product details
  • Product name: sigma reagent

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  • Product manufacturer: other brands
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Brief introduction:
Experimental reagents of Sigma Fluka Company, agent of Sigma Fluka, are imported with original packaging, and the price is favorable. You are welcome to consult the product details. As a top agent of Sigma Fluka, Yubo Biology provides experimental reagents of Sigma Fluka not only with the technical level of * * at home and abroad, but also with good after-sales service and top solutions.
Sigma Fluka Experimental Reagent
Centrifugal operation instructions:
I After receiving the antibody, be sure to centrifuge at 12000 rpm for 1 minute before opening the tube cover for sub packaging and storage (if the antibody volume is less than 50 ul, please extend the centrifuge time to 5 minutes to ensure that all antibodies are centrifuged)!
abcam Antibodies attached to the tube wall or cover can only be centrifuged at 12000 rpm for 1 minute with very special storage tubes. Even centrifugation at 10000 rpm will lead to incomplete centrifugation, resulting in insufficient antibody!

*Operation instructions of Jiasubpackage:
II For most antibodies to abcam, the appropriate storage method is to store them at - 20 ℃ or - 80 ℃ after subpackage.
For most antibodies, it is sufficient to store them at - 20 ℃. There is no evidence that storing at - 80 ℃ will have more benefits!
The subpackaging can greatly reduce the damage of repeated freezing and thawing to the antibody activity, and also reduce the possibility of contamination caused by multiple absorption of antibodies from the same tube.
The amount of subpackage should be used up in one experiment, and the amount should not be less than 10ul per serving. Because the smaller the subpackage volume, the more likely the antibody concentration will be affected by evaporation and tube wall adsorption
If the sub packaged antibody after re melting cannot be used up at one time, store the remaining mother solution at 4 ℃ to avoid re freezing!
Antibody working solution should be used up on the day of preparation, and should not exceed 1 day at 4 ℃.
**Avoid storing antibodies in the automatic defrosting refrigerator. Try to store the antibody in the refrigerator, not on the door

*Operation instructions for good storage:
III After most antibodies are received, short-term storage at 4 ℃ for 1-2 weeks has no effect on antibody activity.
If the antibody will be used soon (1-2 weeks), it is recommended to store it at 4 ℃ to avoid damage to antibody activity caused by repeated freezing and thawing. If long-term storage is required, it should be - 20 ℃ or - 80 ℃* The key point is to store antibodies correctly according to the method recommended in the instructions!
However, please freeze the ascites product immediately after receiving it! Because this kind of product contains a lot of protease, long-term storage at 4 ℃ will lead to the degradation of antibodies!
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