How to collect information on new shares - Wingaid Fortune
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How to collect information on new shares

Source: [Winner Gan En] Editor in charge: hubing Add time: 2014-04-03 16:27:10

of New share investment Many of the authors in our books like to say that it is important to collect information for new stock speculation, but what information should be collected? But they didn't mention anything, which made many investors feel confused, just like the answer to how much seasoning is put in the recipe is appropriate, a little, very vague, not organized, which will make us feel more at a loss, so the author will give you a detailed explanation.

Collect relevant data

1. Prospectus of new share offering, listing announcement, stock issuance announcement, winning lot rate announcement, winning lot lottery result announcement, and issuance and subscription conditions.

2. Analysis articles provided by securities market institutions or professional researchers, investment value analysis reports of new shares, pricing analysis of new shares after listing, etc.

3. News about listed companies with new shares, such as securities magazines, newspapers, websites, or other media's news reports on the company, as well as roadshows, distribution and other news introductions.

These methods can only understand the general steps of new shares, but how to get detailed information about new shares?

First of all, in order to obtain the detailed information of the listed company, the prospectus is a very important criterion, which is an indispensable document for the company to prepare when offering shares. Therefore, it is necessary to refer to the prospectus of the company. The general contents of the internal prospectus include:

1. Past business records and possible profit forecast

2. Business, current operation, future plans and prospects of the company

3. Use of funds raised

4. Risk factors related to the company's business and prospects

5. New share subscription, results announcement and listing methods, expected dates, etc.

From an objective point of view, the prospectus is an important basis for investors to find relevant information from newly listed companies. In the past few years, the prospectus has been relatively complex, and many investors have difficulty understanding it. Therefore, you can appropriately refer to the evaluation of professionals and participate in the roadshow of listed companies with questions as an investment decision. Remember that in this process, you must implement under the premise of the prospectus.

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