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Introduction to part-time postgraduate enrollment of Master of Engineering Management (MEM), School of Economics and Management, Chongqing Jiaotong University

tuition: fifty-four thousand

Length of schooling: 3 years

Class method: Weekend class

Location: |Chongqing|

   Chongqing Jiaotong University is a multi-disciplinary university with distinctive traffic characteristics, focusing on engineering. It is a university jointly built by the Ministry of Transport and Chongqing Municipality. School graduate education began one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five In, it was the third batch of national master's degree awarding units, two thousand and six He was granted the right to confer doctor's degree in.

Existing school four One level discipline doctoral degree authorization point, fourteen Doctoral authorization points in secondary disciplines, sixteen One first-class discipline( fifty-four Second level disciplines), ten Professional degree categories; Civil engineering, water conservancy engineering and transportation engineering have been approved as "first-class discipline" in Chongqing, mechanical engineering, etc twelve Disciplines were approved as key disciplines of Chongqing during the "13th Five Year Plan"; Have the qualification of awarding a master's degree to people with the same academic level and recommending excellent undergraduate students to study for graduate students without examination. Existing national key laboratory of mountain bridge and tunnel engineering jointly built by the province and ministry, national inland waterway regulation engineering technology research center, etc four National science and technology innovation platform, key laboratory of bridge structure engineering and transportation industry, etc thirty-nine Provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological innovation platforms, Southwest Water Transport Research Institute, Desert Soil Research Institute, etc twenty More than R&D institutions.

The university attaches great importance to the foreign exchange and cooperation of postgraduate education, and has joint postgraduate training programs with Gunma University in Japan, University of California in the United States, Cardiff University in the United Kingdom, University of Melbourne in Australia, etc; With off campus enterprises and research institutes such as China Railway Corporation and China Communications Construction Corporation one hundred More than two joint training and practice bases.

Our graduate education has formed a complete system and reached a certain scale. The existing doctoral and postgraduate supervisors are nearly nine hundred People, graduate students at all levels five thousand More than. After years of development and construction, it has trained high-level professionals such as doctors and masters for the country ten thousand Yu Ming.


1、 Description of enrollment category and scale

Our school two thousand and twenty-one There are two categories of postgraduate enrollment: full-time and part-time (please refer to our professional catalog of full-time and part-time enrollment). The enrollment scale and enrollment number of each specialty in the relevant enrollment specialty catalog are for reference only, and the enrollment scale issued by the state shall prevail. Our school reserves the right to adjust the enrollment number of each specialty according to the scale issued by the state and the online student source of each specialty. The number of candidates accepted is subject to the number of candidates actually accepted.


2、 Application conditions

   one Citizens of the People's Republic of China. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good moral character, and abide by discipline and law. The physical condition meets the physical examination requirements of the state and the enrollment unit.

   two The academic level of candidates must meet one of the following conditions:

  ( one )Newly graduated undergraduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications (including graduates from ordinary universities, adult universities, and adult higher education held by ordinary universities), self-study examinations, and online education can graduate at that time. Before admission in the same year, they must obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma.

  ( two )A person with a bachelor's degree recognized by the state.

  ( three )After obtaining the national recognized higher vocational college graduation degree two Year (from graduation to admission, the same below) or two Those who have more than years of schooling, and those who have completed their undergraduate courses with nationally recognized academic qualifications, and who meet the specific academic requirements of the recruitment unit for candidates according to the training objectives of the unit, shall apply for the examination as undergraduate graduates with the same academic qualifications.

  ( four )Persons who have obtained master's or doctor's degrees.

Graduate students in school must obtain the consent of their training unit before applying for the examination.

   three Business Administration( one hundred and twenty-five thousand and one hundred )And engineering management( one hundred and twenty-five thousand six hundred and one )In addition to meeting the above requirements one In addition to the point conditions, the academic level must also meet the following conditions:

After graduating from college three Personnel with more than years of work experience; Or obtain a national recognized higher vocational college diploma or a university undergraduate degree, meet the relevant academic requirements of the enrollment unit, achieve the same academic level as a university undergraduate and have five Personnel with more than years of work experience; Or after obtaining a master's or doctor's degree two More than years of work experience.


3、 Time and place of registration

(1) Online registration time: according to the time published on the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network".

(2) Time of online confirmation (on-site confirmation): according to the specific arrangement of each registration examination site.

(3) Place of application for examination: according to the requirements of relevant documents, choose the postgraduate application examination sites set up throughout the country.

Chongqing Jiaotong University is one of the registration test centers set up in Chongqing. The registration place is the Nan'an Campus of Chongqing Jiaotong University.


