[Pay attention to the promotion of young students to primary schools and junior high schools] Lottery number can be used to apply for 2 schools per person at most! Enrollment plans for primary schools and junior high schools in Nanjing districts
2024-05-20 22:18

On May 20, Nanjing Gulou District, Xuanwu District, Qinhuai District, Jianye District, Yuhuatai District, Qixia District, Jiangbei New Area, Pukou District and other districts successively released the implementation measures for enrollment in primary and junior high schools in 2024. According to the notice of relevant provincial and municipal documents, each district will continue to implement the policy of "citizens enrolling together" this year, continue to implement the computer assignment of spare places of hot public schools, and the private schools and public schools will register, enroll and register their students synchronously. If the number of applicants of private schools exceeds the number of enrollment plans, all applicants will be enrolled by computer randomly.

Key words: enrollment target

Cross district students will return to their registered residence this week

According to the enrollment methods announced by each district, the primary school enrollment targets are: school-age children who have reached the age of six (born from September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2018). The enrollment of public schools is free of examination in the teaching area. The school-age children in the teaching area should have the official permanent residence of the family in the teaching area. In principle, their residence should be in the same household registration with their parents (legal guardians), and the household registration should be consistent with the housing ownership certificate and the actual permanent residence before they can enroll in the primary school in the teaching area. In principle, freshmen must complete the above procedures one year before enrollment and actually live in the place where their household registration, housing ownership certificate (or real estate ownership certificate) are located. In principle, only one school-age child will be arranged for each housing to study in the primary school in the teaching area (except for siblings who conform to the national fertility policy).

The target of junior high school enrollment: fresh primary school graduates with local household registration. Among them, those who study in primary schools in the district will be enrolled by the current primary schools; Those who study across districts must, within the specified time (May 24 and 25), carry the Contact Form for the Registration of Nanjing Primary School Graduates with Household Registration Studying Across Districts, the Household Register, the Housing Ownership Certificate (Real Estate Ownership Certificate) and other relevant materials to the place designated by the District Education Bureau to go through the enrollment registration procedures.

Key words: citizen recruitment

Strict implementation of citizen recruitment, strictly prohibit "pinching the top" enrollment

In the enrollment method, each district has made it clear that it will resolutely implement the national, provincial and municipal enrollment spirit and relevant documents, strictly enforce the discipline of citizens' co enrollment, and standardize the enrollment publicity behavior. All schools are not allowed to compete for students in advance by any means; It shall not exceed the restrictions set by the Education Bureau and refuse or refuse in disguised form the registration of school-age children; Students shall not be selected through written examination, interview (discussion), evaluation or any disguised form of unified knowledge examination; The enrollment shall not exceed the plan.

For example, the enrollment method of Gulou District mentioned that all schools should strictly implement the compulsory education enrollment discipline requirements, and prohibit early enrollment, unplanned enrollment, over plan enrollment, "pinching the top" enrollment, and illegal cross regional enrollment; It is strictly prohibited to apply for mixed enrollment between schools or transfer to another school in violation of regulations after enrollment; It is forbidden to organize or jointly organize various examinations with social training institutions for the purpose of selecting students, or use the examination results organized by social training institutions as the basis for enrollment; It is strictly prohibited to compete for students by means of high material rewards, tuition exemption, false publicity, etc; It is strictly prohibited to enroll students who have been admitted by other schools; It is strictly prohibited to enroll students on loan, separate students from students, or hang up empty student status; It is strictly prohibited to collect school selection fees, sponsorship fees linked to enrollment and cross semester tuition fees.

Key words: computer assignment

Each person can choose 2 schools at most, and can go back to the Shih diocese if they fail to win

Many parents are concerned about what will happen if they win or fail to win the computer lottery? In this regard, each district has made it clear in the computer assignment admission process that children of local registered age who meet the conditions for computer assignment can enroll at most two of the hot public primary schools and private primary schools in the district where computer assignment is implemented. If the number of applicants for private schools exceeds the number of enrollment plans, all applicants will be randomly assigned by computers; If the number of applicants does not exceed the number of enrollment plans, all applicants will be admitted at one time.

If you are sent to two primary schools at the same time, you need to clearly select one of them. If it is not confirmed within the time limit, it shall be deemed as giving up automatically. When children of twins (multiple births) participate in computer assignment, parents can voluntarily apply for "twins (multiple births) binding" computer assignment. Children of the right age who have been confirmed on the spot after being sent by computer shall not be admitted by other schools. For those who give up after being sent by computer, the degree of the original diocese will not be retained and will be arranged by the District Education Bureau. The degree of the original diocese will be reserved for school-age children who are not assigned to participate in the enrollment.

It should be reminded that school-age children who choose to register in private schools still need to go through the registration procedures of public schools as required to ensure that enrollment is not affected.

Key words: schedule

Parents should pay attention to these time nodes

Since May 23 (Thursday), all public and private schools have issued enrollment brochures.

On June 1 and 2 (Saturdays and Sundays), the urban public primary school organized new students with local household registration to register on site.

On June 5 (Wednesday), the education bureaus of each district announced the random computer assignment plan for hot public schools and private schools.

On June 15 and 16 (Saturdays and Sundays), primary school freshmen filled in computer assignment volunteers.

On June 22 (Saturday), private schools, hot public schools and Nanjing Foreign Language School were randomly assigned computers and the results were announced.

On June 23 (Sunday), the Nanjing Municipal Education Bureau opened a computer assignment result network query.

On June 29 (Saturday), Nanjing Foreign Language School organized a language proficiency assessment.

During the period from June 25 (Tuesday) to July 5 (Friday), students and their guardians who were randomly assigned by computers or passed the language proficiency assessment of Nanjing Foreign Language School went to the corresponding schools to go through admission confirmation procedures on the spot.

Before August 10 (Saturday), public and private schools will issue admission notices (or announce the list of new students) to complete enrollment.

Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu Journalist Wang Ying

Proofread potter


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