Wen Zhengming's 76 year old running script "Thousand Word Writing"

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  • Ye Gongchuo (1881-1968), with the character of Yufu, is called Yao'an, and his ancestral home is Yuyao. He used to be the deputy director of the Central Museum of Culture and History, and the deputy director of Beijing Painting Academy. Ye Gongchuo is fond of collecting ancient books and cultural relics. He spent a lot of money to collect rare treasures, such as Mao Gongding in the Western Zhou Dynasty, Cao E Stele by Wang Xizhi of the Jin Dynasty, and Duck Head Pill Calligraphy by Wang Xianzhi of the Jin Dynasty Read the full text>>

  • Tian Yingzhang's 6000 characters hard written regular script - clear large font file shared through Baidu online disk: Tian Yingzhang's 6000 characters hard written regular script - clear large font. pdf link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JPvE8kuuvu6ynj6djuL8yQ?pwd=ftb6 Extraction code: ftb6 -- from Baidu online disk super member V4 Read the full text>>

  • Zhu Ruzhen (1870-1943), a calligrapher and essayist in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, was born in Qingyuan, known as Yu Tang, Ren San and Ai Yuan. At the end of the 30th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1904), he was awarded the Imperial Academy for editing. He is a legendary historical figure. Guangxu Jiachen Enke Palace Examination, Zhu Ruzhen should have been the number one scholar Read the full text>>

  • Shen Yinmo's regular script, Mr. Pan Lvwu's family biography, is in the collection of Shanghai Museum. Dantu Wu Xiang wrote it, and Wu Xing Shen Yin silently wrote it Read the full text>>

  • The four screen scroll of Zheng Xiaoxu's running script in the Republic of China (Wen Xin Diao Long Feng Gu, Zhang Yanyuan's Fa Shu Yao Lu Shu Fu), 145.6x39.5 cm, is in the collection of the Palace Museum in Taipei. Explanation: Xi Pan visited Xi Wei. Think and copy classics. A group of talented people keep a low profile. It is its bone marrow. Xiangru bestows immortality. Keep your breath away from the clouds. Wei Wei resigns his sect. Kunsan brothers belong to Daya. Filial piety Read the full text>>

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  • Xu Xuan's seal script "Xu Zhenren's Well Inscription", Song Tuo's sole edition, 32 × 16.6cm. The inscription was originally carved on the well railing of Yuchen Temple in Maoshan, Jurong, Jiangsu Province, and is in the collection of Shanghai Library. This inscription was written by Xu Xuan (917-992) of the Southern Tang Dynasty. Xuanzi was born in Yangzhou. Shi recorded that he could write at the age of ten, and was as famous as Han Xizai Read the full text>>

  • Huai Su's cursive book "Eight Auspicious Songs", 32x36cm paper version, in the old collection of Yuye Xuecun, and in the collection of the Institute of Calligraphy of Japan's Dadong Culture University. Seal Script Inscription: Tang Jiansu's Book Right Ren Chen, March 2, Huaisu's Book. Descendants Sun Tonghao Read the full text>>

  • Yi Lixun's official script "Tang Family Biography of Song Festival Women" in the Qing Dynasty, rubbings 29.3x16.5cmx16 pages. Ueno Xuecun's old collection, collected by the Institute of Calligraphy, Japan's East University of Culture. Yi Li wrote the Family Biography of Tang Family, a Song Jie woman. Seal Script: The Family Biography of Tang Family, a Song Jie woman, was carved by Tang Boqian in the 8th year of Xuantong in the Qing Dynasty (1919) Read the full text>>

  • On the Qigong Festival, Tang Lingfei Sutra, ink paper version, 67.5 × 13cm. Old collection of Beijing Cultural Relics Company. Qigong's 26 year old book was written on the paper written by Tang people, and the content was Jie Lin's Six Classics of Lingfei. According to the Chronicle of Qigong, in July 1938 (Wuyin), Qigong got the 43 lines of Lingfei Sutra of Wangyun Lou Collection Read the full text>>

  • Wang's Stele of Tai Buhua Seal Script of the Yuan Dynasty, with a rubbings of 29.1x14.7cmx29 pages, is in the old collection of Ueno Xuecun, and in the collection of the Institute of Calligraphy, Japan's Taitung Culture University Read the full text>>

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  • He Shaoji wrote a book about the Preface Academy in Taixing County, with a rubbings of 35.1 x 13.4 cm, which was collected by Yuye Xuecun and the Institute of Calligraphy of Dadong Culture University in Japan. The inscription is "A Record of He Zizhen's Jinjiang Academy". The record of Taixing County's Jinjiang Academy is written by Cui Tao, the owner of Chunzhu Mountain House in the evening of Bingxu Read the full text>>

  • The calligraphy scroll of Pine Wind Pavilion by Huang Tingjian, Wang Mianyilin, Rongjun of Qing Dynasty, in ink paper, 30 x 367.5 cm. Source: 2023 Christie's Auction in Hong Kong, the transaction price is HKD 378000. Taste: Jiaqing Jiaxu Xia (1814) tried to make a new Songyan Lingu poetry poster, the King of Rongjun. Statement: The above auction works are for reference only Read the full text>>

  • Wang Chongxing ascended Lingyan's top poem scroll in cursive script, paper version, 31 × 275.5 cm, collected by Rongbaozhai. Source: Central Academy of Fine Arts Library Read the full text>>

