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Introduction to part-time postgraduate enrollment of Master of Engineering Management (MEM) of University of Science and Technology of China

tuition: fifty thousand

Length of schooling: 2 years

Class method: Weekend class

Location: |Anhui|

   The Science Island Branch of the Graduate School of the University of Science and Technology of China (i.e. Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences, CAS) is one of the important science and education bases of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is located by the scenic Shushan Lake in the western suburbs of Hefei, and now has Anhui Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Institute of Plasma Physics, Institute of Solid State Physics Hefei Intelligent Machinery Research Institute, High Magnetic Field Science Center, Technical Biology and Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, Advanced Manufacturing Technology Research Institute, Medical Physics and Technology Center, Nuclear Safety Technology Research Institute and Applied Technology Research Institute, Hefei Institute of Innovation Engineering, etc eleven Research units with one National engineering centers, one National engineering laboratories, seventeen Provincial and ministerial key laboratories / Engineering Center, and the fully superconducting Tokamak Oriental Super Ring EAST EAST Three major scientific projects, including auxiliary heating and steady state strong magnetic field, have become an important scientific and technological innovation base, high-tech development base and talent training base of CAS. General Secretary Jiang Zemin one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight During the inspection in, he spoke highly of the scientific research environment of Hefei Research Institute and gladly inscribed "Science Island".

Hefei Research Institute is positioned to meet the needs of national clean energy and environmental security, and to face the forefront of material science under extreme and complex conditions. It will build a comprehensive national scientific research base relying on large scientific devices such as the full superconducting Tokamak, strong magnetic field, and atmospheric environment three-dimensional detection and research network to form plasma physics and atmospheric environment photophysics / Advanced disciplines such as chemistry, materials and biophysics in extreme and complex environments, and strategic high technologies such as magnetic confinement fusion reactor, atmospheric environment detection, strong magnetic field, energy and environmental health, functional materials and intelligent systems.

by two thousand and fifteen At the end of the year, on-the-job employees of Hefei Research Institute two thousand four hundred and ninety-seven People, including senior staff three hundred and four Person, deputy senior officer six hundred and forty-eight Including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences five People, selected in the national "Ten Thousand Talents Plan" four People, candidates of the National "Thousand Talents Plan" sixteen "Innovative Talent Promotion Plan" of Ministry of Human Resources and Science and Technology five People, national candidates for the "New Century Ten Million Talents Project" six People, country“ eight hundred and sixty-three ”Plan review experts five People, country“ nine hundred and seventy-three ”Chief expert of planning project twenty-six National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars / Winner of Outstanding Youth Fund eight People, candidates of the "Hundred Talents Plan" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences fifty-four People; NSFC, CAS Innovation Team eight , Anhui Province one hundred and fifteen team five .

since one thousand nine hundred and eighty-one Graduate students were enrolled in, and Hefei Research Institute has trained graduate students four thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven , of which the doctor's degree was awarded one thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven , awarded master's degree two thousand nine hundred and forty They have become the backbone of Chinese universities, research institutions, enterprises and institutions; Currently on post graduate supervisor four hundred and sixty-nine Name, including doctoral supervisor two hundred and twenty-three Name, Master Tutor two hundred and forty-six Name, the training scale of postgraduate students in school has reached one thousand and five hundred Name, existing academic doctoral training center of the Institute twelve Number; Master training center twenty-five Covering plasma physics, nuclear science and technology, environmental science and engineering, materials science and engineering, optical engineering, computer and control engineering, and biophysics, establishing a complete discipline system for the training of basic and applied innovation and entrepreneurship talents.

During the 13th Five Year Plan period, Hefei Research Institute will closely focus on the development goals of the "13th Five Year Plan", innovate scientific research systems and mechanisms, promote interdisciplinary innovation, focus on strengthening basic research and research on common core technologies in the industry, solve major scientific and key technology problems affecting the future development of the country, and strengthen the acceleration of high-tech application and industrialization, We will strive to build our institute into an internationally famous comprehensive scientific research base with advanced facilities, obvious scale benefits, strong innovation ability, high openness and a combination of science and education.


