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Is it difficult to register for on-the-job postgraduate examination

2022-08-26 17:42:54 Source:

Now more and more staff will choose the learning method of on-the-job graduate students, which is suitable for staff to choose. The main thing is that it will not affect our own work, and we can also apply the knowledge we have learned to work. However, when we register for on-the-job graduate students, we need to take an exam, and everyone does not understand the difficulty of the exam, so on-the-job postgraduate student Is it difficult to register for the exam?

First of all, there are many ways for on-the-job graduate students to register. Different registration methods need to meet different conditions, and when taking the exam, the subject difficulty of the exam is also different.

The registration method for the same degree is relatively simple, because there is no need to take an exam, and anyone with a college degree or above can come to the school to study. However, some majors may require more than two years of work experience. After enrollment, we can take the master's exam after three years of bachelor's degree. The difficulty of the master's exam is relatively low. The subjects of the exam are two subjects, foreign languages and subject integration. Subject integration is the knowledge content related to the specialty, There are five foreign languages for us to choose from. The full score is 100, and we only need to get 60 points. Moreover, the school will keep the scores of single subject examinations for us for many times.

The registration method of professional master is the most difficult among on-the-job graduate students. First of all, they must have a college degree or above, and they must have more than 3-5 years of work experience. Some majors require a bachelor's degree or above, for example, MBA management majors. And we need to take two examinations before entering the university. The unified joint examination for full-time graduate students is the same as the examination for full-time graduate students. After reaching the admission score, we also need to take the second examination organized by the university. The university will choose the best according to our two examination results, which is very difficult. The annual elimination rate is as high as about 70%.

The registration methods of Sino foreign joint ventures and advanced research courses do not need to take the entrance examination, but there are certain entry thresholds. Sino foreign joint ventures have certain requirements for economic conditions and foreign language foundation. After all, they study abroad. Advanced research courses have certain requirements for work experience. Both of these registration methods do not need to take the examination, So there is no difficulty.

Through the above articles, we can know whether it is difficult to register for the in-service postgraduate examination? The difficulty of applying for the in-service postgraduate examination depends on the major we choose and the method of application. So when we choose the method of application, we should decide how to choose a professional master if it is challenging based on our personal foundation. If the foundation is poor, we can choose the same degree.