Is it appropriate to customize furniture in June? How much does it cost to customize the whole house?

Published on: June 13, 2024
In June, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and the heat is getting heavier. Many owners are hesitant about whether they can customize furniture. Whether the high temperature has an impact on wooden furniture, and whether it will affect the later living experience. Today Yi Gao Xiaobian comes to share with you Is it appropriate to customize furniture in June How much does it cost to customize the whole house?
 Whole house customization
Customized furniture time
As for whether June is suitable for customized furniture, it is believed that many owners have learned from online or offline that high temperature, potential safety hazards and other issues are of great concern to many owners. High temperature has a direct impact on the construction period and the storage of materials, and thus the safety issues in construction cannot be ignored. In fact, no matter when it is customized, attention should be paid to construction safety, not only because of summer.
As a brand with 20 years of experience in the customization industry, Yigao has served many owners, and many consumers choose to customize furniture in summer. Many owners want to ventilate their new houses after customizing furniture for a summer, which is very beneficial to formaldehyde release, and they are more relieved to move in later.
 Whole house customization
How much does it cost to customize the whole house
June is gradually entering the midsummer, which is also an important node for the promotion in the middle of the year. All major brands are linked to 618, and the activity is strong. At this time, the whole customization is very preferential. For Ego brand, we have launched a series of anniversary celebrations, such as 699 yuan/㎡ customized wardrobe, as well as 29800/36800/38800 and many other customized packages for the whole family, including full house customization, soft furnishings, household appliances, etc., in a one-stop manner.
 Whole house customization
Is it appropriate to customize furniture in June? How much does it cost to customize the whole house The above is the sharing of Xiaobian. Owners who have customized furniture plans can take action recently.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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