1、 Enrollment Major, Research Direction and Tutor

Contents of Master of Engineering Management of Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences




engineering management

(part-time)( one hundred and twenty-five thousand six hundred and one

Environmental engineering management

Liu Jianguo, Luo Yuhan, Zhao Nanjing, Fang Yonghua, Shi Hailiang, Xu Qingshan, Gao Minguang, Gui Huaqiao, Meng Gang, Qin Min, Sun Xiaobing, Zhao Weixiong, Zhang Yujun, Si Fuqi, Zhang Weijun, Ni Guohua, Shen Jie, Chen Changlun, Luo Yuanyuan, Zhang Hongwen, Wang Xiujuan, Li Taosheng, Feng Huiyun, Tian Xingyou, Chen Lin, Liu Gang, Jiang Changlong, Wang Huanqin, Gao Huihui, Dong Jun Kong Lingtao, Wang Zhenyang

Large science project management

Wang Zhenzhu, Rao Ruizhong, Liu Dong, Wu Dexia, Zhan Jie, Wang Yingjian, Chen Dihu, Xie Chenbo, Guo Qiang, Wu Xia, Xiong Wei, Zhang Zhirong, Zhang Qiyong, Hu Yanlan, Lv Bo, Wang Qi, Song Yuntao, Zhou Haishan, Zhu Dahuan, Han Xiaofeng, Chen Junling, Li Junjie, Ouyang Zhengrong, Sheng Zhigao, Li Xiangyang

Management informatization

Li Xiaofeng, Fang Yonghua, Xu Qingshan, Sun Xiaobing, Huang Honghua, Li Wenbo, Wu Zhongcheng, Qin Shijun, Zhou Zhiwei, Yuan Qiping, Wang Xianlong, Wang Lei, Wang Jianye, Hu Liqin, Long Pengcheng, Wu Bin, Wang Fang, Wu Jinghua, Zhang Long, Sun Bingyu, Wang Rujing, Yellow River, Yao Zhiming, Gao Lisheng, Chen Yanyan, Hu Zelin, Chen Lei, Ma Zuchang

Optical Engineering Management

Li Shuang, Shi Hailiang, Liu Kun, Zeng Yi, Rao Ruizhong, Xu Chidong, Zhu Wenyue, Gao Minguang, Gui Huaqiao, Xie Chenbo, Qin Min, Liu Dong, You Libing, Zhao Weixiong, Huang Honghua, Li Xin, Guo Qiang, Zhang Yujun, Si Fuqi, Zhang Weijun, Xiong Wei, Zhan Jie, Wang Yingjian, Zhang Zhirong, Liu Haiqing, Ding Junfeng, Luo Yuanyuan, Sheng Zhigao, Wang Qi, Yang Liangbao, Wang Yikun Wang Huanqin, Gao Huihui, Cui Chaoyuan

project management

Liu Kun, Zhu Wenyue, Li Wenbo, Chen Gen, Qin Shijun, Han Xiaofeng, Yuan Qiping, Liu Haiqing, Zeng Zhi, Zhang Hongwen, Wang Xianlong, Jiang Jieqiong, Song Yong, Jin Ming, Wu Qingsheng, Zhao Zhumin, Li Chunjing, Ye Xiaodong, Xu Linsen, Yang Wulin, Xie Chengjun, Song Quanjun, Wang Rujing, Yellow River, Gao Lisheng, Chen Lei, Li Hai, Shen Chengyin, Chu Yannan, Liu Gang, Liu Yong, Pan Xu

Engineering innovation and design management

Zeng Yi, You Libing, Li Xin, Sun Shaoming, Lu Kun, Song Yuntao, Zhou Zibo, Wang Hua, Zhang Shudong, Sun Bingyu, Chen Chilai, Sun Yining, Yao Zhiming, Dong Jun, Cui Chaoyuan, Ma Zuchang, Yang Xianjun

Project quality management

Xu Chidong, Hong Jin, Fang Ling, Zhao Zhumin, Zheng Zhiming, Pan Xu, Kong Lingtao, Zhou Xu

