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Focusing on "Five Water Governance" Yinchuan City, Creating a "Yinchuan Model" of Water Governance by Law in a New Era

Time: 2024-06-14 09:02:42 Source: Yinchuan Daily
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These unique natural endowments endow Yinchuan with a unique landscape and draw a new picture of high-quality development of beautiful Yinchuan.

In recent years, the water conservancy system of Yinchuan City has thoroughly practiced the water control idea of "water-saving priority, spatial balance, systematic governance, and dual efforts", seized the strategic opportunity of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin, and focused on the most immediate and realistic water problems that people care about, coordinated and promoted the integrated management of water resources, water ecology, water environment, and water disasters, The construction of beautiful rivers and lakes has been comprehensively launched, new breakthroughs have been made in the "five water governance", and the concept of water environment and ecological protection has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Deeply promote water control and water-saving pipe

The per capita available water resources in Yinchuan City is only 844 cubic meters, less than 1/2 of the national average. In recent years, Yinchuan has set up a leading group for the construction of a water-saving society, which has successively prepared a plan for the construction of a water-saving society, a plan for the implementation of the water-saving special action plan, a plan for the implementation of the water-saving and water control battle, and formulated the Regulations on the Management of Water Resources in Yinchuan City, to comprehensively improve the capacity for intensive and economical use of water resources by improving the urban water-saving laws and regulations.

"We hope to further tighten the 'tap' and tap the water-saving potential of the whole society by improving the urban water-saving laws and regulations." Zhang Yanzhu, director of the water-saving service center of Yinchuan Water Affairs Bureau, told reporters that Yinchuan has always strictly implemented the water intake permit and control measures. The natural reserve, water conservation area There is no new water intake project in the groundwater overexploitation area and the urban pipe network coverage. According to the requirements of underground water pipe control indicators, the total water consumption control indicators and water level control indicators of each county (city) have been determined, and certain results have been achieved.

In recent years, our city has accelerated the promotion of agricultural water-saving and efficiency enhancement, industrial water-saving and emission reduction, urban water-saving and consumption reduction, strengthened the dual control of total water use and intensity, and comprehensively improved the efficiency of water resources utilization. In terms of tapping the potential of agricultural water-saving, adhere to planting suitable for water and realize the economical, intensive and efficient use of water resources. The high efficiency water-saving irrigation projects and the monitoring and control integrated gate coverage areas built in the city are all calculated according to the water volume measured by the metering system.

In terms of industrial water conservation, from 2020, our city has established a monitoring list of key water use units, set up water managers (supervisors) and full-time plumbers in enterprises with an annual water consumption of more than 100000 cubic meters to be responsible for the daily supervision of water conservation, and strictly implement the planned water quota management system for enterprises with an annual water consumption of 10000 cubic meters and above.

"With the in-depth promotion of the establishment and publicity of water-saving cities, the citizens' awareness of water-saving has become stronger and stronger." Zhang Yanzhu, director of the Water Conservation Service Center of Yinchuan Water Affairs Bureau, told reporters that in recent years, our city has made full use of the important time nodes such as "World Water Day", "China Water Week" and "National Urban Water Conservation Publicity Week" to carry out colorful activities, It has created a good atmosphere of "everyone saves water" in the whole society.

Drinking Yellow River water to protect groundwater

For a long time, Yinchuan was the only city that used groundwater sources among provincial capitals (capitals) in China. Due to the long-term exploitation of groundwater, the groundwater level continued to decline. Since 2010, Yinchuan began to face the problem of continuous water shortage during the summer peak. In order to effectively solve the outstanding problems such as groundwater overexploitation, insufficient water resources, prominent contradictions between urban and rural planning and construction and water source protection, scattered rural water supply sources, and substandard water quality of individual water sources, Yinchuan City proposed to implement the construction of the urban and rural west line water supply project of Yinchuan Metropolitan Circle in 2017, and use the deeply purified Yellow River water to replace the groundwater source.

Bearing the ardent expectations of urban and rural people, and shouldering the important responsibility for drinking water safety in eight counties and districts of Yinchuan, Shizuishan, and Wuzhong, the first phase of the urban and rural west line water supply project of Yinchuan metropolitan area was officially started on April 26, 2018. The project is to build a Yellow River water intake pump station at Jinshawan, 10km upstream of the left bank of the Qingtongxia Reservoir. The Yellow River water will be pumped, piped, stored in the reservoir, precipitated, and deeply treated by the water plant. After reaching the national standard for drinking water, it will be delivered to the municipal pipe network. The maximum daily water supply scale of the first phase project will reach 877000 cubic meters by 2025, which can meet the needs of urban and rural residents in three districts and two counties of Yinchuan City. The second phase of the plan covers Wuzhong City and Shizuishan City, and totally meets the domestic water demand, large-scale aquaculture water demand and industrial water demand of urban and rural residents in 8 counties and districts. The second phase of the project is planned to reach the maximum daily water supply scale of 1.701 million cubic meters by 2035.

Now, the first phase of the urban and rural west line water supply project of Yinchuan Metropolitan Area has been in operation for nearly 4 years, which not only improves the quality of drinking water in Yinchuan Metropolitan Area and ensures the safety of water use, but also achieves a historic breakthrough in the optimal allocation and efficient utilization of water resources in Yinchuan City, greatly improving the sense of gain, happiness and security of the masses.

