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Compulsory for entrance examination
Compulsory for entrance examination

On the job postgraduate of Shenyang Agricultural University

Introduction: Shenyang Agricultural University is a national key university jointly built by the local government and the central government. Liu Guanglin, the current Secretary of the Party Committee, and Chen Qijun, the President. The school is located at the south foot of Tianzhu Mountain in the central area of the connecting zone between Shenyang and Fuzhou, adjacent to the world cultural heritage Qing Fuling in the east, and facing the Hun River of Shenshui in the south, covering an area of 10246 mu. The campus environment is elegant and beautiful [View detailed entrance]
Enrollment area
A. Online class: unlimited, currently covering the whole country, as long as the enrollment conditions are met
B. Weekend face-to-face classes: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shandong, Hebei region
Enrollment of in-service graduate students
QQ Consulting: 247854830
WeChat consultation: ayan6837

Popular Admission Brochure

Type of study: professional master
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