Energy engineering management

Meng Gang, Wang Qi, Luo Guangnan, Zeng Zhi, Ding Junfeng, Jiang Zhizhong, Shen Shuifa, Sa Rongyuan, Ouyang Zhengrong, Zhang Shudong, Wang Zhenyang

Engineering business process management

Fang Ling, Wu Zhongcheng, Feng Huiyun

Nuclear Engineering Management

Xie Yahong, Huo Zhipeng, Xu Yongjian, Hu Yanlan, Liu Zhimin, Zhou Haishan, Zhu Dahuan, Zhou Zhiwei, Chen Junling, Chen Changlun, Luo Guangnan, Liu Chao, Huang Qunying, Mao Xiaodong, Zhu Zhiqiang, Liu Shaojun, Wu Yichan, Wang Minghuang, Jiang Zhizhong, Wang Fang, Yu Jie, Shen Shuifa, Sa Rongyuan, Li Chunjing

Design and manufacturing management

Lu Kun, Lv Bo, Liu Zhimin, Ni Guohua, Zhou Zibo, Wang Xiujuan, Yu Jie, Qian Junchao, Shen Chengyin, Chu Yannan, Zhu Kunpeng, Xu Linsen, Wu Jinghua, Liu Yong, Zhang Long, Chen Chilai, Sun Yining, Hu Zelin, Zhou Xu, Yang Xianjun, Sun Shaoming

Bioengineering management

Shen Jie, Liu Binmei, Zheng Zhiming, Dai Haiming, Fang Zhiyou, Yang Wulin, Li Hai, Li Xueling, Wang Hongzhi, Wang Yikun, Chen Yanyan


2、 Re examination method

   (1) Principles

   one In accordance with the document spirit of the Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Strengthening the Reexamination of Postgraduates Enrollment and the Administrative Regulations of University of Science and Technology of China on Reexamination of Postgraduates Enrolling for Master's Degree, we will increase the weight of the reexamination of postgraduates and implement " Balance retest " All candidates to be admitted by Hefei Research Institute must participate in the re examination " fair " and " fair " The principle of moral, intellectual and physical integrity.

   two The postgraduate entrance examination consists of two parts: the preliminary examination and the second examination. The preliminary examination is organized by the Ministry of Education, and the second examination is organized by the Science Island Branch. The reexamination is an important link in postgraduate enrollment. Candidates must pass the reexamination and only those who pass the reexamination can participate in the method of calculating the total score, and choose the best from high to low scores. The key point of the second examination is to examine the breadth and depth of the students' knowledge at the undergraduate stage, their comprehensive quality and ability, and to assess whether they meet the training requirements of master students.

   (2) Score line and personnel of the second interview

   one The score line of the second round exam is determined by the Science Island Branch according to the Basic Requirements for the Results of the First Round of the National Postgraduate Entrance Examination for Candidates to enter the second round exam issued by the Ministry of Education. The ratio of the number of second round examinees to the number of enrollment plans is about one point three one As well as the specific conditions of the candidates of each specialty. The re examination score line includes the total score line of the preliminary examination and the score line of the single subject.

   two Candidates who reach the total score line and single subject score line at the same time are eligible to participate in the second interview. The list of candidates participating in the second round examination is published on the website of Science Island Branch.

   (3) Content and organization form of the second interview

   one The re examination is a reexamination of the candidates who have reached the line in the preliminary examination; The key point of the second examination is to comprehensively examine the comprehensive quality and ability of the examinees from the aspects of morality, intelligence and physique; The re examination includes professional knowledge oral test, English listening test, English oral test, physical examination and ideological and moral assessment.

   two Oral examination of professional knowledge: the oral examination of professional knowledge is to further examine whether the examinees have solid basic knowledge, the depth and breadth of their mastery of professional knowledge (including their understanding of the cutting-edge knowledge and research trends of the subject they are applying for), their ability to analyze and solve problems, and their ability to respond to changes and express themselves in a comprehensive and flexible way, Understand the potential and creativity of candidates engaged in scientific research. The interview time of each candidate should not be less than fifteen minute. Full score of professional knowledge oral test is eighty Points.

