Product classification
Product code Product name Product specification Product brand Reference price
Polymer source P4364B-NVCL
Other brands inquiry
Panagne probe
panagene inquiry
Panagne agent
panagene inquiry
Fluorescent particle article number is 2220, orange fluorescent, 1mL
Other brands inquiry
Pall Hubei Agency
Imported from the United States with original packaging inquiry
Pall Hunan Agency
Imported from the United States with original packaging inquiry
**Agent Pall Tianjin Agency
Imported from the United States with original packaging inquiry
Pall Chongqing Agency
Imported from the United States with original packaging inquiry
Super agent Pall Yunnan Agency
Imported from the United States with original packaging inquiry
Pall Liaoning Agency
Imported from the United States with original packaging inquiry
** Pall Jilin Agent
Imported from the United States with original packaging inquiry
Pall Anhui Agency
Imported from the United States with original packaging inquiry
Licensed goods Pall Shandong Agency
Imported from the United States with original packaging inquiry
markdown sale Pall Jiangsu Agency
Imported from the United States with original packaging inquiry
Imported with original packaging Pall Zhejiang Agency
Imported from the United States with original packaging inquiry
Pall Guangxi Agency
Imported from the United States with original packaging inquiry
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