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Contribute capital strength to speed up the construction of a demonstration area of building a solid sense of the Chinese national community - Yinchuan departments convey and study the spirit of the seventh plenary session of the thirteenth party committee of the autonomous region

Time: 2024-06-13 09:10:27 Source: Yinchuan Daily
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In recent days, various departments of our city have held meetings in succession to convey and study the spirit of the seventh plenary session of the thirteenth party committee of the autonomous region, arrange for the implementation of the work, promote the implementation of the spirit of the plenary session, and contribute capital strength to accelerate the construction of a demonstration area of building a solid sense of the Chinese nation community.

Xingqing District, based on the reality, conveyed and learned the spirit of the seventh plenary session of the thirteenth party committee of the autonomous region through the theoretical learning center group, "three sessions and one lesson", concentrated discussion and other forms, and promoted the implementation of the spirit of the plenary session in the area under its jurisdiction. It is required to conscientiously study and publicize, deeply understand the profound connotation and practical requirements of the work of building a strong sense of the Chinese national community, do a good job of publicity, interpretation and typical guidance, and strive to create a good atmosphere of public opinion. Fully implement the deployment, systemically sort out the task list, continuously improve the work measures, and promote the spirit of the plenary session to take root through inventory management and project-based promotion. Extensively gather the joint efforts of work, work hard on cultivating work brand and creating characteristic highlights, pay attention to summarizing and refining excellent experience and practices, and strive to make all measures take effect in Xingqing District. Party members and cadres have expressed that they will comprehensively and systematically learn and understand the rich connotation and core essence of the spirit of the plenum, firmly grasp the correct direction, and achieve internalization and external practice. In future work, we will give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members and strive to be an important promoter and active practitioner of national unity.

The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision held a meeting, requiring the discipline inspection and supervision authorities at all levels in the city to study and implement the spirit of the seventh plenary session of the thirteenth party committee of the autonomous region as an important political task for the current and future period, quickly set off a learning boom, adhere to the building of a model city with a strong sense of the Chinese national community as the main theme, and continue to carry out the "Year of Deepening Political Supervision" activity, We will continue to deepen political inspection, and urge Party organizations at all levels in the city to implement every task and requirement of the plenary session to the letter through daily supervision, joint supervision, special inspection, open and secret visits, research and supervision, etc. We should carry out in-depth special rectification of the persistent problems of the "four styles", continue to deepen the rectification of formalism to reduce the burden of the grass-roots level, continue to correct the problems of cultural mountain meeting sea, supervision, inspection, research, excessive work, task layer by layer, "formalism at the fingertips" and other issues, and effectively loosen the constraints for the grass-roots level. We should strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era, combine the publicity and education of building a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation with socialist core values, excellent traditional Chinese culture, red revolutionary culture and good family customs and family precepts, and rely on digital networks, education bases and other places to ensure that the deployment of the plenary session takes root and bears fruit in Yinchuan.

The Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee held a meeting, requiring the city's organizational system to effectively improve its political position, and put the sense of building a strong Chinese national community through the whole process of theoretical armed, selecting talents, strengthening the foundation, and cultivating talents, so as to promote the implementation of the spirit of the plenary meeting. We should strengthen the Party's innovative theoretical arm, continue to implement the project of building a strong sense of the Chinese national community among Party members and cadres, deepen the education of "keeping in mind the General Secretary's instructions and building a strong sense of the Chinese national community", guide Party members and cadres to correctly grasp the "four pairs of relationships" and enhance the "five identifications". We should implement the political requirements of the "four special", incorporate the building of a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation into the responsibility system for Party building, the investigation of the political quality of cadres, and the assessment of leading groups and cadres, select and strengthen front-line forces at the grass-roots level, improve the high-quality development of the performance assessment system, strengthen the construction of cadres' discipline and style, and promote cadres to establish and practice the correct concept of performance, Work together to do a good job and cast the main line. It is necessary to establish a clear direction of focusing on the grass-roots level, vigorously implement the "two grasping and two increasing" project for the construction of grass-roots party organizations, deeply promote the party building to promote rural revitalization, deepen the party building to lead grass-roots governance, and constantly enhance the effectiveness of the party organization and work coverage. We should strengthen the construction of the talent team, deepen the "Special Action of 100000 College Students to Stay in Yinchuan", strengthen the political guidance of talents, optimize the talent service environment, and accelerate the construction of a talent innovation and entrepreneurship demonstration city.

Reporter Fan Xiaoru, Xiao Mengqi

[Editor in charge: Fu Yang]

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