On April 19, 2023, Winner's Morning News - Winner Fortune
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News about the winner's breakfast on April 19, 2023

Source: [Winner Gan En] Editor in charge: yjcf360 Added on: 2023-04-19 08:53:10
The Shanghai index opened lower and rose higher to close on the positive side. The time and space tool shows that the index is currently in an upward trend, with the focus on bullish. The index continues to rise, currently reaching the 3404 pressure point on the blue upper track of the winner's extreme reverse channel. If this line can be effectively broken, the upper pressure will focus on 3474 and 3507 points; If it cannot break through 3404 points in the short term, pay attention to the callback risk. The lower support focuses on 3342 points and 3267 points. In terms of time, before the trend has changed significantly, we will continue to maintain the original view. This rally is expected to last until the time window of April 26/27 shown in the winner's twelfth house. Operational strategy, pay attention to the relationship between the index and the key position of short-term space, and remain cautious before failing to effectively break through. For more interpretation of risk opportunities in the concept sector, please see the "big market live broadcast" post in the Winners' Chat Bar.

Industry News

1. Infrastructure construction in Xinjiang and Tibet has been accelerated and relevant industries have ushered in market opportunities

2. AutoX is licensed for demonstration operation, and the commercialization of automatic driving service is accelerated

3. The GPT industry alliance was officially established, and the industry development will increase the demand for computing power

4. The spot price of lithium carbonate rebounded from the bottom, and the institutions are optimistic about the subsequent demand growth

5. Global trial of BMW hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and fast range of hydrogenation

6. Nine application scenarios of AI as a service and 6G deep integration

7. There is huge room for growth, and the global recycling rate of waste plastics will reach 50%

8. According to the minutes of the Federal Reserve's discount rate meeting, three local central banks seek the Federal Reserve to raise the discount rate by 50 basis points. The three major US stock indexes ended up and down in a mixed manner, with the Nasdaq down 0.04%, the Dow down 0.03%, and the S&P 500 up 0.08%.

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[Hot Spot Foresight]

Zhongke Dawning has provided computing support for multiple domestic large-scale model training


Zhongke Shuguang (603019) said on the interactive platform that the company has provided computing support for "Zidong Taichu", "Wudao 2.0" and other domestic large-scale model training. The company cooperates with AI manufacturers such as Zhipu to provide high-performance computing resources for the implementation of AI industrialization. The company's domestic chip high-end computer R&D and expansion projects, high-end computer built-in active control firmware R&D and other fund-raising projects are all implemented by Zhongke Dawning. At present, all projects are under normal progress.

ZTE will launch GPU server supporting ChatGPT


It is reported that in the future, the GPU server for ChatGPT will be included in the key R&D investment direction of ZTE (000063), and the GPU server supporting ChatGPT is expected to be launched in the fourth quarter. The G5 series servers recently launched by the company have heterogeneous computing servers, which can be built with 10-20 heterogeneous intelligent acceleration engines; At present, the company's server products have been applied in Baidu Intelligent Cloud on a large scale. In addition, in 2023, the company will seize the opportunity for operators to increase investment in cloud network and computing network construction, and realize the rapid cultivation of second curve products such as servers.

In order to accelerate the industrialization process of core parts of the company's hydrogen fuel cell system, Zhongyuan Neipei (002448) plans to jointly invest and establish a joint venture company with Remodeling Group and Hydrogen Pu Chuangnang on the "hydrogen fuel cell engine bipolar plate" project, which is mainly engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and sales of hydrogen fuel cell engine bipolar plate. The company accounted for 60%.

Haitian Raytheon (688787) officially launched the "DOTS-AD autopilot platform" to help autopilot enterprises and R&D personnel use data efficiently, build data drive links with autopilot enterprises, and accelerate the forward iteration of data closed-loop utilization.

Guoguang Electric (002045) said at the 2022 annual performance presentation meeting that the company is a supplier of many top global brands and domestic mainstream brands such as Baidu and other AI interactive audio products. The company has carried out a number of cooperation with customers in the AI field, and plans to launch carrying GPT hardware products within the year. The company manufactures smart speakers for leading customers that can carry large models such as Chatgpt.

The subsidiary of Zhongke Cloud Network (002306) plans to invest 5 billion yuan in the construction of the first phase of the 5GW single-crystal N-type TOPCON high-efficiency battery project and its supporting facilities.

Shennong Group (605296) plans to invest 2 billion yuan in the construction of Honghe Prefecture pig whole industry chain project.

Saiteng (603283) plans to invest 2.5 billion yuan in high-end semiconductor and other production base projects.

Trina Solar (688599) plans to invest about 5 billion yuan to build a new generation high-efficiency battery project with an annual output of 10GW.

On April 18, NARI (600406) said on the interactive platform that in recent years, the company has actively deployed and developed energy storage, charging piles, IGBT and other emerging industries, and related products and solutions have been successfully applied to many projects.

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