Three Points for the Amendment of the Implementation Measures of the Law of the Tibet Autonomous Region on the Protection of Minors
2024-04-02 09:46:15      Source: Tibet Daily

The Measures of the Tibet Autonomous Region for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Measures") have been revised and adopted at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth People's Congress of the Autonomous Region, and will come into force on April 1, 2024. This revision has three highlights.

Focus 1: Adhere to the principle of putting people first and focus on highlighting government responsibilities

The government is the provider or purchaser of public services and facilities, and plays an important role in the protection of minors. The implementation measures of this revision adhere to the principle of putting people first and highlight the responsibility of government service guarantee, which will greatly improve the growth conditions and social environment of minors.

Family education is crucial to the healthy growth of minors. The implementation measures set out the responsibilities of the government in family education guidance services: people's governments at and above the county level should include family education guidance services into the urban and rural public service system and the government purchase service catalog. The non-profit family education service institutions established according to law by natural persons, legal persons and unincorporated organizations may be supported by means of government subsidies. The education administrative department shall incorporate family education into the training content and guide parents, schools, family education guidance service stations, etc. to carry out family education guidance services on a regular basis.

Child care has become an issue of widespread concern and close concern of the society. The implementation measures also provide exploratory provisions in this regard: people's governments at all levels should develop childcare and preschool education, run infant care service institutions and kindergartens, and support social forces to establish infant care service institutions and kindergartens according to law. Support employers to provide welfare infant care services for employees in the workplace in the form of organizing alone or jointly with relevant units, and open them to nearby residents if conditions permit.

Disabled minors and minors in distress are special groups of minors and need special protection. The newly revised implementation measures stipulate that people's governments at all levels and relevant departments should establish and improve the service guarantee mechanism for disabled minors and minors in distress, implement classified guarantee for minors in distress, and guarantee their basic needs in life, education, safety, medical rehabilitation, housing, etc. The provisions of orphan security, de facto childcare security, minimum living security for severely ill and disabled children and children from poverty-stricken families, and assistance and support for people living in extreme poverty will greatly improve the living conditions and growth environment of relevant minors.

It is worth mentioning that, in view of the unique phenomenon in our region, the implementation measures also stipulate that the people's governments at all levels and relevant departments should take measures to prevent minors from dropping out of school, dropping out of school, or being absent from school due to reasons such as cordyceps collection and fungus picking. This is an effective protection of minors' right to education. The relevant responsibilities of the government in terms of service guarantee, once implemented, will inject new strong impetus into the protection of minors in our district.

Focus 2: Keep pace with the times and focus on strengthening network protection

The rapid development of the network has provided great convenience for public information acquisition and communication. At the same time, its bad use and bad information have also become an urgent problem to be solved. Minors are more likely to be affected due to their weak discrimination and self-control, thus endangering their physical and mental health. The newly revised implementation measures set up a chapter of "network protection" to regulate the strengthening of minors' network protection by relevant departments, relevant industries, minors' families and schools.

The newly revised implementation measures stipulate the responsibilities of the departments of network information, public security, civil affairs, education, culture, market supervision and management, press and publication, radio and television, communication management, etc. in terms of industry supervision and management, prevention of minors' addiction to network publicity and education, supervision of network products and service providers, guidance of family and school cooperation, etc, It will provide strong legal protection for the legitimate rights and interests of minors in cyberspace.

Parents and other guardians of minors play an important role in network protection. The newly revised implementation measures give parents and guardians relevant rights, and provide path support: educate and guide minors to reasonably use electronic products such as mobile phones according to law, install minors' network protection software on smart terminal products Choose a service mode and management function suitable for minors, reasonably arrange the time for minors to use the network, and have the right to avoid minors from contacting online games that are not suitable for minors.

Schools also play an important role in network protection: strengthen the network literacy and network security education for minor students, regularly carry out publicity and education on preventing minor students from indulging in the network, identifying bad information on the network, protecting personal privacy, preventing cyber bullying, etc., and cultivate minors' network security awareness, civilized literacy, behavior habits and protection skills. According to the implementation measures, the school has great management power over the use of mobile phones by minor students: without the permission of the school, minor students are not allowed to bring mobile phones and other intelligent terminal products into the classroom, and those brought into the school are handed over to the school for unified management.

For minors' online consumption, the implementation measures have also been strictly standardized: online game, online live broadcast, online audio and video, online social networking and other network service providers should fulfill their obligations to protect minors' networks, take measures to reasonably limit the amount of single consumption and cumulative consumption of minors of different ages in using their services, It is not allowed to provide minors with paid services inconsistent with their civil capacity.

In addition, the implementation measures also prohibit the use of the Internet to release, sell, push and disseminate bad information to minors, as well as the implementation of online bullying against minors. These regulations build a "firewall" for minors' network protection, and let the "future of the motherland" soar freely under the clear network sky.

Focus 3: Insist on comprehensive development and focus on cultivating new people of the times

The new era and new journey endow minors with new connotation and new mission for their protection. The newly revised implementation method reflects this connotation and mission well.

Expanding the legislative purpose and implementing measures enrich the era connotation of juvenile protection: "protecting the legitimate rights and interests of minors" is revised to "protecting the physical and mental health of minors", the foothold is more practical, and the protection goal highlights the essence. It is clear that "promoting the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor of minors" indicates the direction and path of development. Clearly "train socialist builders and successors with ideals, morality, culture and discipline", and take "four haves" as the necessary conditions for socialist builders and successors. We made it clear that "cultivating new people of the era who shoulder the responsibility of national rejuvenation", took the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as the ultimate goal of cultivating minors in the new era and new journey, and comprehensively implemented the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress.

The content of training has been extended and the implementation measures have expanded the scope of education that minors should receive: the government, society, schools and families should carry out ideal education, moral education, scientific education, cultural education, rule of law education, national security education, health education, labor education, and strengthen patriotism, collectivism The education of socialism with Chinese characteristics and national unity should guide minors to establish a correct view of the country, history, nationality, culture and religion, enhance their recognition of the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics, and build a strong sense of the community of the Chinese nation. These educations are conducive to laying a solid ideological and political foundation for minors and buttoning the first button of life for them.

Enriching protection means and implementing measures broadened the application of minors' protection: parents or other guardians of minors should provide minors with a safe family living environment, and provide minors with safety education on transportation, prevention of bullying, fraud, trafficking, sexual assault, drowning, fire prevention, and electric shock, Prevent minors from being hurt. The school should incorporate the prevention and treatment of student bullying into the school safety work, establish the prevention, control and disposal mechanism of student bullying, improve the emergency response plan, and clarify the responsible person. Schools and kindergartens shall establish a working system for the prevention of sexual assault and harassment of minors, provide age appropriate sex education to minors, and improve the self-protection awareness and ability of minors to prevent sexual assault and harassment. Units that have close contact with minors shall perform the duty of employment inquiry according to law, and shall not employ persons with criminal records of sexual assault, maltreatment, trafficking, violence, endangering national security, etc.

Minors are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. The protection of minors is related to the growth and success of children, the prosperity of families, the prosperity of the country, and the great rejuvenation of the nation. Please start from ourselves, care for the next generation, and protect their healthy growth, so that the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics can be inherited from generation to generation.

Editor in charge: Fu Yudan

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