: YOKA Fashion
If you don't lose weight in February, you will feel sad in March.

After eating and drinking at home during the Spring Festival, the body fat rate of many friends also sounded the alarm. It's really annoying to gain three kilograms every holiday.

As the saying goes, poor students have many stationery. For those patients with advanced cancer who lose weight every year and become fat every year, although their practical ability is not strong, they have rich knowledge about fitness and shaping, and know a lot about new technologies and wild ways.

What is the most popular weight loss artifact in the past two years? Sweating clothes are definitely one.

My colleague was also unable to resist the temptation and followed the trend.

I was happy when I saw it. Isn't this the routine of wrapping plastic wrap on my thighs and waist in the early years?

 Is it a black technology or an IQ tax to wear a light sweating suit?

Who would have thought that since 2023, the old "weight loss method by covering sweat" still has its loyal followers, and it has become popular again by means of elevator advertising, star matching, social platform grass planting, etc.

However, it is not without reason that the upgraded sweatshirt can become a new generation of online celebrity fitness equipment. Not only are "black technology" full, but "fast sweating", "efficient fat burning", "wearing 10 minutes equals to the effect of one hour of exercise at ordinary times" and other promotional texts also speak about the hearts of those who lack the stamina to lose weight.

 Is it a black technology or an IQ tax to wear a light sweating suit?

The most persuasive is user feedback.

The visual shock of sweat flowing from the sleeves after wearing sweaty clothes and the amazing front and back contrast of 20 kg on the scale can no longer suppress the consumer desire to place an order with one click.

After all, when it comes to weight loss, people always want to take a shortcut. The best way is to "pay low, pay high", or even "pay no, pay high".

 Is it a black technology or an IQ tax to wear a light sweating suit?

So, can a garment that focuses on sweating a lot really help you lose weight quickly with half the effort? Is there any scientific basis for the efficacy of such product publicity? How good is the black technology?

Today we are going to talk about sweating clothes.

 Is it a black technology or an IQ tax to wear a light sweating suit?

As its name suggests, wearing "sweaty clothes" can really make you sweat.

According to the introduction of some businesses, their products use the silver film thermal radiation sweating technology, which can stimulate sweat glands, wake up cells, improve metabolism, and finally achieve the goal of efficient fat burning by forming a thermal cycle or thermal reflection to rapidly raise temperature.

The experimental data from universities and some international certifications provide endorsement for its scientific and technological content and efficacy, which is also an important reason to attract consumers to buy.

 Is it a black technology or an IQ tax to wear a light sweating suit?

Introduction to the principle of sweating clothes of a sweating brand and relevant performance tests

We must say that it is indeed possible to lose weight by increasing body sweat, but the basic loss is water, not fat.

In fact, the lung is the main excretory organ after fat burning. Among the products of fat decomposition, up to 84% are carbon dioxide, which is discharged with respiration.

Look at the composition of sweat:

The proportion of water is about 98% - 99%, and 1% - 2% of urea, lactic acid, fatty acids. The oil content is almost zero.

Therefore, the amount of sweat does not represent the amount of fat loss. If businesses launch a sports equipment that can improve vital capacity and speed up breathing, it may make more sense in science.

 Is it a black technology or an IQ tax to wear a light sweating suit?

Some people may have such questions:

"Sweating too much is just a sign of improved metabolism, isn't it? If metabolism improves, won't fat burn faster?"

According to the data of a paper published by a brand on "the impact of sweating clothes on human sports energy consumption", compared with ordinary sportswear, the energy consumption in sweating clothes sports increased by 2.5% on average, with the highest increase of 10.1%; The difference of energy consumption between wearing two kinds of clothes in sports is 5 kcal.

However, from the perspective of scientific research methods, it is meaningless to only emphasize the maximum value in the experimental data without talking about the average data.

 Is it a black technology or an IQ tax to wear a light sweating suit?

What is the concept that wearing sweatclothes can consume 5 kilocalories more?

Normally, walking fast for 0.75 minutes can consume 5 kcal of heat, so the gap between wearing and not wearing can be ignored.

It should be further pointed out that human body temperature is divided into body temperature and body surface temperature. If you only increase the body surface temperature without increasing the body temperature, then you cannot effectively improve the basic metabolic rate, let alone fat burning.

So unfortunately, the more you sweat, the faster you lose weight? Does not exist.

The weight loss caused by sweating is only a short-term superficial effect. As long as you supplement water in time after exercise, your weight will soon recover.

 Is it a black technology or an IQ tax to wear a light sweating suit?

Even if the body fat is really reduced when wearing sweat clothes, it can't be proved that it can really help burn fat. It is mainly due to the exercise itself, not depending on what you wear.

