Qusong County Held a Symposium on Huangshi's Short term Tibet Assistance Professional and Technical Talents
2024-06-05 11:05:03      Source: Qusong, Netcom

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On June 3, Qusong County held a symposium on 2024 short-term Tibet aid professionals in Huangshi City. Zhao Yanzhong, Executive Deputy Secretary of Qusong County Party Committee and Executive Deputy County Chief, presided over the meeting, Dong Xianling, Member of the Standing Committee of Qusong County Party Committee and Head of the Organization Department, made a speech, and five short-term Tibetan aid professionals and heads of four recipient units attended the meeting.

The meeting called for a political understanding of Tibet assistance and unswervingly implementing the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Tibet work. We should deeply understand that Tibet assistance is an important political task and earnestly shoulder the political responsibility of Tibet assistance in the new era. It is necessary to accurately grasp the overall requirements of Tibet aid work, take building a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line, and do more work to lay the foundation, benefit the long-term, and manage the fundamental. We should earnestly grasp the scientific method of Tibet aid work, correctly grasp the current and long-term, comprehensive and key points, and the relationship between aid and "fish" and "fish", so as to promote the Tibet aid work to make new achievements. We will implement the task of assisting Tibet and contribute to building a new Qusong for socialist modernization. It is necessary to highlight the key work, closely focus on the "four major events" defined by General Secretary Xi Jinping for Tibet, and take long-term measures to consolidate the foundation. We should strengthen the awareness of learning, strive to get rid of all kinds of outdated ideas and thinking patterns, and make common progress and improvement with local cadres in learning practice. We should continue to deepen intellectual assistance to Tibet, focus on "helping and guiding", and create a contingent of cadres and talents that can be retained, used, and fought. We should carry forward the fine work style, vigorously carry forward the old Tibetan spirit, and establish a good image of Tibetan aid cadres. Do a good job of management service guarantee and create a good environment for outstanding talents to stand out. It is necessary to do a good job in management service guarantee, care and love sincerely, fully encourage in politics, strongly support in work, care passionately in life, and strictly require in management, so as to create a good environment for Tibetan aid cadres to play a role.

The meeting stressed that we should strengthen our ideals and convictions and take a firm political stance. We will unswervingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge the soul, and be a faithful practitioner who firmly supports the "two establishment" and firmly achieves the "two maintenance". We should dare to take responsibility and create first-class achievements. Actively participate in the practice of "four major events", practice the "old Tibet spirit" and the Tibetan aid spirit based on the post, and become a qualified constructor of the new Tibet in socialist modernization. We should adapt to the requirements of the times and improve our ability and quality. We should have a deep understanding of Tibet's history and cultural heritage, scientifically grasp the phased characteristics of Tibet, and be a tireless striver who is both red and professional, and is committed to entrepreneurship. We should establish a new and healthy style and lead the fashion of the times. Participate in Party discipline learning and education, strictly abide by relevant discipline requirements, and become a model practitioner of building a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing

Sponsor: Publicity Department of Tibetan Qusong County Committee of the Communist Party of China Address: No.1 Zhuokang Road, Qusong County, Shannan, Tibet Tel: 0893-7332130
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