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State Grid held the founding meeting of the new Science and Technology Advisory Committee and held major task layout consulting activities

Time: 2024-06-15 12:01:39 Source: WeChat official account of State Grid
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On June 14, the State Grid Corporation of China held the founding meeting of the new Scientific and Technological Advisory Committee and the consultation activity on the layout of major tackling tasks. Zhang Zhigang, Chairman and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Company, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Pang Xiaogang, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, presided over the meeting. Shu Yinbiao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and chairman of the company's Science and Technology Advisory Committee, presided over the consultation activity on the layout of major research tasks, Chen Weijiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and deputy chairman of the company's Science and Technology Advisory Committee, Guo Jianbo, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and deputy chairman of the company's Science and Technology Advisory Committee, Zhou Xiaoxin, Yang Qixun, members of the company's Science and Technology Advisory Committee (honorary members) Han Yingduo, Xue Yusheng, Huang Qili, Qiu Aici, He Jiankun, Shen Guorong, Wu Jiangxing, Li Lizheng, Wang Xifan, Liu Jizhen, Cheng Shijie, Tang Guangfu, Ouyang Minggao, Wang Qiuliang, Wang Chengshan, Rao Hong, Yang Yongping, Bie Chaohong, Bi Tianshu, Wen Jinyu, Kang Chongqing and other academicians and experts attended the meeting. Chen Guoping, Deputy General Manager and member of the Party Leadership Group of the Company, introduced the layout of major technical issues and tackling tasks of the new Science and Technology Advisory Committee and the new power system 2030. Jin Wei and Ji Mingbin, Deputy General Manager and members of the Party Leadership Group of the Company, attended the meeting. Relevant assistants, chief engineer, deputy chief engineer of the company, and main heads of relevant departments and units of the headquarters attended the meeting.


Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping, based on the overall development of the Party and the country, has made a top-level design of the innovation driven development strategy and made a series of major deployments, pointing out the direction of progress and providing fundamental guidance for building a scientific and technological power. The company has thoroughly studied and implemented the important remarks of General Secretary Xi Jinping on scientific and technological innovation, made breakthroughs in a number of key core technologies, built a number of major innovation projects, realized a number of localization alternatives, established a number of innovation consortiums, and achieved new results in building a national strategic scientific and technological force.


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Zhang Zhigang thanked the academicians and experts for their strong support and help to the company's work. He said that a new power system has come in the future. To build a new power system and promote the green transformation of energy, it is urgent to strengthen scientific and technological innovation. The establishment of a new Science and Technology Advisory Committee is of great significance for the company to track and grasp the development direction of energy and power technology and tackle a number of subversive original technologies. It is hoped that the new Science and Technology Advisory Committee will further play an important role in the construction of new power systems, the cultivation and development of new quality productivity.

First, focus on the forefront of scientific and technological innovation and strengthen trend research and judgment. For major issues related to strategic direction and overall situation, seek more development strategies and build more wise words.

Second, provide professional guidance for the implementation of major scientific and technological projects. Assist in the demonstration and evaluation of major scientific and technological projects, and strengthen the "technical check".

Third, actively offer advice and suggestions around the high-quality development of energy and power. Promote the solution of difficult problems, gather consensus from all parties, and create a good environment for the development of the industry. The company will improve its working mechanism and provide service guarantee for the efficient operation of the Science and Technology Advisory Committee.


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Before the meeting, participants visited the National Power Dispatching and Control Center.

[Editor in charge: Su Nan]

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