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Uncivilized exposure platform | During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, don't let uncivilized people accompany you when you travel by car

Time: 2024-06-11 21:03:35 Source: Yinchuan News Network
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During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, many tourists choose to travel to the surrounding areas by passenger transport vehicles. The bus station has also become the "first window" for tourists to learn about Yinchuan. A clean, tidy and orderly environment will make tourists' impression of the city "plus points", and uncivilized phenomenon will make the city image "minus points".

 Don't let uncivilized people accompany you during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday (16044019) - 20240611185656.jpg

During the holiday, the reporter saw in the bus station square that there were vendors shouting at the north side of the square, and many floor tiles were damaged, affecting the surrounding environment; On the ground, although there are smoke columns and trash cans, there are still many cigarette butts, waste paper scraps, snack bags, drink bottles and other garbage, as are green belts and flowers; There are also passengers lying directly on the ground, which is very unsightly. In the ticket lobby and waiting hall of the bus station, although the warm prompt slogan "No Reclining, Civilized Travel" can be seen everywhere, some passengers still use backpacks to occupy seats.

The station is the name card of a city, and also the place that can test the quality of tourists most. It is an external window to show the city's style and civilization. I hope every passenger can be self-conscious, start from me, travel in a civilized way, travel in a civilized way, and work together to create a good and harmonious travel environment, and add luster to the city's image.

Reporter Yang Meng Liu Wenguang

[Editor in charge: Zhang Fangyang]

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