   three English listening and speaking test: the listening test is carried out simultaneously with the oral test. The test time of each candidate should not be less than five minute. Full score of English listening test ten Score, the full score of oral test is ten Points.

   four . The postgraduate reexamination team of the Science Island Branch shall form several reexamination teams of professional competence based on disciplines (majors) or centers (research rooms). The team members shall be composed of discipline leaders, academic backbones, and graduate tutors of relevant disciplines. Each reexamination team shall not be less than five People. Each group has a leader one Name (must have studied or cooperated in English speaking countries two More than years of experience, responsible for the examinee's English listening and speaking), responsible for all aspects of the group's second interview.

   five The Science Island Branch is responsible for the organization and specific work arrangement of the reexamination. The whole process of the reexamination shall be recorded and archived according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education.

   six Confidentiality shall be paid attention to in the re examination. Before the admission notice is sent out, no one shall make any promise or hint related to the admission to the examinee. Except for the content announced by the unit to the examinee, no one shall disclose the internal information about the re examination to the examinee.

   seven The reexamination is an important part of the postgraduate entrance examination, and it is a serious work. We must pay great attention to it and resolutely put an end to unhealthy practices. Those who have caused serious consequences in the reexamination will be subject to party discipline and political discipline punishment, even criminal responsibility.

   (4) Ideological and moral assessment

   one The ideological and moral assessment mainly examines the examinees' basic qualities in terms of political attitude, ideological and moral character, work and learning attitude, team spirit, scientific research ethics, discipline and law abiding.

   two The reexamination team can directly understand the ideological and political situation of the candidates through interviews with them during their professional knowledge assessment.

   three Passed by Science Island Branch " investigate through correspondence " Ask the personnel, political work or student management department of the examinee's unit about the ideological and moral status of the examinee.

   (5) Admission

   one Adherence to admission work " Comprehensively measure morality, intelligence and physique, select the best, ensure the quality, and prefer deficiency to abuse " Principle of.

   two . Candidates who do not meet the requirements for registration, or have serious violations of discipline and fraud in the initial and second examinations will not be admitted after verification.

   three The results of ideological and political morality assessment and physical examination are " qualified " or " unqualified " Those who fail to pass the ideological and political moral assessment or physical examination will not be admitted.

   four The final score of the second round exam is based on the percentage system, sixty Pass. Those who fail the re examination will not be admitted.

   five After the re examination, the total score will be obtained by averaging the examinees' scores in the first and second examinations according to a certain proportion. From high score to low score, select the best. Weighted average adopts the following formula: total score= ( Preliminary examination results /5)*60% +Re examination results *40%

   (6) Others

   one In addition to the re examination for the students with the same academic qualifications as the general unified examinees, the examinees must also take two additional written examination subjects. The examination subjects are determined by the Science Island Branch according to the enrollment direction and the background of the examinees. Different from the unified examination subjects, the degree of difficulty is determined according to the undergraduate syllabus and the examinees are notified.

   two The time of each additional examination subject is three Hour, the full score of the roll is one hundred Points.

   three The receiving and adjusting students should be professional, and the examinees must participate in the re examination.

   four For candidates who meet the requirements of the national reexamination line but fail to meet the reexamination score line of the Science Island Branch, or who participate in the reexamination but fail to pass the reexamination, the Science Island Branch shall assist in the timely outward adjustment, and there shall be a Letter of Adjustment Acceptance issued by the receiving unit.

In case of any conflict between this re examination method and the relevant national laws and regulations, the national laws and regulations shall prevail.

These re examination measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.

This reexamination method is explained by the Science Island Branch.


3、 Dispensing

According to the registration and preliminary examination, the Science Island Branch will release the adjustment information on the website after the national score is released.


4、 Preliminary examination subjects




Examination subjects


one hundred and twenty-five thousand six hundred and one

Project management (part-time)

one hundred and ninety-nine Comprehensive ability of management joint examination; ② two hundred and four English 2


5、 Tuition

Part time: Total five Ten thousand yuan, paid at the beginning of the first and second school respectively two point five Ten thousand yuan.


contact information

Tel: 13121116837