product details
  • Product name: Nalgene Ordering Guide 2020

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  • Product manufacturer: Nalgene
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Brief introduction:
The products of Nalgene Ordering Guide 2020 are involved in cell biology, clinical application, molecular biology, genetics, proteology, biochemistry and other fields. For more information about the Nalgene Ordering Guide 2020, please contact us.

Shanghai Yubo Biotechnology Co., Ltd Nalgene Ordering Guide 2020 A product sales company specializing in original import Recombinant protein , Detection Kit Antibodies (monoclonal, polyclonal) Standard , cytokines fetal bovine serum , cell culture and other biological reagents and consumables.

Yubo Biology is committed to becoming a one-stop solution provider for scientific research reagent procurement!

1. A global procurement center covering Europe and the United States, headquartered in New Jersey, the United States, with a procurement team of more than 10 people, can import protein, cells, consumables, etc All kinds of biological products with ultra-low temperature and harsh transportation conditions

2. Price advantage. Relying on our global integration advantage, we are committed to providing competitive prices!

3. Urgent service is provided. Generally, the goods will arrive in 2-3 weeks, and the expedited fee will be free if the time limit is exceeded!

4. There are many and comprehensive products. At present, our American company is the main body, and has established formal cooperation with more than 1000 European and American brands, basically covering all biological reagent categories, especially the second and third tier high brand products, with greater advantages!

Zymo Research SCI Scientific Plant Cell Technology Mettler InVitria Evident Cambrex biocare
Zymed Sceti Nalgene Ordering Guide 2020 Memmert immunodx Evrogen Clare Chemical Research bellcoglass
Yakult Sc antibodies proteinone MultiSciences iduron Enzo CLEAVER beckman
YSL schott pippet Mubio IDT EXIQON Cisbio International bechem

Nalgene Ordering Guide 2020 Precautions for saving

Requirements of reagent bottles for use of chemical reagents

1. Requirements for reagent bottle quality
HF solution can not be transported and placed in glass bottles due to corrosion of glass, instead, plastic bottles or lead dishes can be used. Other reagents are generally stored in glass bottles.
2. Requirements for reagent bottle mouth
General solid reagents are stored in wide mouth bottles, and general liquid reagents are stored in narrow mouth bottles.
3. Requirements for reagent bottle stopper
Reagent bottles containing alkaline substances (such as NaoH, Na2003, Na2S and other solutions) or water glass must be sealed with rubber or cork. The alkali property or water glass can react with the silica in the glass, resulting in the adhesion between the bottle and the stopper. Glass plugs are preferred without special instructions.
4. Requirements for color of reagent bottle Nalgene Ordering Guide 2020
Reagents that are easy to decompose when exposed to light should be stored in brown wide mouth bottles and thin mouth bottles. For example, AgNO3, chlorine water, hydrogen peroxide, bromine water and unstable organics are stored in colorless reagent bottles.
5. Use of dropping bottle
The drip bottle cannot store liquid reagents that are easy to evaporate and volatilize and have corrosive effect on the rubber head. Dropping bottles are generally not used as long-term storage reagents. The reagent decomposed by light should be stored in a brown bottle.

Nalgene Ordering Guide 2020 Application scope of:

[Expression analysis] Northern blot analysis | Branch DNA and mRNA quantification [Enzyme] restriction enzyme | protease | nuclease | kinase | polymerase | ligase

[Nucleic acid/protein synthesis] Oligo purification | Nucleic acid synthesis column | Nucleic acid synthesis reagent [Experimental animals] Transgenic animals | mice | rats | model animals
[Protein purification] Protein extraction | Protein dialysis | Protein quantification | Protein stability [Stem cell] stem cell/progenitor cell | primary cell | stem cell culture medium

[cDNA and synthesis and purification] cDNA full-length genes | RNA cDNA synthesis | cDNA related reagents [Protein modification] Protein labeling | Carrier protein binding | Other
[Cloning and expression] Clone gene | Clone kit | Clone screening [Test reagent] Biochemical test | Genetic test | Blood test

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