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What is the preparation process of polyclonal antibody

Date: 2024-09-26 14:28
Views: 223
Polyclonal antibody It is an important biological tool, widely used in biomedical research and clinical diagnosis. It can obtain multiple identical antibody molecules by utilizing the characteristics of animal * * system, thus improving the production and purity of antibodies.

Select antigen. The preparation of polyclonal antibody requires a specific antigen as the antigen, which is usually a protein or polypeptide. The selection of antigen should take into account the affinity and specificity of the required antibody.

* * Antigens in appropriate animal models. Common animal models include mice, rabbits and goats** It is generally divided into two stages: initial * * and enhancement * *. In the first time, the antigen is injected into the animal body to stimulate its * * system to produce antibodies. In the process of enhancing antibody production, multiple injections of antigen are used to strengthen the reaction of antibody production and improve the quality of antibody.

Collect * * cells from * * animals** Cells are the main type of cells that produce antibodies. * * cells are usually collected from the spleen or * * node of * * animals.

* * cells were fused with myeloma cells. Myeloma cells are a malignant cell line with unlimited growth capacity. Fusion of * * cells with myeloma cells can obtain * * characteristics similar to * * cells and unlimited growth capacity of myeloma cells.

Culture and screen fusion cells. Put the fusion cells in the solution containing high concentration of * * * culture medium It can selectively kill non fusion cells and myeloma cells. For surviving fusion cells, monoclonal fusion cell populations can be obtained by limiting dilution method.

Monoclonal cells were collected and cultured. A single cell is selected from the monoclone fusion cell group, isolated and cultured into a single cell clone. Each monoclonal cell can produce the same antibody with it to form polyclonal antibody.

Collect and purify antibodies. Monoclonal cells were cultured on a large scale to produce a large number of antibodies. Antibodies are collected by centrifugation, filtration and other methods, and then purified to remove other proteins and impurities.

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