The sixth batch of Tibetan aid teams in Huangshi held a temporary collective learning meeting of the Party branch
2024-05-07 10:35:18      Source: Qusong, Netcom

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On April 30, the sixth group of Tibetan aid teams in Huangshi City held the third collective learning meeting of the temporary party branch in 2024. Zhao Yanzhong, the leader of the sixth group of Tibetan aid teams in Huangshi City, and the executive deputy secretary of Qusong County Party Committee and executive deputy county head, presided over the meeting.

The meeting conveyed and learned the contents of the Notice on Carrying out Party Discipline Learning and Education in the Whole Party issued by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the communiqu é of the third plenary meeting of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China, the spirit of the speech made by Wang Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, at the regional seminar for Tibetan aid cadres and talents, and the spirit of the third plenary meeting of the 12th Discipline Inspection Commission of Hubei Province.

Zhao Yanzhong conveyed the spirit of the second interim party committee meeting in 2024 of the tenth batch of Tibet aid teams in Hubei Province, put forward requirements for the next step of Tibet aid work, and made every effort to do a series of activities for the 30th anniversary of counterpart Tibet aid. It is required that everyone should participate in the essay solicitation activity, highlight the exhibition arrangement activity, design novel feature films, and highlight the role models through special interviews. In addition, it is necessary to warm and heartfelt to invite representatives of successive cadres who have assisted Tibet to return to the activity. We should make every effort to promote the construction of Tibet aid projects. It is necessary to carefully arrange time nodes, do a good job of schedule supervision, and timely reflect the key points and highlights of work results, so as to ensure that the Tibet aid project is safe, the quality is excellent and meets the design standard requirements, and strengthen financial security. We should fully implement the objectives of counterpart support. Education and aid to Tibet should establish a good image and reflect the achievements; Medical aid to Tibet should give full play to technical advantages and rear support advantages; There should be new highlights and breakthroughs in talent assistance to Tibet; Employment assistance to Tibet should be carefully deployed and steadily carried out, and the fund assistance to Tibet should be uniformly organized and managed. We should give full play to the positive role of cadres and talents in aiding Tibet. Do their own work well, actively integrate into the work of the unit, actively seek support from the rear, and moderately promote innovation. We will make every effort to do a good job in learning, education and self construction of the task force. Do not relax in political study, strictly enforce Party discipline and national laws, observe all disciplines, standardize the procedures for asking for leave, and obey the organizational arrangements.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing

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