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Artist Han Meilin: "Helan Mountain gave me a key to explore art"

Time: 2024-06-15 20:33:05 Source: Yinchuan News Network
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"I often say that I have been in love with Helan Mountain for eight generations. More than 30 years ago, when I came to Helan Mountain, the ever-changing rock paintings here made me shine, shocked me, and stimulated me. It can be said that Helan Mountain gave me a key to explore art." On June 15, 88 year old Han Meilin walked into Helan Mountain again, He personally unveiled the "Sharing Homeland - 1864 Yinchuan Han Meilin Art Museum Panda Special Exhibition".

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   Renew love: walk into Helan Mountain again
When it comes to Han Meilin's artistic creation, Helan Mountain must be an unusual place. He made eight long journeys to the foot of Helan Mountain to draw inspiration, which became a turning point of his art.
"I have a deep affinity with Helan Mountain." Han Meilin sighed, "I came to Helan Mountain for the first time more than 30 years ago. After seeing so many ancient rock paintings here, I couldn't walk, and I couldn't pull my legs, so I came again and again later. I suddenly felt that I had been walking for half my life, and I didn't find a home of art until I was in my 50s. That was national and folk things. This is the ultimate goal I am looking for. The root of our Chinese nation is here. In Helan Mountain, I wrote down all the symbols, marks, scratches, etc. I have saved 100000 words. "

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"I would like to come to Helan Mountain, this time through the special exhibition of pandas," said Han Meilin, "because I miss this place, thank this place, I thank this silent Helan Mountain, but it has unlimited language, unlimited image. Every time I come here, it gives me great shock. These rock paintings often make me cry with excitement. Seeing them, I always have a passion for creation. I should thank Helan Mountain rock painting for turning my artistic path. It takes place in Helan Mountain, Yinchuan, and Ningxia. I will continue to learn from Helan Mountain! " While speaking, the 88 year old artist made a deep bow to Helan Mountain.

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   Panda Special Exhibition ": pass on the concept of environmental protection
"Today, our special exhibition of pandas is held here. I love animals, so I painted many animals. Helan Mountain is a national nature reserve, and there are many rare and protected animals. We should not only protect giant pandas, but also protect other animals and plants, which is our common responsibility." Han Meilin said.
In Han Meilin's art world, animal painting has always been an important part of his creation. Among them, the image of the hairy panda in his works is charming and naive, which has always been loved by the public. Han Meilin's animal works are not only the representation of animal images, but also the expression of his deep understanding and love for life, nature and culture through animal images.

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1864 in the name of "Special Panda Exhibition" is the number of wild giant pandas obtained from the fourth national survey of giant pandas. In 2021, Chinese officials announced that the threat level of giant pandas would be reduced from "endangered" to "vulnerable", based on the same survey data. In 2019, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and a Shenzhen based Earthnature Foundation jointly produced 1864 environmentally friendly paper giant pandas with the panda image designed and authorized by Han Meilin, held "1864 Giant Panda Tour" in many countries and regions, and told the world about the significance of biodiversity conservation. In this 1864 giant panda tour, 1864 "baby pandas" came to Han Meilin Art Museum, continuing the mission of science popularization and environmental protection.


It is worth mentioning that these paper carved pandas are designed by Han Meilin with reference to the image of human babies, combined with traditional Chinese handicrafts, and made of rice pulp and recycled paper. In Han Meilin's view, the beauty and fragile texture of paper carvings is a reflection of the earth's ecosystem. Animals are common themes in Han Meilin's works of art. Through his brushwork, the viewer can clearly feel the artist's love of life and enthusiasm for life.
On the day of the "Panda Special Exhibition", the "Inspiring World · Han Meilin Art Experience Fair" was also held at the same time. The fair gathered elements such as "intangible heritage"+creative art+Han Meilin art, rock art, and so on. Each project allows participants to enjoy the fun of creation while further understanding the theme of the exhibition and feel the charm of art.

Reporter Bao Shuling

[Editor in charge: Su Nan]

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