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About easy to batch goods

Yipaihuo Department Store Wholesale Network is the largest B2B department store wholesale network in China, focusing on online wholesale business of department stores, including toy wholesale, new and strange products wholesale, stationery wholesale, department store wholesale, creative home wholesale, reception wholesale, car decoration wholesale, mobile phone accessories wholesale, handicraft wholesale, household goods wholesale, etc. In addition to bulk wholesale business, the website also supports mixed batch and company procurement.

  • Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai customer service+Yiwu local customer service: comprehensive customer service 605606. Please remember the customer service number you contacted, and continue to contact the customer service for the next shopping or after-sales.
  • Customer service in the south of the Yangtze River (including overseas): comprehensive customer service 607608. Please remember the customer service number you contacted, and continue to contact the customer service for the next shopping or after-sales.
  • Customer service in the north of the Yangtze River: comprehensive customer service 609610. Please remember the customer service number you contacted, and continue to contact the customer service for the next shopping or after-sales.