How much can you earn from winning 500 shares? Is it a steady profit to fight for new shares - Wingaid Fortune
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How much can you earn from winning 500 shares? Is the new stock market stable

Source: [Winner Gan En] Editor in charge: Add time: 2022-04-20 10:19:19
Many investors want to win new shares. Generally speaking, there is a high probability of making money after winning the bid, and there are basically few losses. After winning the bid for new shares, people can usually get considerable gains Winning 500 shares commonly How much can I earn Wingaid Fortune will tell you.

Generally, 50%~300% of the shares can be won. Suppose an investor wins the bid for new shares, the issue price of the shares is 30 yuan, and the investor needs to pay 15000 yuan after winning the bid. After the opening of the listing, the share price rose by 20%, and investors could earn 3000 yuan after winning the bid. Of course, the specific situation of winning new shares needs specific analysis. Sometimes the listing of new shares will be affected by the overall market situation and the issue price of new shares is too high or too low.

How to operate after winning new shares?

After the listing of new shares, most of the securities companies will have SMS prompts, and when logging in the software, there will also be a prompt tone. On the day when the new shares are issued, the company will deposit the money of the new shares in the stock account. This kind of fund can be used, that is, the fund to sell shares on the same day is also OK. If there is no cash in the account, you can transfer it from the bank. In short, you can have funds before 16:00 on the same day. If you don't understand the rules, you can set a limit to ensure that you have money to pay.

When the new shares are paid, they are waiting for the new shares to be listed. The issuing time of new shares can be inquired from many channels. The most convenient one is the new shares section of various stock websites, on which there is a specific timetable for the issuance of new shares. Know the date of the stock issue and get ready. Before the listing of new shares, the status of new shares in positions is the same as that of normal stocks.

Generally, the winning rate is announced according to the regulations of the Exchange, and then the final winning result is determined by drawing lots under the supervision of the lead underwriter, and then announced within T+2 trading days. In China, each lottery winner can only apply for 1000 shares in Shanghai Stock Exchange or 500 shares in Shenzhen Stock Exchange. How do retail investors buy new shares It also introduces these related contents, which can be learned.

Is the new stock market stable?

1. Pay attention to whether the operating conditions of listed companies are overestimated or underestimated.

The quantity and price of issuance. By comparing the issue price with the industry average valuation, if the price is too high, it may break after listing, so it can be sold when the listing is profitable.

2. Pay attention to selling and buying.

Generally speaking, the initial public offering will not break immediately, but will run for a period of time before it appears. Therefore, when the number of selling increases, you can sell first, and you can continue to hold when the number of buying increases.
 How much can you earn from winning 500 shares

How much can you earn from winning 500 shares? After listening to Xiao Bian's explanation, everyone should have a clear idea of their psychology. Wingaid Fortune has a lot of stock knowledge and investment related skills to learn.

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