The amount of calories you consume in an hour of running is fixed, and it has nothing to do with whether you sweat or how much you sweat.

If the relevant data of body fat change cannot be given without excluding other variables, it cannot prove the positive effect of sweating clothes on fat burning.

 Kardashian running in sweaty clothes Kardashian running in sweaty clothes

More sweating is conducive to detoxification, which is another common misleading concept.

The human body removes harmful substances through the kidney and liver. The main way of detoxification is urine, followed by feces. In fact, the excretion of metabolites from the body through sweating is very small.

 Is it a black technology or an IQ tax to wear a light sweating suit?

Others are paying for the new black technology in the sweatshirt fabric.

Some businesses put forward the material concept of "nano silver film", while others focus on promoting "thicker coating, efficient heat gathering". Regardless of the script, most sweating clothes on the market are made of polyester fiber and silver metal coated fabrics.

It sounds tall, but in fact, it uses waterproof materials to block heat dissipation and accelerate sweating.

In terms of mechanism, sweating is not caused by the increase of heat production of human body during exercise, but a compensatory reaction of heat dissipation disorder.

Therefore, such sweat is not fat burning tears.

 Is it a black technology or an IQ tax to wear a light sweating suit?

But then again, is "sweatshirt" really a completely useless IQ tax?

In fact, as early as the 1990s, it has been popular abroad to increase sweating during sports. This kind of clothes is called "sauna clothes".

It was initially applied to specific groups of people as an auxiliary means of weight loss for MMA, free combat, boxing, weight lifting, bodybuilding and other athletes.

As it is a competitive competition that needs to be classified according to weight, these players will quickly dehydrate before the competition to achieve lower weight requirements.

 Mexican boxer Canelo Alvarez is sweating Mexican boxer Canelo Alvarez is sweating

Nowadays, the market of sweating clothes has expanded from professional athletes to ordinary consumers. However, it must be noted that wearing sweating clothes for a long time or high-intensity training without professional guidance will bring many health risks.

When the human body sweats a lot and cannot sweat and dissipate heat in time, if the water and electrolyte are not replenished in time, dehydration and heatstroke symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, weakness will easily occur, and even shock or life-threatening will be caused in serious cases.

Last year, a woman wearing sweaty clothes and doing aerobics, fainting with palpitation, went on the hot search, which sounded the alarm for this extreme fitness method.

 Is it a black technology or an IQ tax to wear a light sweating suit?

Earlier cases can be traced back more than 20 years ago.

In 1997, three college wrestlers from the United States, in order to lose weight quickly, wore sweaty clothes and exercised violently under high temperature, which resulted in cardiac arrest and died of ineffective rescue.

After that, NCAA, the American College Sports Association, listed this way of weight loss in the list of violations.

 Is it a black technology or an IQ tax to wear a light sweating suit?

Even if serious safety hazards are put aside, sweating clothes may not play a positive role in terms of sports experience. It will not enhance your desire for sports and sense of achievement, but will most likely persuade you to succeed.

The discomfort of sweltering, damp, sticky, etc. caused by sweating will instinctively reduce the intensity of exercise and shorten the duration, but will affect the original exercise plan and hinder heat consumption.

Although the sense of ritual is strong, it is really difficult to adhere to it. I could have run for an hour, but I may not be able to persist for half an hour after wearing sweaty clothes.

The worst thing is that because it is close fitting clothes, it cannot be returned just because it is ineffective, unless there is a quality problem.

So we still call on people to treat such products rationally and not spend money and suffer.

 Is it a black technology or an IQ tax to wear a light sweating suit?


After consulting a lot of materials at home and abroad, I think a more rigorous statement for sweating clothes should be: if used properly, it may have some potential health benefits, but at present, more research is still needed on its use (especially long-term use) to obtain convincing experimental data.

Although as early as 2019, the online communication department repeatedly refuted the rumor that "wearing sweaty clothes can quickly and effectively lose weight", it did not affect the fact that those star sweaty suits with a price of up to 800 yuan or 900 yuan were put into shopping carts by many dieters.

After all, its "scientific content is full", and it has the double blessing of stars and online celebrities. Who doesn't want to lose a body of fat after a few moves at home?

 This is hardly possible This is hardly possible

In fact, we all know that "keep your mouth shut and keep your legs open" is the unchangeable truth in the weight-loss world, but it is a long road that can not see the light in the short term. It is also a common thing that you don't lose a pound of meat in ten days and a half months, so many people give up trying to take a shortcut.

The reason why we fall into the consumption trap again and again is that every time we face an IQ tax product, we always have to face five demons:

"What if it works?"

PS: Some of the pictures in this article are from the network, Please contact us to delete any copyright issues.

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