Publicity of the third batch of public rental housing distribution in Qusong County in 2020
2024-04-22 12:42:40      Source: Qusong, Netcom

According to the content of the third batch of distribution plan of Qusong County's public rental housing in 2020, the scoring of applicants for housing is now publicized.

The publicity time is from April 19 to 21, 2024. If you have any objection to the publicity content, please report to the office of the County Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau within the publicity period.

Identify the QR code below to view the publicity list

 WeChat Picture_20240422124154.png

Editor in charge: He Yongqing

Sponsor: Publicity Department of Tibetan Qusong County Committee of the Communist Party of China Address: No.1 Zhuokang Road, Qusong County, Shannan, Tibet Tel: 0893-7332130
Website ID: 5422260001 Public security record No.: Zanggong Anbei No. 54222602000001 MIIT Filing No.: Zang ICP Bei 2021000189-1
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