4、 Registration procedure

(1) Registration includes online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation). Register online and log in to "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network", and complete online registration as required. When registering online, candidates must carefully read the relevant announcements issued by the Ministry of Education, provincial education recruitment and examination institutions, recruitment units and registration and examination sites.

(2) Registration steps: ① Read the tips and requirements of the registration website carefully; ② According to the tips and requirements of the website, truthfully fill in your application information, the name and code of your major, the name and code of your department, the name and code of your examination subject, etc.; ③ Carefully check the application information filled in; ④ Submit the registration information after confirmation. After submitting the registration information, the examinee must accurately record the "registration number", user name and password of the examinee; ⑤ Candidates can modify their registration information only during the online reporting period specified by the Ministry of Education; ⑥ Candidates who refer to the test sites in Chongqing will pay the registration fees online as required, and other provinces will pay the fees according to local requirements.

(3) After online registration, the examinee shall go to the registration examination site for online confirmation (on-site confirmation) within the specified time with a valid resident ID card, academic certificate (new student with student card) and online registration number. For the specific time and relevant requirements for online confirmation (on-site confirmation), please pay attention to the announcement on the enrollment information network of Chongqing Jiaotong University.

(4) Those who have obtained the official qualification of recommending candidates for exemption from examination must log in the "National Recommended Excellent Undergraduate Graduates for Exemption from Examination to Postgraduate Information Disclosure and Management Service System" to fill in and volunteer and participate in the re examination within the time specified by the state. The promoted students who have not yet implemented the receiving unit before the specified deadline will no longer retain the qualification of promotion. Those who have been accepted by the enrollment unit shall not register for the national unified examination.

(5) Precautions :

   one Candidates can only fill in one major of one enrollment unit before taking the exam. After the Ministry of Education announces the basic score requirements for candidates to enter the reexamination, candidates can learn about the vacancy information of enrollment units through the reallocation service system of Research Recruitment Network and fill in the reallocation application according to their own scores.

   two Those who apply for the examination with the same academic qualification shall truthfully fill in the learning situation and provide authentic materials according to the requirements of the enrollment unit.

   three Candidates should accurately fill in the rewards and punishments they have received, especially the punishments they have received for violation of discipline and cheating in the national education examinations such as the entrance examinations for ordinary and adult colleges and universities, the national postgraduate entrance examinations, and the self-study examinations for higher education. Those who practice fraud will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination and the Interim Measures for Handling Violations of Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities.

   four During the registration period, online verification will be performed on the examinee's education (student status) information, and the examinee can view the verification results of education (student status) online. Candidates can also log into the "China Higher Education Student Information Network" to query their academic qualifications (student status) information before or during registration.

Candidates who fail to pass the online verification of academic qualifications (student status) shall complete the verification of academic qualifications (student status) within the time specified by the enrollment unit.

   five Self study examination and network education undergraduate students who have obtained the national recognized undergraduate diploma before admission to our school in the year of admission do not need to take additional examinations at the second examination stage.

   six Candidates who enjoy the ethnic minority care policy according to the regulations must truthfully fill in the ethnic minority identity when registering online, and apply for targeted employment in ethnic minority areas.

   seven National defense students and active servicemen who apply for local or military enrollment units, as well as local candidates who apply for military enrollment units, should carefully read and understand the relevant application requirements of the PLA and enrollment units in advance, abide by confidentiality regulations, and fill in the application information according to the regulations. If there is any ambiguity, please contact the enrollment unit in advance.

   eight Candidates should accurately fill in their online registration information and provide authentic materials as required. If the examinee is unable to take the exam, retest or enroll due to the wrong or false information filled in the online report, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.


5、 Preliminary test

(1) Date and time of initial examination

   two thousand and twenty-one The initial examination time of the national postgraduate entrance examination in twelve month twenty-six Solstice twelve month twenty-seven day ( every morning 8:30~11:30 , PM 14:00~17:00) exceed three Hours of examination subjects in twelve month twenty-eight Daily ( Start time 8:30 , the deadline shall be determined by the enrollment unit, and shall not exceed 14:30)

(II) twelve month nineteen Solstice twelve month twenty-eight Candidates can log in to the "Research Recruitment Network" with their online username and password to download and print the "Examination Admission Card". Use of Examination Permit A4 Printed on white paper, the front and back sides shall not be altered or written during use.

(3) Candidates can participate in the preliminary and second examinations with the downloaded and printed "Admission Card" and resident ID card.

(4) Preliminary examination subjects

   twelve month twenty-six The comprehensive ability of the joint examination of ideological and political theory and management on Sunday morning

   twelve month twenty-six Japanese afternoon foreign language

   twelve month twenty-seven Business Class I in the morning

   twelve month twenty-seven Business class 2 in the afternoon

   twelve month twenty-eight Daily exam time exceeds three Hours of examination subjects

(5) Examination outline and proposition

The subjects of the national unified examination and joint examination for postgraduate enrollment are ideological and political theory, English 1, English 2, Russian, Japanese, Mathematics 1, Mathematics 2, Mathematics 3, and comprehensive ability of management joint examination. Please refer to the relevant national regulations for the topics and syllabus of the national unified examination and joint examination subjects.

