  • Furniture enterprises enhance product added value to meet consumer demand

    After the real estate regulation at the beginning of 2011, the light furniture market since the second half of last year was again tense. It can be seen from the just concluded Shenzhen Furniture Exhibition that furniture enterprises have made breakthroughs in design, production, technology, environmental protection level, intelligence and other aspects to improve the added value of products. Industry insiders pointed out that technological innovation represented by leading enterprises will help promote the overall industrial upgrading of the furniture industry. Since 2010, influenced by the upstream real estate market, some furniture enterprises have had a hard time. In addition, consumer demand has also been constantly upgrading. They pay more attention to the function, culture, taste and other personality labels brought by household products while paying attention to the price. Furniture enterprises need to improve the added value of their products. At the Guangzhou Furniture Fair, which ended not long ago, the soft sofa brand Aieris released

    2019-07-11 zero zero zero zero
  • Furniture enterprises break out of difficulties and make adjustments to present "five major factions"

    Faced with all kinds of urgent situations, furniture enterprises have expressed that they are carrying out strategic adjustment to explore new ways for their own development. Most furniture enterprises also understand one truth: shuffling and transformation have become an irreversible trend, and enterprises that stick to the old model will eventually "face a disaster", or even be eliminated. Faced with this form, brand enterprises are exploring new ways for their own development. Furniture enterprises started to adjust and present five major factions: "Slimming Group", as the representative of the "Slimming Group", whose goal slogan in 2012 is "Slimming and keeping fit, moving forward with light weight". Wen Shiquan pointed out that he would increase support for those excellent stores, hold more activities and strive to sign more bills; For those stores with poor location and sales volume, they will be closed and merged. In this regard, the industry

    2019-07-11 zero zero zero zero
  • Furniture knowledge: soft sofa is not suitable for long sitting

    As winter approaches, many families put soft sofas or replace hard sofas with soft ones to keep warm. However, if they sit on soft sofas for too long, they will also have health problems, which are prone to spondylosis, muscle atrophy, lower limb edema, etc. Men can also cause prostatitis, reproductive disorders and other diseases. The Neijing · Suwen says, "Long sight hurts blood, long lying hurts qi, long sitting hurts meat, long standing hurts bones, and long walking hurts tendons, which is said to be caused by five kinds of fatigue." If you sit for a long time without moving, the whole body's qi and blood move slowly, which can make muscles loose and weak, resulting in atrophy. Therefore, it is said that sitting for a long time hurts meat, which is the same as "inactivity leads to decline". The experts who study human mechanics have come to the conclusion that the sofa is soft, people will lose their balance when sitting on it, and the waist will bend with it. Over a long period of time, it can make the lumbar lateral bending or kyphosis, resulting in vertebral injuries and lumbar vertebrae

    2019-07-11 zero zero zero zero
  • Different style sofas, unified international furniture: which one has caught your eye?

    The living room is a place that is loved by thousands of people. There are too many pieces of life, similar to the afternoon rest, all night movies, holiday parties, and family chatter always start from the living room. The sofa is one of the main furniture in the living room. It should not only have good comfort, but also highlight the life taste of the host, and at the same time affect the decoration style of the whole living room. How many popular sofa styles are there? Let's enjoy it with Uni President International Furniture! The European style sofa has flexible and curved lines, usually pursuing a grand and luxurious artistic atmosphere. It is characterized by gorgeous colors, smooth line structure, clear outline, exquisite and meticulous workmanship, and elegant and romantic overall. The colors are elegant and fresh. The simplicity reveals an elegant feeling. Uni President International Furniture believes that it can basically be said to be

    2019-07-11 zero zero zero zero
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