How to build a warehouse? How much does it cost to build a warehouse? How long can it be sold
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How to build a warehouse? How much does it cost to build a warehouse? How long can it be sold

Source: [Winner Gan En] Editor in charge: Add time: 2021-04-09 10:08:50
Both stocks and funds have the concept of building positions, Warehouse building strategy How to build a warehouse and how much money to prepare. It is worth noting that building a warehouse is also a time point and requires certain skills.

How to build a warehouse? What skills do you have?

All warehouse establishment shall be confirmed by the technical side, which generally includes the following aspects:

When building a warehouse, technical support is needed, New share investment , not at any time, as shown below:

Observe whether the daily moving average system is a bull or a bull. If it breaks through the 30 day moving average and builds positions above, it may increase the probability of success;

Observe the amount of energy and whether there is amplification. If the amount of energy is amplified and the momentum is right, you can build a warehouse;

Observe whether the perimeter system becomes stronger;

Observe whether the stock price has the trend of breaking the neck line;

Observe whether KDJ, RSI and MACD have buying signals;

Other technical conditions summarized by oneself;

Before you build a warehouse, you must pay attention to the risk. The risk is the first, which directly determines whether you can make a profit.

Sudden overall negative or weak overall environment;

Individual dividend gap and risk factors;

Personal skills are not up to standard, judgment errors, etc;

Individual stop loss measures after the risk occurs. Stop loss level must be set. Generally speaking, the set stop loss range is 7-8%. Depending on the individual's tolerance and capital capacity, it can be adjusted according to the actual situation, such as the support level.

For investors, the stock is bullish and can reap certain benefits. At this time, investors with experience and time will have a better judgment. If the stock price is really about the same as our judgment, and there is an increase, then we need to predict where to close the position and how much profit will be lost, which is what we need to consider when building the position.

According to the expected stop loss and stop gain, we can have a return risk ratio. If it is less than 1:3, you can consider changing stocks. If it is greater than 1:3, you can consider continuing to do so.

How much does it cost to build a warehouse?

Building a position is what we usually say about opening a position and how much money to buy. This is linked to the stock price we pay attention to and the position we accept. There is no fixed position, at least 100 shares.

How much to buy 5% of the stock position:

For example, if we have prepared 50000 yuan for entering the market, five percent will cost us two thousand five, which is calculated according to the total fund;

If it is calculated according to the market value of stocks, 5% of the stocks with a market value of 5 billion will be 2.5 billion.

How long can the warehouse be sold?

China's stock market implements the T+1 system, which means that today's stocks can be sold in the next transaction, or you can continue to wait until the time you predict to see the stock trend. The premise is that the stock has not been suspended and the market is open normally.

The opening time is the daily trading time, from 9:30 to 11:30 in the morning and from 1:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon.

If the main force is building a warehouse, look at the following example:

After holding for a period of time, the average price will be 15 yuan to sell, 400 million to ship, and 15 yuan to close. Then the main force will earn.

The cost of building a position of 500 million yuan is 10 yuan, which is not held for a period of time. Instead, it is shipped every day for 10.5 yuan, and 9.5 yuan is raised. After a period of time, the closing price is 10 yuan, then the main force still earns.

Therefore, it is different for the main investor to build a warehouse from the retail investor, which requires the concept of time and quantity. It doesn't make sense just to look at the price, but it needs to look at the quantity. It will be more complicated if we also consider over-the-counter trading and derivatives.

The position building strategy is not a simple way for us to start buying, but only after analysis. This time point and price selection will have an impact on our subsequent trading.

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