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Change customs | Weijiaqiao Village, Jinfeng District: write civilized marriage customs into village regulations

Time: 2024-06-16 15:35:48 Source: Yinchuan News Network
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Recently, the New Era Civilization Practice Station of Weijiaqiao Village, East Yellow River Road, held a signature activity of "saving the priceless betrothal gifts and having you in a new marriage" on Yingnan Homeland Practice Square, which was attended by about 50 villagers.

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"A happy and sweet marriage should not be at the expense of high price betrothal gifts or even sky high price betrothal gifts. In order to take out high price betrothal gifts, they have to bear huge debts after marriage." At the event site, volunteers spoke to the residents of the scene about the possible harm to both families caused by high price betrothal gifts. Under the guidance of volunteers, villagers signed their names on the banners one after another.

"We are not greedy for others' money when we marry our daughter. As long as the son-in-law treats my daughter well, the child is happier than anything else." Wei Jiaqiao 6 said to Wang Weixing, the group leader of the Party, while signing his name. As the team leader, he played a leading role in this respect. He always said that it was good to marry well, and it was really good to live well.

In order to guide the villagers to take practical actions to break through the old and start a new life, consciously resist extravagance, waste, thin and generous burials and other prominent phenomena, Weijiaqiao Village has established the Red and White Council, which supervises and guides red and white affairs in the area under the three-level model of village two committees+party group leaders+party members, and advocates them to do new weddings and simple funerals. The bride price should not exceed 60000, and the number of tables for each banquet should not exceed 10, The standard for casual gifts is 100-300 yuan. Since 2024, resistance to high priced betrothal gifts has become the top priority of the work of changing customs. A total of 9 publicity activities have been carried out to promote changing customs and village rules and regulations, so that the villagers can truly understand and understand the harm caused by large-scale practices and high priced betrothal gifts. The betrothal gifts and cash gifts involved in weddings and funerals were written into the Village Regulations of Weijiaqiao Village as important contents, and the villagers' standards for handling relevant matters were stipulated by convention.

Reporter Liu Xuzhuo and Guo Zhen

[Editor in charge: Zhang Fangyang]

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