"In recent years, our city has gradually closed its own wells in the water conservation area at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain. In principle, all agricultural and industrial water use is surface water, and groundwater exploitation is strictly controlled." Zhang Yanzhu told reporters that in order to protect limited groundwater resources, Yinchuan City has implemented the strictest water resource management system and strengthened the supervision of water intake quota, Ensure the sustainable use of water resources.

Recycled water injects new vitality into the city

In terms of treatment and utilization of water resources, Yinchuan upgraded, expanded and reconstructed the first, second, third, fourth and fifth sewage treatment plants around 2017, and built the seventh and ninth sewage treatment plants in Yinchuan, with a daily sewage treatment capacity of 575000 cubic meters. On this basis, Yinchuan No. 1 and No. 2 reclaimed water plants have been built, and the original Yinchuan No. 1 sewage treatment plant has been shut down. At present, Yinchuan No. 1 and No. 2 reclaimed water plants have been operated in order, which can provide sufficient landscape water, municipal miscellaneous water and industrial water for the whole city, realize the recycling of water resources, and greatly improve the water quality discharged into the Yellow River.

"After the implementation of the water right reform, our city has accelerated the pace of promoting the utilization of renewable water resources, and integrated renewable water into the unified allocation of water resources for industrial production, municipal miscellaneous use, ecological water supplement, urban greening, and vehicle washing. At the same time, taking the utilization of reclaimed water as a breakthrough, we will implement the quota system of reclaimed water through industrial water use and ecological water supplement, and comprehensively improve the recycling efficiency of reclaimed water, so as to inject new vitality into urban development. " Said Dong Jianhua, director of Yinchuan Water Affairs Bureau.

Precious and limited water resources should be used at key points and on the blade. Yinchuan City insists on making careful use of water resources as the top priority, and continues to strengthen the water-saving transformation of industrial sources. Through the implementation of cooling water recycling, renewable water use, wastewater treatment and reuse, steam condensate recycling and other measures, the city deeply explores the space for enterprises to save water. Up to now, Yinchuan Economic Development Zone has successively implemented more than 40 water-saving transformation projects and created more than 20 water-saving enterprises. In terms of recycling water, relying on the Third Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant, Yinchuan Economic and Technological Development Zone has scientifically prepared the planning of the water pipe network system. With the Central Renewable Water Reuse Project as a pilot, it has invested 170 million yuan in the construction of renewable water storage facilities and transmission and distribution networks, and introduced renewable water into key enterprises such as Central, Longji, Xixia Thermal Power. After the completion of the project, 22 million cubic meters of reclaimed water can be consumed every year, which will drive the reuse rate of reclaimed water to exceed 60% and overfulfil the tasks assigned by the autonomous region in advance.

Recycled water is the second source of water for cities. Scientific and rational utilization of reclaimed water is of great strategic significance for sustainable utilization of urban water resources. In recent years, our city has formulated renewable water use planning, management measures for renewable water use, and pilot implementation plan for renewable water use right confirmation and trading, etc., including landscaping into the coverage of renewable water pipe network, and expanding the space for renewable water resources. The second and fourth sewage treatment plant area reclaimed water river lake ecological utilization project has been fully started. After completion, it will achieve the "zero breakthrough" of the reclaimed water subsurface flow wetland in Yinchuan built-up area, and can replace more than 19 million cubic meters of water in the Yellow River every year.

Dong Jianhua said that the Municipal Water Affairs Bureau will focus on the main line of "four water and four fixed", put the requirements of scientific allocation throughout the work, optimize the water distribution system of total amount control, indicators to the county, district management, and spatial balance, accelerate the construction of a market-oriented trading mechanism for water use rights, better use live water resources, activate the water market, and revitalize the water value, Promote the conservation and intensive use of water resources to achieve new breakthroughs.

Consolidate flood control works to ensure Anlan of the Yellow River

In order to ensure the safety of the Yellow River, over the years, our city has invested a lot of money to remedy weaknesses, improve standards, eliminate hidden dangers, strengthen management, and comprehensively build flood control projects. Up to now, 113 kilometers of standardized embankments have been built on both banks of Yinchuan section of the Yellow River, and the flood control capacity has reached the standard of once in 50 years.

Since last year, our city has invested 320 million yuan to speed up the implementation of 10 projects, including the governance of Sangyuangou, the comprehensive governance of Luhuagou, and the upgrading and reconstruction of the first to third flood detention reservoirs. Through the construction and reinforcement of flood diversion levees, the governance of flood discharge and drainage channels, and the upgrading and reconstruction of flood detention reservoirs, we have further improved the flood control project system integrating "diversion, detention, storage, and discharge", The flood control standard in the core area will be raised to a 200 year return period, the city's flood disaster prevention capacity will be effectively improved, and the safety of the people, industrial and mining enterprises and industrial development in the eastern foot of Helan Mountain will be effectively guaranteed.

Next, our city will increase the utilization of heavy rain and flood resources, complete the upgrading and reconstruction of five flood detention reservoirs at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain, the comprehensive treatment of water systems of 56 kilometers, the construction of 56 kilometers of rainwater pipe networks, the restoration and increase of 130000 cubic meters of rainwater storage space, and more than 30% of the urban built-up areas reach the standard of once in 30 years waterlogging prevention and control, and eliminate 93% of waterlogged sections in the urban area.

Water control connects beautiful ecology and high-quality development at one end, and the happy life of the people at the other end. Yinchuan will further develop the "water article" and answer the "ecological volume" to make the city more livable and better.

Reporter Wu Chunlin

[Editor in charge: Fu Yang]

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