  • The epitaph scroll of Zhou Wenying written in regular script by Yang Weizhen of the Yuan Dynasty, paper, 25.9x86.2 cm, in the collection of Liaoning Provincial Museum. Note: At the end of the volume, there is another book called "Biography of Zhou Shangqing" written by Zhang Shishu and the postscript of various schools in the Yuan and Ming dynasties Read the full text>>

  • Dong Qichang of the Ming Dynasty wrote the biography of Mao Xianweng in regular script on silk, 33.5x267.8 cm, collected in the Palace Museum in Taipei. Explanation: Mao Xianweng presents poems to the audience. Pei Du. From Jingzhou. Ding becomes gold. Tao breath is sealed. Pure religion does not spread. Qin and Han dynasties. The speaker is very broad-minded. The former Confucians thought that it was because of the past. Who is the truth. Langya Debate Read the full text>>

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  • Yu Sifu (1614-1693), not far from home, was born in Yuyuan Village, Jiangle County, Fujian Province in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. Yu Sifu's calligraphy is very accomplished. His style is similar to that of Dong Qichang, a famous calligrapher and painter in the Ming Dynasty. He was in Longfu Temple, Taicang County, Jiangsu Province Read the full text>>

  • A collection of two volumes of "Guliang Guanzi Yanzi Zhuangzi" by Wang Chong and Xiaokai, collected by the Palace Museum in Taipei. Explanation: Yu Shijin Shishi destroys Xia Yang. The second year of Xi Gong. Guliang. Not a country but perishes. Heavy summer sun. Yu has no teacher. It is said that no teacher. Advance first. You can't leave your teacher alone. What was the first Jin Dynasty. The main thing is to destroy the summer sun. Xia Yang Read the full text>>

  • The imperial Wenxuan Wang Zan Stele was written by Zhao Heng, Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, and the seal script of Mi Fu was written in the fourth year of Chongning (1105) of the Northern Song Dynasty. The stone is in Wuwei County, Anhui Province. The whole piece is 150 cm high and 88 cm wide. This is a rubbings of the Qing Dynasty, collected by the National Library. Lu He and Jiujiu collected and wrote a postscript Read the full text>>

  • Lin Ji's regular script, "Biography of Leisure and Evil Officials", in ink and wash paper, has six folios, each 23x10.5cm. Source: Christie's auction in Hong Kong, with the transaction price of HKD 352800 Lin Ji (1660-1723), the word Ji Ren, the number Lu Yuan, the room name Pu Xuezhai, from Fuzhou, Fujian. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi, Jinshi was awarded the cabinet Zhongshu, and Gongzhuan, Li Kaifa Read the full text>>

  • Liu Yong's regular script "Royal Lotus Poems", on floral paper, 10.5 x 31.8 cm, source: 2023 Christie's Auction in Hong Kong, the transaction price is HKD 189000. Memorability: Chen Liu Yongjing's statement: The above auction works are for reference only, and this website cannot guarantee the authenticity of the works Read the full text>>

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  • Chen Jiru's calligraphy album "Motto of Self cultivation", paper version, 20.5x14cm. This piece has a black silk fence. The writing in the fence is smooth, the rhythm is coherent, the ink method is clear, the style is too natural, the writing is strong, and the shape is fresh and elegant. Shi Wen: There is merit in supplementing heaven and earth, fame in world education, wealth in spirit, and value in shame Read the full text>>

  • Fan Yunlin wrote ten beautiful poems in running script, 20.5x20cm paper mirror heart ink book, private collection. Fan Yunlin (1558-1641), a native of Wuxian County, Jiangsu Province (today's Suzhou), has a Chinese character of Qian, Shi Gong and Xiao Zhai. Jinshi in the 23rd year of Wanli. He served as the chief of the Southern Ministry of War and moved to Fujian for deliberation. Gongshu, Cangrun, beautiful, independent, and Read the full text>>

  • Zhu Yunming's Xiaokai Kuaiji Custom Fu, paper album, 20x12cm, private collection. Kuaiji Custom Fu, a small regular script in this volume, is tall and vigorous, with the momentum of Yan and Ou being tall and upright and powerful, and combines the brushwork of Wang Xizhi's Huangting Sutra, which is flexible and free, and embodies charm in legalism. Welcome: Four Years of Zhengde (1509), Long Read the full text>>

  • Song Xiangzhu Lotus Birthday Album, ink paper, painting heart: 24 × 12 cm, Chinese University of Hong Kong Cultural Relics Museum. Song Xiang (1757-1826), known as Huanxiang and named Zhiwan, was born in Jiaying Prefecture, Guangdong Province (now Meixian District, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province). Minister, poet, calligrapher and educator of the Qing Dynasty, one of the eight sages of Meizhou. Eighth day of Geng Wu Read the full text>>

  • Wang Chongxing's seven character cursive poem book, paper, 24x23 cm, private collection. Explanation: 1. The wind and waves of Taihu Lake are indistinct in the daytime, and the smoke trees connect with Dongting. When the boat arrives at the Mid Autumn Festival, it paddles slowly, and two green mountains appear in the lake. The fresh frost leaves are rustling, and there are endless autumn lights and wild geese shadows. The two islands want to float on the cypress water, and the sunset people are on the Hushan Bridge. 2. Sunset takes care of customers Read the full text>>

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