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How much is the tuition fee for part-time postgraduate enrollment of Fuzhou University? What are the entry conditions?

2023-05-29 21:34:46 Source:

On the job postgraduate of Fuzhou University How much is the tuition for part-time enrollment? What are the entry conditions? This problem has attracted many examinees' attention. Fuzhou University on-the-job postgraduate student The part-time enrollment majors include business administration, engineering management, social work, law and other majors. According to the different training programs and enrollment numbers, the application conditions and tuition system of each major are also different. The following is a detailed analysis of this problem, hoping to help you.

 How much is the tuition fee for part-time postgraduate enrollment in Fuzhou University and the conditions for enrollment

Tuition and duration of part-time enrollment major of Fuzhou University

The part-time enrollment majors of Fuzhou University include business administration, engineering management, public management, social work, master of law, etc. Most part-time enrollment majors in Fuzhou University have a length of three to five years, especially social work majors, with a length of 2.5 years. Specifically, candidates are required to log in to Fuzhou University Graduate School of Admissions to find the professional directory of part-time enrollment. Compared with full-time candidates, the tuition fees for part-time enrollment majors in Fuzhou University are generally higher. The highest tuition is for the business administration major. The examinees need to pay 87000 yuan of tuition, followed by the art design major, with a total tuition of 81000 yuan. The lower tuition fees are for Master of Engineering and Master of Law, and the tuition fees are about 30000 to 40000 yuan. The part-time graduate students of Fuzhou University are not included in the award and subsidy system, and the school does not provide accommodation, so the examinees need to make their own arrangements.

Application conditions for part-time enrollment major of Fuzhou University

The conditions for applying for the part-time enrollment major of Fuzhou University are as follows: 1. Candidates need to have Chinese citizenship and good moral and physical qualities. 2. Candidates should meet the requirements of academic level. Candidates who graduate from bachelor's degree or master's degree can apply for Fuzhou University. Candidates who have graduated from higher vocational colleges for more than 2 years can apply for the examination with the same academic level. When applying for the examination, candidates with the same academic qualifications need to take additional examinations in the second round. 3. Candidates applying for engineering management and business administration majors also need to have corresponding years of work experience. Undergraduate candidates should have at least 3 years of work experience; Candidates who graduate from master's degree or doctor's degree need more than 2 years of work experience. Candidates who have graduated from higher vocational colleges for more than 2 years need to have more than 5 years of work experience. Only those candidates who meet the requirements of the university can apply for the in-service postgraduate of Fuzhou University.

The above is how much is the tuition fee for part-time enrollment of in-service graduate students in Fuzhou University? What are the entry conditions? A complete answer to this question. The part-time enrollment major of Fuzhou University has a high cost performance ratio, which is very worthy of candidates. But the examinees should ensure that they pass the conditions of the school. If you have any questions, welcome to consult our teachers!