Communication | "There are only seven of you, and we are eight billion people" - European people protest against the separation of the G7 Summit from the world
2024-06-15 21:40

Xinhua News Agency, Fasano, Italy, June 14, Xinhua News | "There are only seven of you, and we are eight billion people" - European people protest against the separation of the G7 Summit from the world

Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Yaoting Peng Zhuo

"We don't need the Group of Seven", "Stop war and persecution"... Recently, slogans protesting against the Group of Seven (G7) summit continued to ring in Puglia, southern Italy.



On June 13, people took part in a free meal at the rally in Brindisi, Italy. Photographed by Meng Dingbo, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

The G7 Summit was held in Faisano, Puglia region, from 13th to 15th, during which several Italian groups, together with people from many European countries, launched many rallies and marches to protest the "hypocrisy", "selfishness" and "complete separation from the world" of the G7 Summit.

On the 13th, the central square of Brindisi, about 60 kilometers from the summit venue, was crowded with people participating in the first protest. Italian police set up a temporary martial law zone there, and sent dozens of police to prevent the demonstrators from driving, but they still could not stop the crowd from walking about two kilometers to the meeting place.

People put up banners in Italian, English and other languages in the square - "Don't G7", "Stop genocide", "G7 is destroying the earth"... Some people raised the Palestinian flag to protest against the Summit's inaction on the Gaza conflict.

A free meal activity will be held at the meeting site, and you can taste steamed coarse wheat flour, coarse grain bread and other food for only one euro. Deresa Kone, the organizer of the event from Africa, said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that the event was to oppose the indifference of the Group of Seven to the poor people. "They enjoy a feast in a luxury resort hotel, pretending not to see that many people in the world are suffering because of their actions."

Dinicola Renato, an Italian organizer of the rally, said in his speech that the Group of Seven had not made the world a better place

On the 13th, the leaders of the Group of Seven agreed to provide Ukraine with a loan of 50 billion US dollars with the proceeds generated from the frozen assets of Russia of more than 260 billion US dollars as collateral. On this decision, Renato told reporters: "The G7's decision is hypocrisy. They are the makers of war, and will not ease regional conflicts or benefit any party. They just want a piece of the cake."

Lucas Hoover, an art student from Germany, came to protest with his own work, a huge "Trojan Horse". He told Xinhua News Agency that the Group of Seven (G7) was "full of hypocrisy" in handling international affairs, like a trojan horse. It seemed to be grandiose, but it was full of selfish calculations. "It did not help the global vulnerable groups at all".

On the afternoon of the 14th, a new round of protests began in Faisano. The protesters put up the slogan of "There are only seven of you, and we are eight billion people", criticizing the complete separation of the Group of Seven from the world.

Italian high school student Zoe Karamia came from 20 kilometers away to participate in the protest. She told Xinhua News Agency: "G7 only represents a few rich people, only speaks for their rights and interests, and does not care about the interests of all mankind. They are indifferent to famine, war and unemployment in the world today."

According to the organizers of the event, the protests against the Group of Seven will continue until the end of the summit on the 15th.



On June 14, people were protesting in the town of Fasano, Puglia, Italy. Photographed by Li Jing, reporter of Xinhua News Agency



On June 14, people were protesting in the town of Fasano, Puglia, Italy. Photographed by Li Jing, reporter of Xinhua News Agency



On June 14, people were protesting in the town of Fasano, Puglia, Italy. Photographed by Li Jing, reporter of Xinhua News Agency



On June 13, a man took part in a dinner party at a rally in Brindisi, Italy. Photographed by Meng Dingbo, reporter of Xinhua News Agency



On June 13, people took part in a free meal at the rally in Brindisi, Italy. Photographed by Meng Dingbo, reporter of Xinhua News Agency


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