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Huazhong University of Science and Technology Journalism [Advanced Journalism Business Direction] On the job Postgraduate Recruitment Brochure

tuition: eighteen thousand

Length of schooling: 2 years

Class method: Weekend class Online class

Location: |Hubei|

1、 Introduction

On the job postgraduate of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in journalism (senior journalism), On the job postgraduate of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Two years of schooling, 18000 yuan of tuition. Online classes and weekend classes are available. College degree or above can be applied for, and undergraduate degree holders can apply for master's degree. Huazhong University of Science and Technology is one of the top ten well-known universities in China. It is one of the first universities listed in the key construction of the "211 Project" and the "985 Project". It is also one of the universities with the strongest comprehensive strength in education and scientific research in China, and also one of the universities with the largest school running scale in China.

   2、 Registration conditions

1. Those who support the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, abide by laws and regulations, have good ideological and political performance, excellent business backbones, and are in good health, and can adhere to in-service learners.

2. Obtained a bachelor's degree, worked for more than 2 years, and had certain scientific research achievements or achievements in work.

3. Those who do not meet the conditions in paragraph 2 above are intended to improve their professional quality. The registration conditions can be extended to those who have a college degree or above in their major for more than 2 years, but they cannot apply for a master's degree before obtaining a bachelor's degree.

4. All the applicants will be admitted by the expert group of the School of Journalism of Huazhong University of Science and Technology after reviewing the official application form sent back by the students (please ask the academic administration teacher for the official application form). For fraud and other violations, the academic committee and expert review team of HUST have the right to reject any person's application for admission or retroactive disqualification.

3、 Application materials

(1) Fill in the registration form;

(2) Please provide 1 copy of the original of my last education and degree certificate (for future reference); One copy of ID card;

(3) Two 1-inch color certificate photos with the same background;

(4) Pay the registration fee of 200 yuan.

  4、 Registration process

1. Registration time: registration starts from now on.

2. Application procedures: The School of Journalism of Huazhong University of Science and Technology will form an in-service postgraduate course qualification review team to conduct qualification review, organize relevant tests according to the situation, and issue an admission notice after passing the review.

3. Materials required for registration:

(1) Fill in the registration form;

(2) Please provide 1 copy of the original of my last education and degree certificate (for future reference); One copy of ID card;

(3) Two 1-inch color certificate photos with the same background;

(4) Pay the registration fee of 200 yuan.

5、 Course outline

Journalism: including three professional directions of "advanced news business", "news theory" and "radio and television news".

The complete disciplines and research directions are as follows:

 Picture 1. png

6、 Course Introduction

Over the years, this class has been working hard around these three characteristics, and is committed to improving the quality of teaching and service, meeting the learning needs of students, and providing senior talents for the industry.

Feature 1: Good school! Regular admission, formal and reliable degree certificate, high pass rate

1. Both schools and majors rank high

Huazhong University of Science and Technology ranked seventh nationwide in 2011. Journalism and communication is the fourth major in China (also one of the first five doctoral units in journalism).

Especially with the research feature of "intersection of arts and science", the new media field is leading in the country.

2. This class is formally admitted, and the degree certificate is consistent with the master's degree

This class is a formal in-service postgraduate education, which has been officially registered in the Hubei Academic Degree Office, the Graduate School of the University, and the Ministry of Education. After all students are formally admitted, they can check the official student status on the websites of the Graduate School and the Ministry of Education.

The master's degree certificate applied for is exactly the same as the master's degree certificate of the unified enrollment (there is no difference in the certificate itself, text, seal, electronic registration of the Ministry of Education, etc.).

3. High pass rate

This class provides students with free intensive tutoring for the unified examination courses required for applying for the master's degree, and provides exclusive pre examination tutoring services through a variety of ways, such as remote teaching platform, data note sorting team, and face-to-face teaching in school, creating the highest one-time pass rate of this major.

According to the latest statistics in 2014, the one-time pass rate of the participants in the unified examination reached 85%, making it the college with the highest pass rate in the country. At the same time, the college keeps the student status for a long time, and the students who fail once can continue to participate in the next year until they pass the exam and pass the defense and obtain the master's degree (other colleges and universities only keep the student status for 3-5 years).

Feature 2: the best curriculum system

1. The college is fully committed, with the dean, vice dean and department head giving lectures in person, and the full doctoral guidance teaching lineup

The college attaches great importance to in-service graduate education. The dean, vice presidents, and heads of departments give lectures in person. All the teachers are doctoral supervisors and professors, leading in their research fields.

2. Industry executives give joint lectures, and industry resources are abundant

Over the years, this class has invited a large number of senior executives and experts from large websites to give joint lectures, including senior executives from Sina, Tencent, NetEase, Superstar, and People's Education Society, who have come to this class to give joint lectures with teachers.

This class is the most closely integrated with the latest trends in the industry and practice in the in-service graduate education of journalism and communication and advertising.

3. Initiate the "interdisciplinary" learning mode, combine the complete curriculum system of management, and choose to apply for the master's degree in management

In view of the need of students to strengthen the study of management theory, this class cooperates with the School of Management and the School of Economics of Huazhong University of Science and Technology to provide a complete system of management theory and integrate it into the teaching class.

At present, it is the only in-service postgraduate class that provides a curriculum system combining journalism and communication and management. Help students achieve one contribution and two gains.

Feature 3: The most flexible and valuable teaching mode

1. Especially suitable for busy practitioners, without affecting normal work and increasing burden

(1) Only 13 courses can complete credits;

(2) Concentrated teaching on weekends without delaying work;

(3) Two years to complete the course study and defense;

(4) Live broadcast on the Internet, and learning will not be delayed when traveling (Wuhan: classes on the main campus of Huazhong University of Science and Technology; local teaching sites: arrange teachers to teach in other places according to the actual needs of the year; in other places: you can watch live broadcast on the Internet or go to Wuhan and other face-to-face classes, reimburse travel expenses for a certain number of times, and provide free accommodation);

(5) Under one-on-one guidance, there is nearly 100% pass rate of defense;

(6) Strictly control admission. Only those who can obtain a master's degree in the future can be admitted. Therefore, more than 95% of the students can finally obtain a master's degree!

2. The only on-the-job graduate student with scholarship, and the only on-the-job graduate student who can directly pay tuition by installments

The college has a scholarship and installment policy. After formal admission, students will receive the scholarship assessed by the college expert group, and can pay tuition fees by installment (for details, please ask for a detailed brochure).

3. The only educational background with complete functions

You can customize the most suitable combination of courses. The combination of courses can be cross regional (national exclusive). At the same time, it is the only in-service graduate class that provides free information inquiry account on the academic journal network.

4. MBA teaching mode

The teaching process draws on the model of student communication in EMBA teaching, breaks the constraints of traditional classroom, facilitates the communication between teachers and students, and expands the communication circle of students. At the same time, we strictly control the entrance to make your classmates as excellent as you.

The three features lead the way, with the best student satisfaction (real student comments).

contact information

Tel: 13121116837