At that time, please log on our postgraduate enrollment information network to query and download our self proposition examination outline.

(6) Candidates' preliminary examination results should be submitted to three In the first ten days of the month, log on to our postgraduate enrollment information network for query.


6、 Retest

(1) Our school will determine the basic score requirements for candidates to enter the reexamination according to the basic score line of the reexamination determined by the Ministry of Education, and in combination with our enrollment plan, the source of students and the preliminary examination results of each major.

(2) Our school will strictly review the original application materials such as valid resident identity cards, academic certificates, student cards and the qualifications of candidates before the re examination. Those who do not meet the regulations of the Ministry of Education will not be re examined.

If there is still any doubt about the candidate's educational background (student status) information, our school will require the candidate to provide the certification issued by the authority within the specified time.

(3) Our school will three From late of the month to four Determine the time, place, content scope and method of the re examination in the first ten days of January, and publish the re examination methods and procedures. If our school deems it necessary, we can take another exam. For candidates with the same academic qualifications (subject to the registration time), at least two major undergraduate courses should be added to the retest. The additional test is written.

(4) According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education, our school will carry out the balance retest according to a certain proportion. The difference ratio is generally not less than 1:1.2, Each discipline will determine the difference ratio of the retest according to the actual situation.


7、 Dispensing

Our school will determine and publish the specific requirements and procedures of the adjustment work according to the admission policy of the Ministry of Education. At that time, candidates can fill in the transfer application through the transfer service system of China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network.


8、 Physical examination

Our school refers to the Guidance on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation (Teaching two thousand and three three No.), in accordance with the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education and the General Office of the Ministry of Health on Issues Related to Cancellation of Hepatitis B Test in Physical Examination for Students Enrolled in Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Teaching Department [ two thousand and ten two No.) stipulates that the examinee shall undergo physical examination after he/she plans to enroll. Candidates who do not meet the physical examination requirements will not be admitted.


9、 Ideological and political quality and moral assessment

The assessment of ideological and political quality and moral character is an important link to ensure the quality of new students. Our school will do a good job of assessment in strict accordance with the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education and the principle of seeking truth from facts. Those who fail the assessment of ideological and moral character will not be admitted. The ideological and political quality and moral character assessment is mainly to assess the examinee's actual performance, including the examinee's political attitude, ideological performance, moral quality, discipline and law compliance, honesty and trustworthiness.


10、 Admission

Our school determines the enrollment list according to the enrollment plan issued by the state, the examinee's entrance examination results (including the first and second examinations), and in combination with their usual academic performance and ideological and political performance, professional quality, ideological and moral assessment, and physical health.

The admission categories of master's degree are full-time and part-time. Among them, full-time postgraduate students include targeted employment and non targeted employment. All postgraduate students enrolled in targeted employment are subject to the contract system. The enrollment unit, the employer, and the candidates to be enrolled in targeted employment must sign targeted contracts respectively before the candidates are enrolled (please log on to our graduate enrollment information website to download the targeted contracts at that time).

The relevant departments will deal with the candidates who have violated the regulations in the registration and examination according to the relevant national laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Education. For those who practice fraud (including those who are promoted to be exempted), once verified at any time, they will be disqualified from applying for examination, admission or student status according to relevant regulations.

New students should report on time. Those who cannot report on time must have legitimate reasons and relevant certificates and ask for leave from the enrollment unit. Overdue without reason two Those who do not report for duty every week will be disqualified. Candidates of fresh undergraduate graduates who have not obtained the undergraduate diploma recognized by the state at the time of admission will be disqualified from admission.


11、 Length of schooling, tuition

Tuition fee is sixteen thousand element / Year, length of schooling: three Years. The above charging standards are subject to the final approval of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission, Finance Bureau and Price Bureau.


12、 Others

(1) Full time non targeted master's graduate files must be transferred to our school; The files of part-time and full-time oriented master graduates will not be transferred to our school.

(2) The problems caused by the postgraduate candidates and their units shall be handled by the candidates themselves. If the enrollment unit is unable to access the examinee's file due to the above problems, which causes the examinee unable to participate in the reexamination or cannot be admitted, the enrollment unit will not be responsible.

(3) The application for master's degree of active servicemen shall be handled according to the relevant regulations of the People's Liberation Army.

(4) The Graduate School of Chongqing Jiaotong University reserves the right to interpret our graduate enrollment.


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